Mcloadie's Fourth Grow Journal

Re: Mcloadies fourth grow journal

Final product.."orange mcchocolates"
Re: Mcloadies fourth grow journal

& not only can he grow cannabis But.....
Oh you know! Talked my lady into baking some peanut butter chocolate-chip cookies. After smoking & seeing Mack's snacks it was easy...
I feel kinda dumb you guys, but I missed something really easy that explains my troubles. I've never had this happen so quickly, but my plants are rootbound as hell! They've been in the 1 gals. for less than 3 weeks...I was hoping for at least 5.....but the roots are bright white and we see how one can overlook the most obvious conditions. So, tomorrow, they go into 3's. I can't bring myself to put em in 5's yet.....I'm expecting explosive growth 5 days and they'll stay in those pots til 1 week before flower. They will eat my soil up in 7 weeks once they go into flower...if I put em in 5's now they'll deplete the soil three weeks too early...the three weeks that they'll be doing the final push to reproduce.........BUDS!! I wonder if the hps forced the root growth like that? Pics tomorrow when I repot.
I had that same head-smack moment myself last week, Mac.

My seedlings and cuts have been stalling and going limp a couple weeks after going into the one gallon pots (actually 3 quarts). Some even would get purpling stems. And they'd perk up when they got into the 6 gallons. Duh.

I'm gonna order some square white 7x7 1.5 gallon pots. That should get me another week or two.
(sorry ChefMc) just fyi to Broke Ass, you profile pic/avatar? is gone? when I click your username/profile, it links to a brand new member bar12. here's link I get when I click your (pictureless) profile, unable to msg you direst, so this is it. Maybe it's the wax.
For all those who know me know I'm still Broke Ass Reg & broke as ever! LMAO
what the flux mack!!!!
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