Maxxis Auto Grow Journal - 2014

re: flush w out moving, my only/first thought is a wide "bin" that is at least double the capacity of a single pot.

Use a siphon hose (garden hose) size would work, cover the end with a piece of mesh, pantyhose or anything to keep the hose from getting clogged with the medium, in the pot. Proceed to fill pot with your flush water, when the pot is about to overflow the top, start the siphon, into the low flushwater/waste bin. The bhose has to stay below the water level in the pot to flow, as water is going out the hose, you could keep adding water until the bin is full, the bigger the dump-bin, the easier it will be, to repeat the process, on all your pots.

my 2 cents, whatta ya think?
re: flush w out moving, my only/first thought is a wide "bin" that is at least double the capacity of a single pot.

Use a siphon hose (garden hose) size would work, cover the end with a piece of mesh, pantyhose or anything to keep the hose from getting clogged with the medium, in the pot. Proceed to fill pot with your flush water, when the pot is about to overflow the top, start the siphon, into the low flushwater/waste bin. The bhose has to stay below the water level in the pot to flow, as water is going out the hose, you could keep adding water until the bin is full, the bigger the dump-bin, the easier it will be, to repeat the process, on all your pots.

my 2 cents, whatta ya think?

I was thinking the same thing. I guess im going to have to find a container that works for me. But thanks for the suggestion and your 2 cents :thumb:

Looks good , what's your opinion on the Top LED's Lights thus far?

& if you got some time check out my first grow if you got some time :D subbed!

I really like the light thus far. I am not sure as to what height is optimal for the light to hang at, as I've been reading all these different heights So I slid it down all the way and going to see how the girls respond. I will be adjusting it accordingly over the next few days. I am considering getting a second one of these bad boys when I have the cash as I think the 400 Mars II would be too much in this tent. Furthermore, of course I'll head over there right now. Thanks for stopping by.

Are there any hydro experts following my thread? Id be interested in going some cheapish solutions to going hydro and what i would need and roughly the initial investment thats needed to get started? I would really appreciate it. I have done a lot of searching and a big bucket with dwc wont really work in my space. So I was maybe thinking Aqua Farm if thats a good hydro option or not? and what nutes would i be using then?
Welcome Pantagruel I was over at yours checking out your progress with the topled lights that youve got aswell :p

As for nutes I think I will be sticking to Advanced Nutes, I like the PH regulation it does, It works well on all the plants in the past, and it seems to be great for hydro. Additionally ive found a online store that sells a pack for way cheaper than i could get over here, ive put in an inquiry as to how much it would cost to ship over here. If its $30ish to $40 it would still be worth getting it over here.

So thats Nutes settled in a way, now its just down to a hydo option, do I DIY one or buy a proper Farm.

Thinking of getting a GHE WaterFarm and adding an airstone+pump and making it a DWC system as well, Guess ill need an EC pen, and Good to go for that when the time comes. Excited!! or do you think the extra size of the aquafarm is worth the 20 bucks? Would just mean some savage training to keep them low
Unfortunately, my hydro knowledge is admittedly low.
I will say the guy to talk to is TheCapn. His "Capn style" grows are producing alot of weight and quality product. I believe several people here are growing capn style and loving it. I think it's a feed to waste system. Here's a link to one of his threads SIMPLE HYDROPONICS.

As for the beans, several of the sponsors are located in eu. Herbies, Bonzai, etc. Maybe check the sponsor page and see if there are any discounts for 420 members or anything and see what you can find. Personally, I tend to trust the bigger name breeders when picking a known strain like blue dream. Fine a good breeder, then find which bank is cheapest imo.

As for the light height issue. The only problem I've seen anyone really have with LED's is vegging with the lights too close. Seems like in veg the girls can't take the intensity of the light's as well. But it's usually on the 400w and up models. Budding does not seem to have that same issue. I think part of it is we growers tend to want the light's as close as possible and misjudge the intensity of the led's vs hid.

Hope all is well my friend. Let me know who you are thinking of going with on the blue dream. Maybe I can ask BigIrishDoode which breeder he uses cause his always turns out very nice.
Unfortunately, my hydro knowledge is admittedly low.
I will say the guy to talk to is TheCapn. His "Capn style" grows are producing alot of weight and quality product. I believe several people here are growing capn style and loving it. I think it's a feed to waste system. Here's a link to one of his threads SIMPLE HYDROPONICS.

As for the beans, several of the sponsors are located in eu. Herbies, Bonzai, etc. Maybe check the sponsor page and see if there are any discounts for 420 members or anything and see what you can find. Personally, I tend to trust the bigger name breeders when picking a known strain like blue dream. Fine a good breeder, then find which bank is cheapest imo.

