Meffa's Winter 2021 Grow: GDP, Sirius Black, 8-Ball Kush, Gelato OG, Old School

Sunday 06-Feb
(5) 25 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 2 Days Since Watered || 10 Days since top-dressed
(2) 21 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 0 Days Since Watered || 8 Days since top-dressed

Today was a watering day for two lovebirds in the 4x4. I added Cal/Mag and Silica to their beverage. Combined they drank ~4gl

Old School

Gelato OG
Sunday 06-Feb
(5) 25 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 2 Days Since Watered || 10 Days since top-dressed
(2) 21 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 0 Days Since Watered || 8 Days since top-dressed

Today was a watering day for two lovebirds in the 4x4. I added Cal/Mag and Silica to their beverage. Combined the drank ~4gl

Old School

Gelato OG
Happy Happy ladies. :thumb:
Beautiful, they could be on the brochure for the seeds. :love:
Nice work .
Hope your having a great day my friend.

Stay safe
Praying like there is no tomorrow. :thumb:
You should be very proud my friend @meffa

Stay safe
@Bill284 Yeah I'm pretty happy about how those two are doing.

I'm finding a little more PM on the plants in the 4x8 and I'm planning to spray with citric acid. I bought it but haven't used it yet and wasn't sure on the mix ratio. I think you use citric acid right? If you do can you tell me what ratio you use?
Hey I'm sorry to hear that.
Depending on the strength I believe 10-15% is the correct mixture.

Stay safe
Hey I'm sorry to hear that.
Depending on the strength I believe 10-15% is the correct mixture.

Stay safe
Thanks Bill. I found a few posts on here that list 5g citric acid per quart of water. The PM isn't anything like the last grow and I'm hoping to keep it that way!
Tuesday 08-Feb
(5) 27 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 0 Days Since Watered || 0 Days since top-dressed
(2) 23 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 2 Days Since Watered || 10 Days since top-dressed

I watered the five for fighting today with Cal/Mag, Silica, and Terp Tea Bloom. I also took some GeoFlora Bloom and wrapped it in cheesecloth and brewed it overnight with the Terp Tea. I smeared the GeoFlora paste that was in the cheesecloth across the soil of the two 8-Ball Kush and Sirius, I didn't have enough to do them all but I didn't want to waste it. I have a deficiency that I believe is Calcium and I wanted to give them a boost. We'll see how this turns out.




Thursday 10-Feb
(5) 29 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 2 Days Since Watered || 2 Days since top-dressed
(2) 25 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 0 Days Since Watered || 12 Days since top-dressed

I watered my two girlfriends in the 4x4 today and gave them the same Terp Tea bloom and GeoFlora treatment that I gave to the five in the 4x8 just to be consistent. These two aren't showing any deficiencies but I didn't want them to feel left out!

I'm probably going to scale down the grow for next year if these two in the 4x4 turn out as good as what I've been getting in the 4x8. It's just a heck of a lot of work and electricity being used running both tents. I say that now but we'll see what next season brings :p

Gelato OG

Old School

Gelato OG up top, Old School on the bottom.
Saturday 12-Feb
(5) 31 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 0 Days Since Watered || 0 Days since top-dressed
(2) 27 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 2 Days Since Watered || 14 Days since top-dressed

I watered the all girl rock band in the 4x8 today with Cal/Mag, Humic Acid, and Silica. Combined they drank ~9 gallons.
I sprayed citric acid a few days ago for some PM that I saw and again last night. It seems to be working and the plants don't seem bothered by it. I had to hook up one of the Grand Daddy Purples to yo-yo's. The colas were swaying in the breeze and needed a little support. :tommy:

GDP with yo-yo's


Sirius Black

8-Ball Kush
Monday 14-Feb
(5) 33 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 2 Days Since Watered || 2 Days since top-dressed
(2) 29 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 0 Days Since Watered || 0 Days since top-dressed

I watered the dynamic duo in the 4x4 today with Cal/Mag and Silica. I also top dressed with GeoFlora bloom. Combined they drank ~4 gallons between them. Old School is really starting to thicken up.

