Maine 4-Season Greenhouse Grow

I think if you're in a legal State and grow you should be given special consideration by the power companies.
I think if you're in a legal State and grow you should be given special consideration by the power companies.

We are our own power!
And, being in a legal state, we said "thank you" to our local power guys (after they restored power to the area last November) with freshly cured buds and fresh cookies.
I was just talking to Ms Stank about that sort of thing. I asked her if she knew if our mechanic smoked. She said "I don't know, why". My response to her was "well I would much rather give him 2 ounces of my buds instead of 500 bucks...think he is a barterer?"
well I would much rather give him 2 ounces of my buds instead of 500 bucks..."

I gift it to my man at the local hardware store, service manager @ car dealer, UPS driver (who def can smell it Sept/Oct!) etc. Usually 2-3 times a year in a 8oz mason jar. I just drop it on their lap and say "enjoy". I hooked my dentist up with cannabis soap (so now he knows I grow and can ask if he partakes) and of course my wife makes soaps and salves to gift. Life's too short to not spread the cheer!

Maine law allows you to barter (since it doesn't specifically forbid it). Only thing you can't do is be "remunerated" which, by definition, specifically says "pay (someone) for services ..."

...think he is a barterer?"

Easy way to find out. Give him a snack pack! If he wants more let him know you'd be willing to barter.
Yeah I have some repairs that need to happen on my truck. Can't really do the work myself between the winter and my back.....kills me to potentially have to pay someone to do something I should be doing LOL.
Yeah I have some repairs that need to happen on my truck. Can't really do the work myself between the winter and my back.....kills me to potentially have to pay someone to do something I should be doing LOL.

Not sure how the law is written in MA ...I definitely spread it round to keep people happy.

You do him a solid, he does your truck a solid!
we can gift up to an ounce per day. I will definitely feel him out and see if it looks doable!! I produce way more than I can use on my own and with what I hook friends up with.
we can gift up to an ounce per day. I will definitely feel him out and see if it looks doable!! I produce way more than I can use on my own and with what I hook friends up with.

Oz on drop-off, oz on pickup!

ME law is a good example of politicians being lazy af....doubt many read it...ME citizens are the winners (for once). We can give up to 2.5 oz per transaction, no limit of transactions! I could stand there and give you just under a pound in 6 quick handoffs....
Your laws definitely have us considering Maine.....especially if/as we progress with the Stank Genetics. Your laws are the best in New England for sure! Ours isn't bad for a casual grower, but doesn't allow enough for serious seed breeders (and remaining legal).
Your laws definitely have us considering Maine.....especially if/as we progress with the Stank Genetics. Your laws are the best in New England for sure! Ours isn't bad for a casual grower, but doesn't allow enough for serious seed breeders (and remaining legal).

Indeed, not only in NE... Maine's cannabis laws are the best in the country (for home cultivation especially). It's as much as what they didn't specify as what they did specify in the law. Politicians were more focused on controlling the retail tax $ (as politicians do) and how that was intertwined with other taxable elements (retail cultivation, testing facilities, etc) They are now debating amending the law because towns are realizing that 4 adults at a residence, growing their legal 6x flowering plants, is suddenly a decent little aromatic plantation. Medical cannabis providers (growers who were licensed AND taxed) are limited to sixty plants (15 patients @ 4 plants per), whereas the new law allows residents to grow an unlimited amount of long as they are tagged for other Maine residents. Our town, like many, passed an ordinance that prohibits retail of any kind (sales/cultivation/testing)...the State law allows towns that right but just reinforces the option of home cultivation (which State law protects :yahoo:).

They are probably also realizing that with the amounts allowed to residents there is almost no reason for locals to ever "buy retail". Like your earlier conversation, bartering goes both ways and (non-growing) residents would rather trade out than spend their (taxable) dollars.
Expecting another 12"+ inches of snow tomorrow so today seems like a good time to update. Week 2, 4, & 5 for the group. Everybody happy and healthy. GH still vented (open) and not worried about the snow as it rolls right off. Temps should remain in the high 20's, so that is no issue with the Box in the GH.

Northern Light Auto Week 4

Alien Mephisto Week 4

Diesel Auto Week 5

NL x BB Week 2

Group Shot
Hey Blew....looking great buddy. Question for that last picture, the middle plant in the back row looks a bit light colored/yellowish.....whats causing that difference in color? Is that strain related or a soil deficiency?
Question for that last picture, the middle plant in the back row looks a bit light colored/yellowish.....whats causing that difference in color? Is that strain related or a soil deficiency?

All in the same soil so I am assuming strain...this was a freebie Diesel Auto from I savagely defoliated her too early, but that likely affected her growth rather than color.
Gotcha....was just curious. I figured it was probably genetics since I know you use the same soil. Didn't know if you had experimented with something that perhaps didn't work the way you wanted it to.
Newbie for cannabis and very glad to have found this online resource. We farm here @ 44'N in Maine so we have a lot of infrastructure already (insulated greenhouses and high tunnels) so we are going with what we know (and have) and not investing in lights etc. Maine just passed as law that residents can grow, at any time, twelve (12) mature plants, six (6) flowering plants, and unlimited seedlings. Which is awesome. Also, we are allowed to give away 2.5 oz at any time (and no limit to transactions) to any 21+ adult (without $ in return). Well, there is already a strong barter culture where I am so this, again, is awesome. We have a 12x24' passive solar greenhouse that we normally use for cucumbers and tomatoes but this year we are going to dedicate it to 8-10 cannabis plants and see how we do. As you can see from the attached photos we use aquaponics and, while we plan on using cloth bags this year, it is a nice resource for nitrogen rich watering! Have eight (8) beans which are four (4) of Northern Light Auto and four (4) White Widow Photo. I figured I would play with both and see how they responded to my particular circumstances. Got too excited and germinated one of each on Feb 28 and days late both popped (thanks CKS!). Since days are still lengthening here, I have a 100W CFL hood lamp (from the chicken coop) supplementing until 7pm (so 13 hours daylight). Hoping to transfer these into 2 gallon cloth bags and up-pot to 5 and then 10 gallons.
I am going to get through this journal one way or another Blew but the foundation for your Greenhouse, is it a poured/block Foundation or is it entirely on wood Timbers? It's faces are all glass?

Sorry if these questions have been asked in the past.
Just got issued a Blizzard Warning for the first time this winter....impressive considering this is the third "bomb cyclone" in last 3 months...third Nor'Easter in 11 days! Snowglobe time.

Weather report : "Blizzard conditions occurring. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph will cause whiteout conditions in blowing snow. Significant drifting of the snow is likely. Total snow accumulations of 12 to 20 inches are expected."

Love it!
..the foundation for your Greenhouse, is it a poured/block Foundation or is it entirely on wood Timbers? It's faces are all glass?

Foundation is "framed" with 8x8" hemlock timbers, then filled with 30,000 lbs of crushed rock dust (thermal mass). Laid within the rock dust is 700' of 4" rigid drainage hose. Air is pulled one end of the GH and pushed through the hose and exits the other end. This cools the air when hot and heats it when cool (if you run it after sundown). I generally use it in the fringe seasons (spring and late fall) when nights get cold but still get lots of sunlight. This winter I ran fan for 6 hours in the prime sunny hours and that would heat the thermal mass enough to keep GH approx 20-25F higher than outside temps.

GH design is standard solar gain theory which means polycarbonate (triple walled) on the south side (@ 60' angle for max northern winter exposure) and north side is closed and/or insulated (sometimes buried in the side of a hill if you have sufficient slope).

We have 2x of the GH designs...the home one is 12x24' and the one at our farm is 16x48'.
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