Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

I won't say where I live or post pictures for the very reason that our state is on a witch hunt. I wouldn't be surprised if some one from our state government is setting reading every word I type.

When I got my last electric bill it contained a news letter with an article telling how every meter reader is trained specifically to watch for piracy and any signs of a grow, like increases in electrical usage, odor, darkened windows, recent addition of window air conditioners, etc. It goes on to describe other signs of a grow and urge customers to watch their neighbors and report any suspicious activities to local law enforcement.

Asking questions would be fine, but I doubt that any republican candidate will support legalized mj. There is too much profit in keeping things as they are. Some one like Sanders might support legalization, but I doubt Hillary would. Too many people profit from keeping it illegal.

I might add here that my Mars 2 1200, even in the longer veg cycle only raised my electric bill by a few dollars. My only fear is the damn skunk farts that waffle on the breeze now and then. :)

WOW Gnarl, That's a real witch hunt reminiscent of Nazi Germany Turn in your neighbor program. Here in CA it's a $180 a year get out of jail free just follow the rules and get a card then you can grow as needed, have up to 8 oz in possession, and sell to anyone with a Dr recommendation and now no one cares just go to Craigslist and find a dealer. They still go after the big grows but if your a medical user it's just "Have a Nice Day".
I really think come 2016 it will be legal here and with all the medical facts coming out in the open people everywhere will demand it.
Oh happy day :) , we have 4 1200w on the way .

Woooo hoooo!!! You sure are on your way to flowers o plenty!!!!!

Here is (1) VIP Torpedo under (1) lil 144x3 28days 12/12 in a 36" x20" x64" mini.....!!!
WOW Gnarl, That's a real witch hunt reminiscent of Nazi Germany Turn in your neighbor program. Here in CA it's a $180 a year get out of jail free just follow the rules and get a card then you can grow as needed, have up to 8 oz in possession, and sell to anyone with a Dr recommendation and now no one cares just go to Craigslist and find a dealer. They still go after the big grows but if your a medical user it's just "Have a Nice Day".
I really think come 2016 it will be legal here and with all the medical facts coming out in the open people everywhere will demand it.

This is a solidly republican state and they have a plan to make medical marijuana legal, but they specifically designate who will be allowed to grow and if you do a little research you find that those companies are some of the biggest republican contributors in the state.

I applaud those states with progressive laws, but here the only solution seems to be nationwide legalization to take it totally out of the hands of state legislatures.
Looks fantastic! And how long is this grow from seed to harvest. Beautiful kitty!! Have you got her/him a laser pointer yet?
Yep... the laser was one of the first things she got.... she is hands down the meanest kitty I have ever been around.... My legs look like I have been in a razor fight with a short person..:straightface: and lost...:thedoubletake:
I popped the bean on 6-1 so she was 91 days old.... She took forever IMO but I had her in the bloom tent the entire time at 12/12 cause that was the only place I had room for her and apparently it makes quite a difference over 18/6... :circle-of-love:

LEDs aren't for everyone. Does your $190 include 3 years worth of bulbs? :peace:
So why waste our time with this post ?
I was kinda wondering that same thing... Can you say troll...:blushsmile:.....:circle-of-love:
Well done Dennise another batch of fuzzy brown fingers:yahoo: Now is your cat like my dog and Love's to eat the trimmings (he thinks stalks are great chew sticks) . There have been some nice pictures of late guess these LED lights do work:thumb:
Well for the last few years it seems mine have been doing a fine job...:blushsmile: Kitty hasn't really figured out the MJ thing yet... now my Rat terrier is my grow buddy and he gets 2 fan leaves every day...:thumb:....:circle-of-love:
:ganjamon:congrats Dennise, you are the best! :party:
:thanks: Sara... Hope you are having a wonderful week... and BTW I love my M-H and I'm a real person...:yahoo:...:circle-of-love:
My old 96 x 3 has them right or wrong they are there

Thanks Randy!! I appreciate the reply!!! My 144 x 3 has them all in the same spots as well. So that's at least (6) 48x3 panels between yours and mine that have them. Think were safe to say its intentional and OK!!!

I do have a burnt lens, and I can tell when I look at it ... Its burnt! The lens is dark amber, brown when light is off, and sticks out like a sore thumb against the rest!!! Hope Sarah will be on tonight to let me know what's the best way to go about getting a replacement lens/diode..!?!?!?
Thanks Randy!! I appreciate the reply!!! My 144 x 3 has them all in the same spots as well. So that's at least (6) 48x3 panels between yours and mine that have them. Think were safe to say its intentional and OK!!!

I do have a burnt lens, and I can tell when I look at it ... Its burnt! The lens is dark amber, brown when light is off, and sticks out like a sore thumb against the rest!!! Hope Sarah will be on tonight to let me know what's the best way to go about getting a replacement lens/diode..!?!?!?

