Mars Hydro FC-3000 Shines Down On Babygirl’s Sour Livers In DWC: Sponsored Grow

Hey all! Sorry, been a long weekend with lots of things here at home that needed to be taken care of.

Here’s my gal on day 73 above ground. Her buds are developing nicely, and appears to be taking the @Mars Hydro FC-3000’s full 100% fairly well. Noticed one or two leaves that have a slightly taco-ish look to them so I’ll keep an eye on those. Here she is in all her glory (oh, and I’ll take 120 days for when she’ll be ready to face the guillotine!)

Hey all! Sorry, been a long weekend with lots of things here at home that needed to be taken care of.

Here’s my gal on day 73 above ground. Her buds are developing nicely, and appears to be taking the @Mars Hydro FC-3000’s full 100% fairly well. Noticed one or two leaves that have a slightly taco-ish look to them so I’ll keep an eye on those. Here she is in all her glory (oh, and I’ll take 120 days for when she’ll be ready to face the guillotine!)

Looking great! Hey, ask around for sure and I know I'm a more more more light guy, but that taco-ing you're referring to may combine with those leaf tips turned up like that. Not sure, but if it were me I might try dialing that light back to around 85-90% of where you have it. They may be a *bit* too close/too intense. Please ask around on this but it's worth the question I think, you don't wanna burn them up.
Thanks gents - that was my suspicion and potential plan of action so I’ll do that now!
(oh, and I’ll take 120 days for when she’ll be ready to face the guillotine!)
Okay, if that's what you say then I'm changing my guess to 120 days. :laugh:
2022-01-20 - Day 76

Change of location was necessitated yesterday - luckily not far; but required complete breakdown and re-setup. What a p.i.t.a. But at least its done. Also got the fans hooked up as well as the temp and humidity controllers so hopefully that will help since I can’t babysit her as closely.

She’s looking good and tonight or tomorrow she’ll get another defoliation but will likely be limited to fan leaves that are in the way. And I’m starting to see her buds bulk up a bit more!

(Ignore the nute burn there - I splashed solutiin on her and didn't notice it)

2022-01-20 - Day 76

Change of location was necessitated yesterday - luckily not far; but required complete breakdown and re-setup. What a p.i.t.a. But at least its done. Also got the fans hooked up as well as the temp and humidity controllers so hopefully that will help since I can’t babysit her as closely.

She’s looking good and tonight or tomorrow she’ll get another defoliation but will likely be limited to fan leaves that are in the way. And I’m starting to see her buds bulk up a bit more!

(Ignore the nute burn there - I splashed solutiin on her and didn't notice it)

Welcome back BG, sorry to hear you had to move her!! What week of flower is the big girl in now?
Welcome back BG, sorry to hear you had to move her!! What week of flower is the big girl in now?
I believe she started to show flowers just around Christmas … so about 4 weeks into flower now?
I believe she started to show flowers just around Christmas … so about 4 weeks into flower now?
She is gonna be a 10 weeker I think..mark down my bet
2022-01-20 - Day 76

Change of location was necessitated yesterday - luckily not far; but required complete breakdown and re-setup. What a p.i.t.a. But at least its done. Also got the fans hooked up as well as the temp and humidity controllers so hopefully that will help since I can’t babysit her as closely.

She’s looking good and tonight or tomorrow she’ll get another defoliation but will likely be limited to fan leaves that are in the way. And I’m starting to see her buds bulk up a bit more!

(Ignore the nute burn there - I splashed solutiin on her and didn't notice it)

She doesn't look too worse for wear from the move. Nice job, sorry it was a pita. That main cola is starting to look sweet! Hey head's up - just a suggestion, and as always ask around, but you see how your upper fan leaves are a little bit damaged from before you moved the light? You may lose some of them. They may not come back all the way and just crinkle up, that happens often when they got burned a little. Don't stress this if it happens, but what I do, in order to mitigate the loss a little, is take it extra easy on the defol the rest of the way, just in case you lose some of those uppers. Just might wanna watch for that.
She doesn't look too worse for wear from the move. Nice job, sorry it was a pita. That main cola is starting to look sweet! Hey head's up - just a suggestion, and as always ask around, but you see how your upper fan leaves are a little bit damaged from before you moved the light? You may lose some of them. They may not come back all the way and just crinkle up, that happens often when they got burned a little. Don't stress this if it happens, but what I do, in order to mitigate the loss a little, is take it extra easy on the defol the rest of the way, just in case you lose some of those uppers. Just might wanna watch for that.
Yeah, I was inly going to remove fans that are blocking bud sites or cluttering up the middle. I know at some point I need remove a majority of the fan leaves towards the end of the flowering stage anyway, yes?
Yeah, I was inly going to remove fans that are blocking bud sites or cluttering up the middle. I know at some point I need remove a majority of the fan leaves towards the end of the flowering stage anyway, yes?
Some do, some just let them get cannibalized and fall off on their own. I consider that a judgement call. You'll be able to tell when a leaf is no longer viable. Depending on what kind of colors I get, I either remove them as they become non-viable or leave them and let them be pretty. Usually if I'm getting a nice, even, gradual fade, which is not usually, lol, I leave them. If they get nasty and crinkly and brown or even not but just all dried out and obviously not doing anything, they go.
She looks great very bushy full of goods she is def bulking up !!
Thanks Jack - yours is looking amazing … how much longer you got left on her do you think?
I'd say the time to strip the fans is one or two days before harvest to make trimming easier. It doesn't serve the plant to do it, just you!
Thanks Shed! I’ve just seen lots of plants heavily defoliated about 2 weeks before end (though MY timing on that may be off!)
Some do, some just let them get cannibalized and fall off on their own. I consider that a judgement call. You'll be able to tell when a leaf is no longer viable. Depending on what kind of colors I get, I either remove them as they become non-viable or leave them and let them be pretty. Usually if I'm getting a nice, even, gradual fade, which is not usually, lol, I leave them. If they get nasty and crinkly and brown or even not but just all dried out and obviously not doing anything, they go.
Yeah, that Hubbabubbasmelloscope looked ROUGH by the end; yellow everywhere! Definitely was not a pretty sight *lol*
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