Mars Hydro 15th Anniversary Giveaway

🎉 Exciting Award Moment! 👉🥇 FC 1500-EVO
Let's cheer for @darkdragon2451 :cheer::goodluck:

Please private message us asap to take away your prize. 🎁

Thank you all for your participation!!!

Happy 15th Anniversary, Mars Hydro! 🎂🎁

Oh my god i cant believe i won😍🔥
What's your plans for training @darkdragon2451 ?

Auto's can be topped and accepts LST.
Mostly bending will not effect the plants life cycle and will produce a higher yield.
I want to get an X Type pattern. I only top her once (wich i did with one) and then imma start LST the 4th node into being the same height as the 3rd. After that imma Just let her grow and occasionally lollipop her.
Plants only need a few hours of dark a day to reset leaf nutrient levels. Beyond that, with autos, the only reason to run less is to save electricity and heat at the expense of growth. Electricity and heat are not going to be an issue with this light so let her run!
Alright how much darkness a day is Like optimal i wanna Push them to the full Limits! @Tokin Roll Said some use 20/4 can i Push it Up 1/2 hours? Or is it to much light then?
Alright how much darkness a day is Like optimal i wanna Push them to the full Limits! @Tokin Roll Said some use 20/4 can i Push it Up 1/2 hours? Or is it to much light then?
There is no one magic number. Just a long list of variables. Somewhere between 3 and 8 hours of night is peak efficiency. A leaf is like a factory. At lights on, the leaf is at full efficient production. Turning minerals into glucose. Over time the vascular system falls behind lowering the leaf efficiency. A leaf full of glucose but low on minerals is less productive. Night cycle allows excess glucose to be exported for growth and minerals replenished. This is where the "myths" of plants only grow more (insert plant part here) at night comes from. Excessive night growth indicates your days are too long. It won't hurt an auto to run 24/7 lights, it is just wasting some power on inefficient leaves.
There is no one magic number. Just a long list of variables. Somewhere between 3 and 8 hours of night is peak efficiency. A leaf is like a factory. At lights on, the leaf is at full efficient production. Turning minerals into glucose. Over time the vascular system falls behind lowering the leaf efficiency. A leaf full of glucose but low on minerals is less productive. Night cycle allows excess glucose to be exported for growth and minerals replenished. This is where the "myths" of plants only grow more (insert plant part here) at night comes from. Excessive night growth indicates your days are too long. It won't hurt an auto to run 24/7 lights, it is just wasting some power on inefficient leaves.
Alright then im gonna do Like 19/5 or 18/6 for them!
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