Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Morning Sara

Here is some eye candy for you to start your morning off well. The girls love the M2 900



Morning lapaka, We are using Epistar and now new lights are using Cree. For all the time, we haven't concealed the fact. Epistar is not the cheapest and only not as expensive as Cree, Osram, but it doesn't mean failed performance. MarsII and Reflector has helped many growers achieve good result.:circle-of-love:
True story:bravo: you are using:

Epistar Chips these are the cheapest you can get on LED market.

What kind of LED are you using? Which Brand? Cree, Osram ...which LED`s are in you lamp?

If its not like this why dont you put these important information on your Product information?


:passitleft:hello, Celt.
Hello lapaka

Do you own and have experience with Mars Hydro lights? If so please share your experiences, good or bad.

If on the other hand you just stopped in to bash something you have no experience with, you made a wrong turn. The "Unsubstantiated Bashing Room" is 3 doors down on the left. Its dimly lite so be careful of that first step, its quite a drop
Smokehog, we will send drivers or leds, don't worry, just to make sure whether it's drivers problem or leds problem. :circle-of-love:
Smoke Sara i am having problems. Does your company want me to open up the mars 2 1600w before you will send any drivers or spare diodes?
I thought that the 3 year warranty covers me for parts? I have been told that it is one of 2 drivers that is the problem. I dont have a problem with sending back the broken driver or broken diodes.
:thumb: tech is ever changing, we will get better one one year later.:circle-of-love:
To be fair, there are standard tests to test light loss over time for diodes. Whether the manufacturer or MH chooses to test or share this info is another story.

That being said, I purchased two new-old 300w panels last night and have no illusion what I'm getting into. If they live out their 1yr warranty I'm happy, as I can't justify spending more with all this cool new tech right around the corner!
:winkyface:ha, our leds come with the lens, if you look closely, there is lens covering the leds. It's not the same yellow color as warm white. The leds burnt out may be due to the wrong lens. Some customers have met the problem, so, just a reminder here, if you guys have come across the same, we will have three solution options for you.:Namaste:
yep, me too i understand nothing! leds or lens?

as i know thers is no lenses in your panels .......

if i understand well (im really not sure) .... some of the LEDs may turn yellow? how to be sure they are not warm white leds??

we will have this problem if we buy BEFORE or AFTER march ..... dont understand too
:thanks: Epistar is our supplier of led diodes. Lens is from supplier of lens. Don't worry now, we have fired the lens supplier, they are just so irresponsible and honest.:phew:
yep, they are using Epistar chips in their panels .... thats why they are so cheap

Epistar had the reputation to be very nice leds at very low price ...... i guess they made a mistake and ruin their reputation .....
Hi Doozy, I am sorry to hear about this. 1120w true watt is supposed to perform well for 5'x5' size. :circle-of-love:
They seemed fine in veg, making some very nice short stocky plants, but they were terrible in flower. I ran 2300w of Mars 2s and will be switching to 2x600w HPS for flower.

I suppose the same.:Namaste:
Hi Doozy

Any ideas why they did so poorly in flower under the LEDs? That many watts in a 5x5 space they should have done really well.

I have 4 girls in a 3'6x3'6 area under a single M2 900 and they seem to love it.

:thumb: very good result
so how can i get 350g of nice quality buds in a 2X3 area with 340w true watts of leds? they are very good for flowering, you just need to adjust your growing
Doozy, you can give them another chance, the first grow may be not as good as others, but you will grow better with exprience learned.:Namaste:
Uh huh, same old story. I have read numerous posts by people making the same claims and even more, but i am yet to meet one grower in person who rates these lights for flower, everything is on forums or YouTube. Needless to say i fell for this nonsense and it cost me $1200 to find out i should have just stuck to HPS.

I'll keep them for veg but they were pathetic in flower. I tried pretty much every method to increase the yield and had some advice from established growers on here and still ended up with less than 0.5gpw.
:circle-of-love: I will follow, too.
Mike, why don't you show us your grow room? Start a journal? I would follow for sure! You seem like a very experienced grower. What Mars lights do you use?

