Making Feminized Seeds Of My Own Auto Strain - Lucky 13 - Using Colloidal Silver

Re: Making feminized seeds of my own auto strain "Lucky 13" using colloidal silver.

Looking good t69 ! Rokkin' out with your Co#k out! I love seeing my labors near fruit aka beans crack! I gotta tell you I have a good feeling bout this grow I think your gonna teach and learn alot ,it's gonna be a sweet ride!:thumb:
I wanted to mention something about superthrive you may not know ,St has some "secret" ingredients that the company has refused to reveal ever, promised that whatever it is is not harmful ,toxic or harmful to plants or humans in anyway, that said I have tried many "snake oils" and b vitamin supplements and in my humble opinion none are quite impressive as St, so after you use up your current stuff might want to try it:thumb:

I agree about the evaluation of superthrive. I think tho that you should look more closely at the Dyna-Gro KLN. The superthrive formula is 60+ years old. The Dyna-Gro version is not just snake oil. It's pretty much a rework of the superthrive formulation. It's used in all the same ways as the superthrive except the daily one drop per gallon. Even the recommended dosing is the same for transplants. One teaspoon per gallon. I'm sure for legal reasons they can't admit they cracked the superthrive secrets, and improved the formulation, but I believe that's what's happened.

Also the Dyna-Gro version is half the cost per oz than the superthrive.
That kinda made up my mind to give it a try.
Re: Making feminized seeds of my own auto strain "Lucky 13" using colloidal silver.

Oh I almost forgot ...I like the logo work as you know I like to design logos ,avatars too, gimp is a kick butt free program does everything Photoshop does as far as I know, :high-five:

Yeah gimp is great, and also one of my favorite things! FREE!! :)
Re: Making feminized seeds of my own auto strain "Lucky 13" using colloidal silver.

I'll have to check and see if it's one I have tried,I keep a log,of the stuff I tested it looks very familiar, if not they sell it at my local garden center :high-five:
Gimp=free, free =ftw!:thumb:

One of the other things I don't like about superthrive is the lack of refrigeration. Dyna-Gro recommends you refrigerate your bottle, because of the auxin hormones contained within have a short shelf life. Superthrive has no warnings about temperature, and the bottles I've looked at are most often dusty, and warm on a garden center shelf. I think this is a mistake that the superthrive company fails to deal with. They won't admit their product needs refrigeration, because so much of it is stored openly, and they may suffer huge returns on product with a change in storage policy. I think this is why some people swear by it, and other see no results.
Re: Making feminized seeds of my own auto strain "Lucky 13" using colloidal silver.

Hey Toker.You may have already read this but I thought you may find it useful.

Yeah I hadn't read that particular study, but the superthrive failure may be due to the dusty old bottle used in the study.

1-Naphthaleneacetic acid is used in many products to induce root growth, and is sensitive to time, and temperature.

In micro propagation of various plants NAA is typically added to a media containing nutrients essential to the plants survival. It is added to help induce root formation in various plant types. It can also be applied by spraying it on to plants and which is typical in agricultural use. It is prohibited in many areas to use it in high concentrations due to the health concerns towards humans and other animals.
Re: Making feminized seeds of my own auto strain "Lucky 13" using colloidal silver.

Anyone checking out this log be sure not to miss my other auto grow. :)


My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

I make auto fem seeds over there too! :thumb:
Re: Making feminized seeds of my own auto strain "Lucky 13" using colloidal silver.

Still waiting on a few to show up, and one has keeled over!


I started soaking a few more just in case. :)
Re: Making feminized seeds of my own auto strain "Lucky 13" using colloidal silver.

Checking my inventory of CS spray. Looks like I got at least 20 oz's left!

I started with 32 oz's. Sprayed and changed sex on two pink salad.


So cheap and easy to make.

I bought a 8 oz bottle of 240 ppm colloidal silver on amazon for 20 bucks.

I bought a 32 oz budweiser just to get the 32 oz dark bottle really, but I did drink it. haha.

