I think it's important to tell ya'all about the work I'm doing with the patients. The help and ideas I have gotten from mmj advocates of all dimensions have helped so much it is impossible to thank everyone....but Bassman, bro, I took your words and implemented your ideas and I must thank you not only of myself, but we have three people enjoying some relief from your advice to me. I have a person who is battling alcoholism, it's a terrible addiction, often as bad or worse on the perimeters of the condition. As the brain cells die, and to a further extent more complete portions of the brain, it becomes more and more difficult for the patient to distinguish the extent of destruction that's happening to them both physically and mentally. Anyway, this person has been taking the oil tincture I made with the butter machine I won, now I will tell you, I never expect a lot, only some improvement, but I have noticed that this person is way more alert, like it restored the thinking somehow, and also, this person is drinking wayyyy less! I find this person complaining vocally, when a cold pack coulda solved any problems a week ago! Next patient.....LOL.....which has turned into two patients! A man, who I met originally from a close brother asked if he could contact me directly for meds, I liked the guy and said ok, well, I ended up going to visit him at home and he has a wife....who is stricken with alzheimers. I would also like to say that although these patients identities are being kept super confidential, they have consented for me to discuss their cases for the sake of research and reference. So, I make the juice and the patients get their issues, yesterday loadie and I go to alzheimers patients house, they had veggies they wanted me to have.....I could tell they wanted me there to talk about something. Well, the patient is behaving absolutely normally and has been since first dose..WTF?...1 dose?, this person is now able to go out in public, without fear of forgetting where they are at, what they are doing, or at times who they even are! I just wanna praise God!, anything outta me that is good obviously came from Him, I came to grips with my failed condition many years ago and realized that my heart continually sought to do evil, it is the Spirit of Jesus....living inside me that is good!, not my nature....LOL ( if you knew me for years you would understand). In any case, the persons husband told me that he tested the tincture before he gave it to wife, and for the first time in many years he slept all night! One more thing, the alzheimers patient has stopped taking Ativan, and is going to slowly work away from some of the other meds she's taking for her condition. I told them that they need to notify the doctor of what she's doing....and maybe the doctor will work WITH us, I think this is a good scenario and I believe the doc should know before a person discontinued any prescribed medication, and if they are negative, get another doc!