Haha, I don't like to use smartphone, too. My phone is about five years old :Namaste:
hehe will soon .... as a dinosaure i dont have a smart phone or anything to take pictures .... my friends have, but i dont want for sure to show my rooms to nobody

your best friend may become your perfect ennemy ....

will very soon .... im about to buy a cheap prepaid smartphone ....

buy a cheap camera instead, and don't show your room, only your plants. nobody will know u :)

Wow, this is a minature of grow journal.:thumb:
i really dont care about forums members to "know" me and see my room .... what i care is "real" person to know what i am doing

only 2 "reals" person know what im doing, and this is cause they are growing themself ....

even my brother dont know it .... and we are very close brothers

the lights from marshydro i use are ..... 2X 300W(100X3) panels in a 58cmX85cm area in my wardrobe .... 1X mars2 400W in a 58X58 area in my wardrobe too ..... 1X 180W UFO in a 41cmX42cm area in a closet ..... 1X reflector 144W in a 41cmX45cm area ...... and 1 new old model 60X5 to come

doing very near or little more 1g/true watts for each

my setting is a micro SOG ..... 4 pots of 5.5" (2L) for each square foot in coco with Canna nutes ... so my 58X85 area have 24 pots (and plants), my 58X58 have 16 pots and 2 others area 9 pots each

1 week of vegging and i cut them in the middle of the first flowring week .... that way they are very short at the end (1.5' to 2' max) and the cannopy is almost the same everywhere .... this is like a ScrOG but with only 1 week vegging, not 2 months lol

i love micro SOG .... i love very short plants in great number ..... for many reasons like big yields but very easy trim and clean when it is ready too, and short vegging time

(i have too another 450W led panel from another company in a 63X65 area .... a superbox (2'X1.5') from a well know closet manufacturer with a 200W CFL .... and 2 areas (28cmX72cm) with 5X T5HO fluos 24w each that do not bad for flowering too ... and finally a blackstar 135W UFO i dont use anymore)

pictures will come soon ....
Everyone has their own experience with our light, bad or good. Anyway, I hope you will have a better grow in the next run. :circle-of-love:
No idea, but if you get a good yield send me a message and i'll read your entire journal. As i said, they looked great up until the stretch, then they just didn't put weight on properly. I've been told it's the spectrum, but who knows. Good luck with your ladies. :)
Thanks Doozy :) I have zero knowledge or experience in either HID lights or hydro. The only suggestion I can offer is maybe to talk to CO Finest, he seems to have the most experience with Mars lights and if I am not mistaken, he uses them all and had fully converted from HID lights. No idea what he gets for yields but it must be comparable for him to switch to LEDs
:cheer:all the best wishes to the grow. You're welcome to share us the grow progress here.:Namaste:
This is about where I am at. I'm not inclined to keep a journal, barely have the time to do it in real life let alone document it.

So far, I've been blown away by what the 144x5 has done in veg but I'm just getting through the stretch so we'll see what the future holds. This is my first grow in 15yr and there's been a learning curve but we did pretty well for ourselves with a 430w HPS back then. I've go no stake other than the cash laid out so far, will be sure to report how things finish up.
Hi Kriaze, white is compound light. what you get is not green leds, we will not add green leds to the panel if not for customization purpose.:circle-of-love:
I too would be very interested in seeing your journal. There are not many growers that can get over 1g per wall watt with LED just yet, and many many less that can do it with these particular lights, you really must know as much as you talk about, although it does seem that after all you were incorrect with your continued assertions that my LED's weren't faulty, and that I was seeing the wrong colours from everyone else. I hope you are still happy at seeing warm white after being told that you weren't seeing green. Count me in for subbing :thumb:

:goodjob: I am much looking forward to your journal.
hehe, yep look like your stranges green leds may be faulty leds Sara is talking, me i looked at all my panels and they are all right ... will start a journal soon dont worry

if you prefer im doing around 50-60g per square foot .... or around 12-15g per pot (4X 5,5" pot in each square foot)

this is a better way to calculate
:welcome: welcome Zebs and thanks for join us. I prefer MarsII to the Old Model. The coverage of MarsII 400w is 0.9x0.9m at the height of 0.6m. For 1mx1m, MarsII900w will be a better choice. MarsII 900w will cover 1.2mx1.2m at the height of 0.6m. During flower, you can still cover the area well. :Namaste:
hi. looking for some advise on light choice.

my space is approx. 1m x 1m and I was looking at either 2 x 600w mars classics, I guess there the older unit sold on ebay by marshydro-uk single fan units. or 2 x 400w mars 2's direct from the main website. cost is a constraint as always and these work out currently to be about the same price.
thanks in advance.

