Hunters do more to conserve wildlife than the tree huggers. Their harvests and reports help set the limits for the next season, ensuring that there are controlled populations for future generations. It's the uncontrolled explosion of the human population that is causing the extinction of species. We take more room to grow the food we need, transport food and material to markets, mine, and manufacture the goods to support our desired lifestyles.
Previously the scattered human population was controlled by disease and predators, including the two legged variety. Distance between communities, and slow travel between them kept us from extinction due to disease. Advances in healthcare allowed more humans to survive disease and breed, removing much of this check on our population. As we civilized the planet, the number of predators, including the two legged variety has dropped, so this check on our population has also been largely removed. Unless the human race keeps its population in check, wildlife on the planet is doomed.