If Sara isn't around just drop a note on the Mars Hydro site someone will get back to you
Thanks Randy!! I appreciate the reply!!! My 144 x 3 has them all in the same spots as well. So that's at least (6) 48x3 panels between yours and mine that have them. Think were safe to say its intentional and OK!!!

I do have a burnt lens, and I can tell when I look at it ... Its burnt! The lens is dark amber, brown when light is off, and sticks out like a sore thumb against the rest!!! Hope Sarah will be on tonight to let me know what's the best way to go about getting a replacement lens/diode..!?!?!?

Sure you're not looking at the I/R LEDs, Moto?
After good results with 400w I ordered a 700w...3 days after it was in use 20 LEDs are flickering like a strobe light??? And after a week still no response from customer service....funny how they put a sticker on the panel asking to give them a chance before posting negativie feedback but when given that chance...Nothing. Needless to say I'm pissed...
After good results with 400w I ordered a 700w...3 days after it was in use 20 LEDs are flickering like a strobe light??? And after a week still no response from customer service....funny how they put a sticker on the panel asking to give them a chance before posting negativie feedback but when given that chance...Nothing. Needless to say I'm pissed...

This is my biggest concern as well!! There are many many companies out there that are good at taking peoples money. What sets a great company apart from all the rest, is taking care of the customers when it isn't as easy as just collecting the money. What do they do when there is an issue with their products?? How do they handle things when there is indeed a problem??? I haven't exactly been impressed with their post sale customer service efforts... Especially when it comes to correcting issues.

For example, my recent purchase of the 48x3... I ordered expecting to receive a 48x5. When it arrived and I found out it wasn't a 5 watt version it was a 3 watt version. I immediately wrote into mars/hydro to have the issue taken care of. Instead for them to say, "we are sorry, we will send you the 5 watt version and you can send us the 3 watt version back.... They simply tell me, "we are sorry for the mistake, but next time YOU should check better before ordering!!!?????" WTF kind of customer service is that!!!??? I mean its basically saying "We already have your money, and you already have a light ... Doesnt matter if it's the light you were ordering or not... Even if you return the light, and re order ... we will still just send you another 3 watt version!???"

To me, that is piss poor customer service. As sad as I am, to say it here amongst all the mars /hydro fans.... Each time I've written in with an issue, Ive been answered eventually.... but my experience has been someone who is politely telling me its either my fault, or that there isn't anything they can do to help... Except to suggest iffff I'd like to purchase another light, then maybe they can get it right on the next order!?!
This is my biggest concern as well!! There are many many companies out there that are good at taking peoples money. What sets a great company apart from all the rest, is taking care of the customers when it isn't as easy as just collecting the money. What do they do when there is an issue with their products?? How do they handle things when there is indeed a problem??? I haven't exactly been impressed with their post sale customer service efforts... Especially when it comes to correcting issues.

For example, my recent purchase of the 48x3... I ordered expecting to receive a 48x5. When it arrived and I found out it wasn't a 5 watt version it was a 3 watt version. I immediately wrote into mars/hydro to have the issue taken care of. Instead for them to say, "we are sorry, we will send you the 5 watt version and you can send us the 3 watt version back.... They simply tell me, "we are sorry for the mistake, but next time YOU should check better before ordering!!!?????" WTF kind of customer service is that!!!??? I mean its basically saying "We already have your money, and you already have a light ... Doesnt matter if it's the light you were ordering or not... Even if you return the light, and re order ... we will still just send you another 3 watt version!???"

To me, that is piss poor customer service. As sad as I am, to say it here amongst all the mars /hydro fans.... Each time I've written in with an issue, Ive been answered eventually.... but my experience has been someone who is politely telling me its either my fault, or that there isn't anything they can do to help... Except to suggest iffff I'd like to purchase another light, then maybe they can get it right on the next order!?!

This is not the first story like that I've's disheartening because it's seems like when they work they are a bang for the buck deal but its crap shoot if you'll get a 100 percent working product and if you don't your customer service experience will be sub par if you even get I have a 700 watt I'm scared to even put in my tent for fear of stressing out the girls. Not a very good investment imho

the only good customer service stories I've hear come from people dealing with SmokeSara which is what brings me here but I've been losing patience. So quick to take my money but not sense of urgency when it comes to fixing their mistakes...
I had a problem with my Mars Hydro LED's that wasn't even a manufacturing fault. Basically I was unhappy with some of the diodes that were in the light and it caused a fair amount of debate on this thread between those that had green diodes and those that didn't. End result?


I was quick to knock them and they were pretty quick at resolving the situation, you should give them a chance. I wouldn't say they have the best customer service in the world but they do have some pretty damn good representatives on here that will bend over backwards to help you. I can't knock them for that :thumb:
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