:thanks: MarsII 1200w will draw more power than MarsII 900w.
mars2 1200W (525 true watts) is perfect for 1MX1M and to replace a 600W HPS for full power light. this is always better to use more smallers panels than only 1 in big area, for a better light distribution. 2X 600W old model may be good yes with good light distribution, but will not be as good as mars2 1200W cause old models are lower quality. if your budget is limited 2X 600W old model will be good. 4X 300W will be even better light distribution.

a mars2 900W maybe not bad too .... if you dont have a high rating setting and growing in soil.

:Namaste: 4pcs smaller lights will give you better light distribution.
I was looking at the 1600w mars2 due to the grow/flower option and long term savings there as well as it providing ample light for my space, just cost preventing me pulling the trigger.
4x300w are about the same price as 2x600w. so will likely go for that option, the heat from my 600w hps needs to go
:passitleft: ah... green leds... could you show the picture here?
Yea, My 96X3 is new and I got the "green" led's. Smoke Sara, did we determine if this is faulty led's or is my sight playing games on me?
:cheer:Congrats! That's really great result!:cheer::bravo:
so i just finished trimming the bigger buds and will have final numbers after a 2 week cure so the numbers are a little more accurate but this is both the golden goat and kosher kush separated by bigger buds, medium buds and fluffy larf buds


Kosher Kush buds (big buds on the right, medium buds middle-right, small/fluffy buds middle-left and trim on the left)

Golden Goat buds (big buds on right, medium buds middle, trim/larf buds left)

all the buds

i used the new mars reflector 144x5 so it pulls 314 watts from the wall and i feel that once i get final weight 5-6 OZ is def not out of the question so 1/2 a gram per watt, for all the mistakes made that will be a great haul :thumb: and wait to see what the lights can do with a perfect grow!!
:thumb: I see... hope it's not too late to realize the mistake. :circle-of-love:
0.5g/watt is really not bad ... this is what i did for a very long time ... i started to do better when i finally understood that growing with coco need a lot of feeding, even if the coco seem wet. coco is a very airy medium and can be very wet and still have oxygen for the roots.

my results really change and clearly better now i know that ..... i manually feed them 2 times a day minimum .... before i was waiting too long and for the coco to dry, this is a mistake

the best way is to go with automatic feeding but i prefer manual .... i have more control like that

coco is at best when always wet everywhere (dont forget to flush sometimes to avoid problems)

:circle-of-love: hi, Gorgar, you can start a grow journal here, many friends here would love to see the grow:Namaste:
Hi DarkSidofMike,

What are you feeding? Have you come across any reliable auto watering methods?

I'm doing my first grow ever and I'm in coco. I have two plants under three 3x96 Reflectors and using the GH Flora 6/9 (micro/bloom) schedule. Currently almost a month and a half into flower.

:goodjob: thanks for the info, very helpful.:bravo:
using Canna nutes only (A+B coco, rizothonic, cannazym, PK 13-14, canna start) + technoflora sugar daddy + any calmag ... nothing more.

i like Canna cause there is only a few bottles that do all ... instead of 15-20 different ones with others .... and i use any Calmag from any one cause they are all the same. i use sugar dady instead of canna boost, cause canna boost is very very very very too expensive (150$ each Litre!!!!) .... other canna products are expensive too, but nothing to compare to canna boost.

so in my mind they are the best nutes .... but very expensive too ... maybe not a good idea for begginer when money is important.

