Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

happy growing and hope u have a good harvest!:high-five::circle-of-love:
Thank you Sara, your lights are doing a good job, I also have a The Purps plant that is just as surgary.
Hi Sara, hi topled-team!

Last thursday i ordered (for the second time) at your online-shop (Led Grow Lights for indoor plants-Top Led). It was nearly the same thing as the first time:
no account creation possible because of an "existing account", receiving the "forgotten" passwort did nothing but neitherless i ordered.
the only thing i got was the paypal confirmation, that i payed. ok, no worries, it worked last time the same and i got my light a week after ordering.
but this time, i got a phone call 6 days after odering, and then the email, from feed-ex. the customs office didn't believe the stated price of "50 US $" (sending fee of 20 US-$) and wanted a trading invoice.
so it's look like that i'll have to pay (additionaly to the 275+60 US-$) approx 100 US-$ more, for taxes and administration fee... ouch.

After searching, i found out that you faked the import papers for the customers, jeopardizing to pay the taxes (and additional fees) or not. my opinion about this way is hmmm.. kind of neutral, but knowing it in advance would have been more pleasant for me.

I'll write more, after the processing.
i havent had a harvest yet. Im new to growing . I started growing for my son he is epileptic so i will be growing high cbd strains. But here is a pic of a purplewreck plant that was donated to me to test the lights out. It was vegged under a 1000w hps the pics are bout day 15 flower

Can you full us in on you're sons story?
How many fits was he having? How many is he having after treatment? Were the pills the docters giving making him worse? How old is you're son? How much does he use a day and how does he take the medicine?

I am very interested in the treatment towards seizures. I saw one little girl went from 300 seizures per day, down to 0 after her first dose.

Yes my son is 12 years old and has a rare form of epilepsy. Lights and patterns like window screens,the pattern of threads on jeans and lots of other stuff trigger his seizures. He was having 300+ small seizures a day. where his eyes will flutter and head would jerk and body would stiffen up. We would have to be with him at all times to redirect his head or cover his eyes. Its like a bug drawn to the light. If he starred at the screen (for example) too long the eye flutters and head jerks would cause a full on grand mal seizure.

His doctors said if he was blind he would never have a seizure again. They put him on lots off meds that didn't work and caused more damage then good. He was getting worse and was getting pulled from school everyday and in the hospital up to 2 times a week.

We lived in Oklahoma where medical marijuana is illegal . But we had access to cbd oil . So over the summer we stopped giving him doctors meds and gave him cbd oil. We noticed results the first day it was amazing. But with fear of getting in trouble for giving it to him we couldn't tell anyone. We told the doctors he was doing great not a 100% but way better and they wanted to up his meds that they thought he was still taking. freaking ridiculous i was pissed. I Found out that Rhode Island was legal for minors and i have family their. We put our house for sale and moved . We moved before the house even sold . We are going on over 4months since a big seizure :) he is finally starting to act like a normal 12 year old . Now we are trying to grow his meds so we know where it is coming from and will save us some money.
Yes my son is 12 years old and has a rare form of epilepsy. Lights and patterns like window screens,the pattern of threads on jeans and lots of other stuff trigger his seizures. He was having 300+ small seizures a day. where his eyes will flutter and head would jerk and body would stiffen up. We would have to be with him at all times to redirect his head or cover his eyes. Its like a bug drawn to the light. If he starred at the screen (for example) too long the eye flutters and head jerks would cause a full on grand mal seizure.

His doctors said if he was blind he would never have a seizure again. They put him on lots off meds that didn't work and caused more damage then good. He was getting worse and was getting pulled from school everyday and in the hospital up to 2 times a week.

We lived in Oklahoma where medical marijuana is illegal . But we had access to cbd oil . So over the summer we stopped giving him doctors meds and gave him cbd oil. We noticed results the first day it was amazing. But with fear of getting in trouble for giving it to him we couldn't tell anyone. We told the doctors he was doing great not a 100% but way better and they wanted to up his meds that they thought he was still taking. freaking ridiculous i was pissed. I Found out that Rhode Island was legal for minors and i have family their. We put our house for sale and moved . We moved before the house even sold . We are going on over 4months since a big seizure :) he is finally starting to act like a normal 12 year old . Now we are trying to grow his meds so we know where it is coming from and will save us some money.

