Mars Hydro FC-3000 Shines Down On Babygirl’s Sour Livers In DWC: Sponsored Grow

Did the ph drop on the old batch before you could switch it out?

Stay safe

I wish I knew your system to help. In soil I'd say she is getting really hungry and to up her nutes or cal mag but idk here. She's just so big yanno and doing big things now making those buds for ya.
She’s at 1600 PPM (@FelipeBlu ’s mix, but with calmag added in)

She’s at 1600 PPM (@FelipeBlu ’s mix, but with calmag added in)
See idk what that translates to or how it relates to the amount of nutrients I give my girls. Sounds like a lot of parts per million lol
She’s looking hungry to me too - especially for some K. 1600 ppm is getting up there - but she is a big girl. It’s possible that there is some Ca antagonism going on that might be affecting K uptake.
She’s looking hungry to me too - especially for some K. 1600 ppm is getting up there - but she is a big girl.
I was right? Wow. Lol although I have no idea still what 1600 PPM means can she go to 1875 is that a thing?
She’s looking hungry to me too - especially for some K. 1600 ppm is getting up there - but she is a big girl. It’s possible that there is some Ca antagonism going on that might be affecting K uptake.
How do I add just K (hell, I forget what K even IS!!!)
K is potassium. I would try backing off on the CalMag first to see if that helps. Terpinator is a good source of K if that’s all that is needed.
Copy that - go with 1/2 dose of calmag? (I really need to order that nitrogen-free calmag damnit)
K is potassium. I would try backing off on the CalMag first to see if that helps. Terpinator is a good source of K if that’s all that is needed.
Do you think the most upper leaves at least it's nothing more than the longer term result of those few days she had of light burn? I kind of expected to see that on those real upper ones, it's the lower yellow and green ones that seem to be something else, yes?
Copy that - go with 1/2 dose of calmag? (I really need to order that nitrogen-free calmag damnit)
She looks to be doing the same as mine did.
Basicly shes getting old, slowly end of the road. As plant gets older during the flowering she might become more picky and thats why well balanced nutrition is the key success for long lasting autoflowers.
And as Felipe mentioned. Calcium is the worst in excessive amounts as it antagonises with many other macro and micronutrient.
Looks like its lacking K and Magnesium. And 1600ppm :oops: - there is like 100% chance of excess of something.

I’d say if you want a longer lasting plant you could reduce your ppm. I’ve a feeling that continuous +1000ppm feed just kills the foliage before your buds are ripen.
I just had a PK boost week between 950-1100ppm and I sure did lose some leaves during that week. Now having a new reservoir mix at around 550-600ppm and the foliar symptoms subsided. …And buds still seem to ripen :cheer:

Wish you the best of luck. And shes commin up nicely!
Do you think the most upper leaves at least it's nothing more than the longer term result of those few days she had of light burn? I kind of expected to see that on those real upper ones, it's the lower yellow and green ones that seem to be something else, yes?
same symptoms kinda everywhere - just more noticeable up top.

Yes, the upper leaves could be from light - but the larger fans are showing K def.

BG - I would try 50% of your current CalMag dose.
Will do on 1/2ing the cal mag …

She looks to be doing the same as mine did.
Basicly shes getting old, slowly end of the road. As plant gets older during the flowering she might become more picky and thats why well balanced nutrition is the key success for long lasting autoflowers.
And as Felipe mentioned. Calcium is the worst in excessive amounts as it antagonises with many other macro and micronutrient.
Looks like its lacking K and Magnesium. And 1600ppm :oops: - there is like 100% chance of excess of something.

I’d say if you want a longer lasting plant you could reduce your ppm. I’ve a feeling that continuous +1000ppm feed just kills the foliage before your buds are ripen.
I just had a PK boost week between 950-1100ppm and I sure did lose some leaves during that week. Now having a new reservoir mix at around 550-600ppm and the foliar symptoms subsided. …And buds still seem to ripen :cheer:

Wish you the best of luck. And shes commin up nicely!
@FelipeBlu - think maybe reducing the grow and bloom will help here as @Verbalist suggests may help - maybe 75%-80% of each?

Ride it out…you’ll be fine. Bumper harvest
I hope so! It still seems so looooong away!

Omg! This plant is a boss!

Well done J bird!

Thanks T :). She doesnt have a whole lotta colas - but what she’s got is bulking up nice :)
I was about to comment K, but I see I'm late to the party :D

I have to comment on that ppm reading, that seems nuts if I may say so, assuming you are in the US with US equipment. In the best case scenario, you using AU equipment, its still rather high.

I've put a box around wht I use as highest value, which is for the Ripen/FinalPart stuff.
Bloom is the next highest, at EC 1.6 max.

I might be missing something, but unless 1600 is a typo, or this table is wrong, it seems pretty almost off the chart .. now this is not my knowledge area or anything, but I cant stand by and say nothing, let the experts please correct me so we can all learn .. in the off chance I'm on to something, my 2 cents :)
@FelipeBlu - think maybe reducing the grow and bloom will help here as @Verbalist suggests may help - maybe 75%-80% of each?
I had no idea that you were at 1600 ppm. The highest dose that I recall giving you guidance on was an elemental ppm under 700 (500 scale - EC under 1.4) With tap water, it shouldn’t exceed 1000 ppm (EC 2.0).

What’s your water like again?
I had no idea that you were at 1600 ppm. The highest dose that I recall giving you guidance on was an elemental ppm under 700 (500 scale - EC under 1.4) With tap water, it shouldn’t exceed 1000 ppm (EC 2.0).

What’s your water like again?
Water is distilled …
@FelipeBlu - here is a pic of thw nutes along with the total of ppms after each addition

@FelipeBlu - here is a pic of thw nutes along with the total of ppms after each addition

It’s the CalMag - which is not in my initial mix recommendation - that is definitely causing the elevated ppm and likely causing issues with K uptake.

The mix I recommended:
10.4 ml/gal Grow
13.3 ml/gal Bloom
1g/gal Epsom

191 ppm K
117 ppm Ca

Bringing only the Bloom up to 15.1ml/gal provides:
211 ppm K
122 ppm Ca

You shouldn’t need more Ca than that. The spots you are seeing are related to the K def.
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