i feed them very often as i said using beetween 1/2 and 3/4 of suggestions on bottle (full for PK at 3rd week flowering &+) .... the coco is always very wet .... and i flush them with water and florakleen 1 time every week. (i let them dry a little bit before flushing)

(before that i was using technoflora with nice results)

i dont like autowatering ..... i have the time cause at home very often and never looked for it

:cheer:yes, it is, and your next grow will rock.:cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks for the reply! I have found out the hard way how important the routine flushing is as one of my two plants was very stressed. I was doing an infrequent flush with weak nutes but I have since started doing a Florakleen flush on a regular basis. Things are looking better. This first grow is a real learning experience!

yes, flushing is very important with coco .... 1 time every week is the minimum, more often is better, but im lazy lol

(cause i need to take them out of the area to flush them, not when i feed them)

(feeding them with a long nose sprayer to reach them all without moving ... with no or only little runout)
:cheer: Welcome Czertorres, Reflector series has switches while only MarsII1600w has switches for veg and flower. Considering you will flower and veg at the same time, the switches will be of no use for you. For your square grow space 2'x2', MarsII 400w will fit perfectly. The coverage of MarsII 400w is 3'x3' at the height of 2'. Even if you hang it lower, it still covers the area. :circle-of-love:
We will offer grow tent, too. You will get a promotion price for the package of led light and tent. The tent size for MarsII 400w is 2'3"x2'3"x5'3", which also meets your demands.:Namaste:
:thanks: Hello everyone,

Im fairly new to growing and freshly new to indoor growing. I want to purchase a Mars hydro LED Light. I need help knowing which would be best for me(debating over reflector series 5w or Mar II). I will be purchasing a 4SQ FT tent and I want to have 2 flowering plants and 2 vegging at all time. I definitely prefer quality over quantity I've been medicating for a while now and I spend about 150 per week on about 1/2 OZ, I figured that would be my electric bill per month if i grow my owe. Please help me pick what would be best for me

*Grow space: 2x2x5 in a closet for 2 flowering and 2 vegging plants, heat my be a concern so the coolest temp model would be best unless there's a big difference in the quality of the final produced ill go with the the one recommend for good quality (I could also go 2'x3' on the tent if needed)

*Location: Southern California Orange County will be running the lights at night so temps will be around mid 80's high 70's outside.

*Quality over quantity- Dont know how much of a factor the lights have to do with this but I prefer Quality or Quantity for sure. Dense, potent nuggets

Thanks Again,

:thumb:yes, it's under the Promotion.
Being in the US, I would suggest checking out their tent/light combos...price seems very good and you get a light matched to the tent. Find them on their site under the 'Promotions" tab

:thanks: yes, you're right. MarsII 400w will be better.
a mars2 400W is perfect for 2X2 area, go for it to have full power light. reflectors series produce less heat, but this is hard to find a reflector for 4SQF ... one of them is not enougt (48X5) and 2 of them dont fit the area!

by the way, i dont know how you can flower and veg in the same place .... you need 2 differents area if you want to do the both, cause flowering plants need total darkness for 12h, this is very important, and vegging plants need 16h of light minimum. so cannot figure how to do both in the same place. (if you are using autoflower seeds its ok and totally different)

The draw power of MarsII 400w under 120v is 183.9w and that of Reflector 96x5w is 209.6w. The coverage of Reflector 96x5w is 4.4'x2.2' at the height of 2'. :circle-of-love:
Oh wow that was fast thanks guys.

DarkSidofMike- thanks for your input man much appreciated. LOL Good one i wasn't thinking of that. Im growing outside at the moment and I acutally have a box were I put her in after she gets 12hr of sun. Im thinking I could use that? Your opinion is appreciated bro.

How would you compare MarII to the 480w reflector series as far as light and heat. I believe the MarsII will give me a better par due to the fact its squared and im using a small area anyways

:Namaste: correct, it depends.
hmmmm yes then, if your veg plants are outside for a time .... yes, maybe all ok that way

Sara said often that reflector series are producing little less heat ..... personally i never saw a noticable difference but i cannot really compare the 2 panels i have (1X mars2 400W and 1X reflector 144W). they are in 2 different area and cannot compare.
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