As for the light height issue. The only problem I've seen anyone really have with LED's is vegging with the lights too close. Seems like in veg the girls can't take the intensity of the light's as well. But it's usually on the 400w and up models. Budding does not seem to have that same issue. I think part of it is we growers tend to want the light's as close as possible and misjudge the intensity of the led's vs hid.

Hope all is well my friend. Let me know who you are thinking of going with on the blue dream. Maybe I can ask BigIrishDoode which breeder he uses cause his always turns out very nice.

Heya Spimp, Yeah i'll go right ahead and check those out. Thanks for the input on the light and the dwc/hydro suggestions, ill look into those more. The ladies are looking flush today, did some moving and twisting around of the leaves today on some of the plant and moved the amnesia to the front so I can give her some more attention as I seem to pay attention the most to the ones in the front. She does need some work soon but taking a bit of a growth spurt today, looking to feed them in the next day or two.
As for the seeds i was thinking HSO (Humboldt Seed Organization) as those seem the most commonly sold and I have access to.
Hahaha good joke. I need the space first there buddy.

Anyways ive just done some moving around of the tent and tried to get things sorted out. Ive made a small DIY cooler for now, Think i may need to get an inlet fan for it as to push cool air into the tent as its having a hard time sucking it in. Will take some update of what im talking about tomorrow. Cant wait to get this batch over with and get started in hydro :D
Update 27.07
Good afternoon everyone and good weed to you all. So yesterday I moved my tent into my closet haha which was an adventure in it own cleaning and moving stuff around then taking apart half the things in the tent. After that figuring out how to vent it all, I must say it was good fun. I also fiddled around with this little bucket that i found to make a cooler+intake area for the tent to get clean cool air. Will improve on this tomorrow when i sort some things out. So below you'll find some pics of whats changed and whats happened, Enjoy.

DIY Intake/Cooler



New Location/Set-up



Passive Air Intake


White Widow 1


White Widow 2




Update 28.07
Good evening from my side of the planet to you all. So today was a busy day and I was drenched in sweat haha. So i bought a cool box and a vent, cut that up and got it running when there's 3 ice packs in there it drops the temp by roughly 3 degrees so that's pretty good we were sitting at 27C which aint bad. Going to fill up some water bottles and freeze them up. As for the ladies I re-potted them I think they might be 16L Root Pouch pots if not their 12L but they took a fuck load to fill up and I ran out of soil in the process so meh not too sure. Anyways back to re-potting was a pain at first the soil didn't want to come out of the pot so that was trial on the Amnesia soil was just coming out but not in a clean chunk so I hope I didn't stress her too much. So after some rethinking i decided to just cut the pots in half with a box cutter and sick my hands in on the sides. This worked the best giving me the whole young plants root ball and making for easier work for the other 3. Furthermore, I gave them a good watering today with a nice load of nutes hope it was not too much haha, But on the plus side they look pretty good now and I am happy where this is going.

Harvest times: - So I have been doing some thinking to get my flushing kinda planned out and feeding as its a bit harder for me to figure out with autos.
- So what ive gathered is that the clones must have been about 1-2weeks I'd say 2 weeks as that's what they seem to have as a policy over there.
-So that makes it roughly 16 days since ive got them and 30 days roughly that the plants got on them now. (would you guys roughly say that they looks like 30 day old autos in soil?)
-Given all this its anywhere between 34-48 days left till these babies come down

Now with out further adieu

Cooler :)

The Team


White Widow 1

White Widow 2



I have an auto that is like 22 days old and she is a little behind your girls so I'd say yours looks right on schedule.

But I also can't help but be confused because I think you said auto clones? I've never heard of anyone successfully cloning auto's because of the internal built in 'switch'. I've seen clones, but the end up being a tiny branch that makes like a 2 g's bud. Do you think they could be from seed that the guy is selling as 'clones'? Maybe I'm just confused lol
Hey Spimp, I know when I first saw auto clones??@!?# wtf. But this is my second batch of autos "clones" and they are the only grow shop in the area which do this in my area and I haven't got a solid effing clue as to how they do it but under a 250w cfl they got pretty decent and nugs got pretty big and were 3 weeks from harvest if not even 4 if i really wanted to push them seeing as they were under a cfl but it broke. SO yeah im with you buddy, Here's a link to their store vid which I personally thought was pretty sick.

Dont you hate it when youve got to sacrifice weed for tobacco, well of course there are members here which have no idea anymore what im talking about but the lower stocked members know, I hate it :tokin:

Tents sitting at a cool 25C after 3 more ice packs:Namaste:
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