Thank you very much for sharing!
Yes my son is 12 years old and has a rare form of epilepsy. Lights and patterns like window screens,the pattern of threads on jeans and lots of other stuff trigger his seizures. He was having 300+ small seizures a day. where his eyes will flutter and head would jerk and body would stiffen up. We would have to be with him at all times to redirect his head or cover his eyes. Its like a bug drawn to the light. If he starred at the screen (for example) too long the eye flutters and head jerks would cause a full on grand mal seizure.

His doctors said if he was blind he would never have a seizure again. They put him on lots off meds that didn't work and caused more damage then good. He was getting worse and was getting pulled from school everyday and in the hospital up to 2 times a week.

We lived in Oklahoma where medical marijuana is illegal . But we had access to cbd oil . So over the summer we stopped giving him doctors meds and gave him cbd oil. We noticed results the first day it was amazing. But with fear of getting in trouble for giving it to him we couldn't tell anyone. We told the doctors he was doing great not a 100% but way better and they wanted to up his meds that they thought he was still taking. freaking ridiculous i was pissed. I Found out that Rhode Island was legal for minors and i have family their. We put our house for sale and moved . We moved before the house even sold . We are going on over 4months since a big seizure :) he is finally starting to act like a normal 12 year old . Now we are trying to grow his meds so we know where it is coming from and will save us some money.
good for him! glad everything is working out :D
Oh,phlipper! can u email me? don't worry, i will try my best to help u!
Hi Sara, hi topled-team!

Last thursday i ordered (for the second time) at your online-shop (Led Grow Lights for indoor plants-Top Led). It was nearly the same thing as the first time:
no account creation possible because of an "existing account", receiving the "forgotten" passwort did nothing but neitherless i ordered.
the only thing i got was the paypal confirmation, that i payed. ok, no worries, it worked last time the same and i got my light a week after ordering.
but this time, i got a phone call 6 days after odering, and then the email, from feed-ex. the customs office didn't believe the stated price of "50 US $" (sending fee of 20 US-$) and wanted a trading invoice.
so it's look like that i'll have to pay (additionaly to the 275+60 US-$) approx 100 US-$ more, for taxes and administration fee... ouch.

After searching, i found out that you faked the import papers for the customers, jeopardizing to pay the taxes (and additional fees) or not. my opinion about this way is hmmm.. kind of neutral, but knowing it in advance would have been more pleasant for me.

I'll write more, after the processing.
Yes my son is 12 years old and has a rare form of epilepsy. Lights and patterns like window screens,the pattern of threads on jeans and lots of other stuff trigger his seizures. He was having 300+ small seizures a day. where his eyes will flutter and head would jerk and body would stiffen up. We would have to be with him at all times to redirect his head or cover his eyes. Its like a bug drawn to the light. If he starred at the screen (for example) too long the eye flutters and head jerks would cause a full on grand mal seizure.

His doctors said if he was blind he would never have a seizure again. They put him on lots off meds that didn't work and caused more damage then good. He was getting worse and was getting pulled from school everyday and in the hospital up to 2 times a week.

We lived in Oklahoma where medical marijuana is illegal . But we had access to cbd oil . So over the summer we stopped giving him doctors meds and gave him cbd oil. We noticed results the first day it was amazing. But with fear of getting in trouble for giving it to him we couldn't tell anyone. We told the doctors he was doing great not a 100% but way better and they wanted to up his meds that they thought he was still taking. freaking ridiculous i was pissed. I Found out that Rhode Island was legal for minors and i have family their. We put our house for sale and moved . We moved before the house even sold . We are going on over 4months since a big seizure :) he is finally starting to act like a normal 12 year old . Now we are trying to grow his meds so we know where it is coming from and will save us some money.
What a strong young man you must be raising to have had to deal with such a thing at such a young age and God bless you for doing the right thing and moving for your son instead of making him a pharmaceutical lab rat....:bravo: ....:circle-of-love:
happy growing and hope u have a good harvest! have a nice day!:circle-of-love:
Also want to thank sara and topled for some great lights and customer service .
you are welcome, I am happy you grow happy with our lights.
The light I bought from you Sara works like a Champ! Thank you very much.
5% discount will be finish in the next two days, so if you are ready to order, please order on our website ASAP, any problem,. you can email me anytime you are available, I will get back to you ASAP. I will work overtime this weekend:)
this message replied by my assistant, she did not read the facebook information. I am sorry . I read it, I would like to know more about it and help people beside me. I have a yough brother living with Epilepsy. All of us want to help , but nobody knows how to help. hope we can buy medical MJ at our medical store. QUOTE=SmokeSara;2118232]happy growing and hope u have a good harvest! have a nice day!:circle-of-love:[/QUOTE]
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