I cleaned out the bottle.

Poured the 8 oz colloidal silver into the clean bottle then filled the bottle with distilled water, and volla!

32 oz's of 60 ppm colloidal silver!

Some of my friends here at 420 use a lighter ppm, but this worked great for me, so I'm using it again.

You can easily make a 30 ppm mix by just adding a second 32 oz bottle.

Mixing it all up in a clean 1/2 gallon milk jug, and filling both dark bottles.

The dark bottle is for long term storage. A cool dark place is best.
Re: Making feminized seeds of my own auto strain "Lucky 13" using colloidal silver.

Haha I won sprout of the month! Not!!

My new 40x loupe!


My entry to the sprout of the month contest!


haha just kidding! Theres no sprout of the month contest. :(

Yet! :rofl:

PS: It looks like an army man!

I used my Dyna-Gro KLN this time to sprout six seeds.

One drop in a 6 ph gallon of tap water.

I've never seen such rapid almost aggressive sprouting of seeds!! Wow.

Now I'm dying to try it again. :thumb:
Re: Making feminized seeds of my own auto strain "Lucky 13" using colloidal silver.

I notice it doesn't say anything about using it to germ seeds on their site
looks like you might have found a new use for it if it consistently works id try it :thumb:
Re: Making feminized seeds of my own auto strain "Lucky 13" using colloidal silver.

I notice it doesn't say anything about using it to germ seeds on their site
looks like you might have found a new use for it if it consistently works id try it :thumb:

Yeah that's why it really kinda freaked me out a bit, and I didn't try it when I spouted the other seeds. I just added a drop on a whim, because superthrive does that. I didn't expect anything, but it was like POW!
Re: Making feminized seeds of my own auto strain "Lucky 13" using colloidal silver.

Yeah that's why it really kinda freaked me out a bit, and I didn't try it when I spouted the other seeds. I just added a drop on a whim, because superthrive does that. I didn't expect anything, but it was like POW!

Well dayam! I'm going to try it on the ones that didn't pop. Never know until you try! :high-five:
Re: Making feminized seeds of my own auto strain "Lucky 13" using colloidal silver.

Yeah I find St makes them pop like popcorn lol

I don't doubt superthrive works. I think it makes a difference how fresh the bottle is tho. Do you refrigerate your bottle? How old is it? Just wondering. I got this stuff now, and it seems to work.
Re: Making feminized seeds of my own auto strain "Lucky 13" using colloidal silver.

I keep it in a cool dark place,in a brown dripper bottle, I can tell the freshness by the smell if it's fresh it will smell sharp and reek of b vitamins if it's old the odor become goink and the color gets light, it has a date code on the bottle, St has been around a long time with thousands of positive testimonials I have used it for years many many years long before I used it with cannabis , I can tell the difference when I don't use it , I have never kept it in the frige I don't see the need maybe I'll try it and see next new bottle, my experience with it is all positive it has brought plants back from the brink, I trust it , not saying the stuff u have is not as good, I just have no reason to change
Re: Making feminized seeds of my own auto strain "Lucky 13" using colloidal silver.

Yeah I'm not even saying your wrong, but I'm just trying to understand why the testimonial info runs both ways. Many failed studies, and unhappy users. Seems like maybe expired product could explain that.
Re: Making feminized seeds of my own auto strain "Lucky 13" using colloidal silver.

Well, the only thing I had here to try was the Superthrive. So I did. 4 seeds that I've been trying for almost two weeks to pop using various methods and they wouldn't budge.
I put a capfull of superthrive in about 1" of water, dropped the seeds in and left them in the dark on a warm seedling mat as usual. ALL 4 had popped this morning. Overnight, just like they are supposed to!
I thought they were "dead in the water", but the superthrive worked. It will now be my go to solution for seeds. YEY
I put pics on my pollination thread toker.
Thanks for all the info here, I would not have thought to try that on seeds had I not been following this grow. ;-)
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