Gelato OG

Old School

Gelato OG up top, Old School on the bottom
Wednesday 16-Feb
(5) 35 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 0 Days Since Watered || 4 Days since top-dressed
(2) 31 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 2 Days Since Watered || 2 Days since top-dressed

I watered the two twosomes +1 in the 4x8 today with Cal/Mag, Silica, and Big Bloom. Combined they drank their usual ~9gal. They're really starting to bulk up and some of the pistils are changing colors. It won't be long now! :yahoo:





Wednesday 16-Feb
(5) 35 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 0 Days Since Watered || 4 Days since top-dressed
(2) 31 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 2 Days Since Watered || 2 Days since top-dressed

I watered the two twosomes +1 in the 4x8 today with Cal/Mag, Silica, and Big Bloom. Combined they drank their usual ~9gal. They're really starting to bulk up and some of the pistils are changing colors. It won't be long now! :yahoo:





Still perfect. :bravo:

Stay safe
Friday 18-Feb
(5) 37 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 2 Days Since Watered || 6 Days since top-dressed
(2) 33 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 0 Days Since Watered || 4 Days since top-dressed

I watered the two gals in the 4x4 today and they are starting to impress me with their no-fuss attitudes. The leaves on these two are really clear of any markings and they just seem so healthy.

I only have 400w (2x200) in the tent so it's been easier to keep the lights on temp a little cooler, which these two seem to enjoy. The temp spread between the lights on and lights off is easier to control as well. Overall I'm glad I decided to flower in the 4x4 this year, to the point where I may take down the 4x8 and replace it with a single 4x4. I wanted to scale down a bit for next year and that may be the answer. :nerd-with-glasses:

Gelato OG

Old School up front

Old School

Gelato OG

Gelato OG

Old School
Sunday 18-Feb
(5) 39 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 0 Days Since Watered || 8 Days since top-dressed
(2) 35 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 2 Days Since Watered || 6 Days since top-dressed

I watered the five ladies today with Cal/Mag, Silica, and Fulvic Acid. Combined they drank ~9 gallons. Overall they're looking good, though the GDP's are taco'ing a bit and I'm not sure if it's a Calcium deficiency or or they're suffering from too much light or heat. If it's lights or temps I'm not sure there's anything I can do, I moved that light up as high as it'd go about a week ago. I'm not really concerned, I'm sure they'll end up fine but it's worth noting for the journal.

You can see how much more uniform the GDP's grew after they were topped compared to the 8-Balls, but the 8-Balls are growing some sizeable side branches so I'm not going to complain! :yummy:

GDP with taco leaves

GDP #2 w/little less taco

Sirius Black

8-Ball Kush
I lost my sense of smell a few years ago and can't really say. I can still taste things though and am looking forward to that! :yahoo:
Wow Im sorry to hear that. The taste is the best part anyway. I went to a dispensary here recently and got something that smelled so good and went to smoke and it taste like a$$ I was so disappointed. Taste is everything.
Friday 25-Feb
(5) 44 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 0 Days Since Watered || 13 Days since top-dressed
(2) 40 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 0 Days Since Watered || 11 Days since top-dressed

Life got in the way of my watering this week and I was a few days late on both tents but got them watered today with Cal/Mag. I had to attach a few more yo-yo's to a few of plants, basically everyone except the 8-Ball Kush has at least one attached now.





Wednesday 02-Mar
(5) 49 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 2 Days Since Watered || 18 Days since top-dressed
(2) 45 Days Since Flipping to 12/12 || 0 Days Since Watered || 16 Days since top-dressed

I've been slacking on updating this journal a bit but have been busy tending to the plants. The 5 ladies in the 4x8 are all of a sudden really hurting and I'm hoping they hang on for a bit longer. I've watered them with the same additives as the 2 ladies in the 4x4, with the only difference I can think of being the environmentals. The 4x4 is a bit cooler and I've been able to keep night time temps closer to daytime.

Gelato OG in the 4x4

Old School in the 4x4


GDP and Sirius Black

8-Ball Kush's

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