Maine 4-Season Greenhouse Grow

Highya BH,

GH3 looks lovely! They're bigger than my ladies planted in the ground. Great job. Glad to see you have a bountiful canna patch. Harvest time will be a nice time!! Cheers
Those girls are big and healthy Blew! Man that is a seriously impressive greenhouse grow. :headbanger:
Very nice garden you have going there Blew.

Good job buddy.

Males... meh. They try and fake us out - that's usually a sign they are males when you cant tell and other plants are showing female bits. I just wait them out.
They gotta show sooner or later.

Better growing conditions this year than last by a long shot. You gonna need to hire some temp workers to trim for ya. lol
Males... meh. They try and fake us out - that's usually a sign they are males when you cant tell and other plants are showing female bits. I just wait them out.
They gotta show sooner or later.
My thoughts as well...I don't have any obvious females in smaller pots that could benefit from the larger pots, so I'm just watching. Definitely loving the weather this summer...we still have mornings here in the 50's.
You lucky... 50s sounds like last winter now..

Was a cool 97F in the flower room today. I have shit ton of air movement going on. The plants raised the RH by 15-20% over ambient today. They pulling in a LOT of water.

The 15% over ambient - that's outside air being blown into the btm of the room and the hygrometer is over head. Blowing air under the leaves and up. They love that.

From all that transpiration.

My girls are huge now.
Hey Blew, I'm in a 15 gal pot and wonder if you're in any? Watering has become a question and i wonder how often you water yours if you're in any? If so do you wait for runoff or give them what you think is enough? How do you tell when to stop? Apparently I underwater and am upping my watering game on one. First time in a 15 indoors. Super growing days for you lately huh? Can you hear them grow? So many questions. :high-five:
Hey Blew, I'm in a 15 gal pot and wonder if you're in any? Watering has become a question and i wonder how often you water yours if you're in any? If so do you wait for runoff or give them what you think is enough? How do you tell when to stop? Apparently I underwater and am upping my watering game on one. First time in a 15 indoors. Super growing days for you lately huh? Can you hear them grow? So many questions.
I am in 10/20/25/30/45 gallons. Until about a week ago I was watering every 3-4 days, but started noticing some wilt and increased it to every 2-3 days (and lately every other days with these high temps). I always water until I see runoff and then a little more. Beauty of fabric pots is they just lose what they can't hold.

I moved the Bhutanese into the center of the high tunnel because she was kissing the poly! She is about 7.5' and I have 3' above her to spare. Whatever doubts I had about getting a "late start" are gone...all of these could flower tomorrow and I'd be it is I have to watch their height in the remaining weeks of veg...
I was just going to ask you if you'd seen any pistils popping yet? I have a couple indicas showing the first pistils, and fattening (a little) in the bud sites. Seems a tad early to me, but I did feed some bloom nutes (homemade) a few days to see if they would flower ahead of schedule. The indicas are debo skunk and are a photo flowering variety. Oh, I'm at 44 degrees. Cheers
You in pre-flower yet? Mine just started @ 45 degrees N.
only single pistils which allow me to ID fem and male. Many of these Mandala Genetics are supposed to finish quicker so we'll see how that goes...
Oh, I'm at 44 degrees
Likewise ;)
Possible supercropping?
Nah...I'm thinking let her go..she is the only one (so far) threatening to hit the which case, at 10', I'd enter her for POTM regardless :headbanger:
GH 2/3 Update....Hot weather these last few days and I have been trying to increase watering to every other day. Missed yesterday for GH 3 and the Blueberry was noticeably wilting this morning, so I know i am not overwatering at this point. Thinking I have about 2.5' left of headspace for the White Bhutanese....I'm rolling the dice on her because after reading the breeder notes they say note to overdo pruning on "landrace sativa", which apparently she is...also didn't realize it was a 1:1 thc/cbd strain... :) If I have to LST her I will. All the others looking good, trimmed some lower branches just to refocus energy later in flower and still waiting to see sex on Satori and Kalichakra. Pre-flowers just appeared on some of the bigger plants since last update.

Highya BH,

Very nice looking crop! Love the White Bhutanese. She's a sativa looking lady with an intriguing name, lol. And, she's a beast! How nice for you! Cheers
Hey Blew, good to see some preflowers coming through! :meatballs:We are in for one hell of a flower show with all these big plants.
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