Magnus' Summer Outdoor - Soil 15 AK47, Crit Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin Express

Re: Magnus' Summer Outdoor - Soil 15 AK47, Crit Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin Expr

Hey Magnus,

I told you it was a lot of work... Wish I were nearby to offer my help.:sorry:

Stay on top of the drying and curing. Don't want a nasty mold attack. :rip:

Oh, you forgot to mention the asset you have that outweighs your limitations, She.

Congrats to you both, now you just have to figure out how to stay on top of your ongoing supply. :woohoo:

Peace. :peace:


Thanks for the congratulations. I really appreciate it.

As for staying on top of my ongoing supply... well I can think of a few ways. Cannabutter, spaghetti in canna garlic oil. Brownies. Omelets a LA HashGirl. Gummies. Canna hot chocolate -- a personal favourite. Gnocchi in canna butter and garlic. And of course, there is always good old smoking! Oh, hell, man. I can think of a ton of ways to stay on top of this stash.

All the waiting weed is being stored in the unheated porch, where it is frightfully cold. Helps deter mold, I'm hoping. I think I'm going to be okay without any mold issues. Cross my fingers.

Re: Magnus' Summer Outdoor - Soil 15 AK47, Crit Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin Expr

Congrats on the haul, Magnus! You definitely deserve to finally have some good luck with your medication but mind Felonious' advice. He knows from where he speaks.

Also, you might want to look at Sue's thread on making fresh harvest oil. She swears it's the most potent oil she's ever made. Here's a link to the thread (if you're interested):

Fresh Harvest Infused Cannabis Oil



Hope this note finds you well. I'm sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your posting. I've been a little swamped with editing these past couple of weeks now, with no end to it in sight. Actually, there is an end in sight. 5 Dec 2017. That's the date by which we've set the deadline for editing the book.

Thanks so much for the link. I think I'm a little late to try this, but I think I'm going to try it at another time.

So I'm making cannabutter right now! First time ever. Problem is, I forgot to decarbed my weed prior to adding it to the melted butter. What a dork. And an even bigger dork for using the word dork, right?

So I thought to myself that I would just roll with the punches and not waste my weed. So I had it in the crock pot my weed, my butter and some water and I let it cook for eight hours. With my cooking thermometer I could tell that my temperatures weren't high enough to decarbed my weed. So after cooking the mix for eight hours, I then poured it from the crock pot into a stove top pot and then boiled off all remaining water. You see, with water in the mix it will never get above the boiling point of water, or 212 degrees. I'm looking for 240 degrees to decarbed my weed.

So after the water had evaporated and the mix was hot I put the whole mess in the oven set at 250 degrees. So, right now my food thermometer tells me the temperature of my mix is at 250 degrees, and so I can only assume that my weed is currently decarbing. Then all I have to do is add some extra water to the mix at the end and put the whole mess in the fridge so that the oil and water separate with the spent cannabis sinking into the bottom of the water.

What a freaking production, eh? And all just because I forgot to decarb. Don't think I'll make that mistake twice...

Everything is good on this end. STILL drying, curing, clipping, hanging and filling pails with weed. I tell you, almost all day long these past two weeks all I ever do is clean, dry and cure this huge haul I've got. I'm so proud of myself, actually.

But how are things with you and yours (FP)? Well, I hope. Everything with the book is going well. We'll be done our first full edit within 2 weeks I believe and then will start the second pass edit where we finalize things and make sure that the book is perfect. Then I've got a ton of work ahead of me for marketing the book. The marketing plan that I devised is going to take money, though. And that is something that I just haven't got. That is why I'm thinking of putting together a Kickstarter.Com appeal for funding. I'm hoping that all my friends who have tons more cash than I will feel good about contributing to this campaign. If not, then I'll just have to kiss the marketing of Finding Max goodbye. And that would be terribly sad because the book will sell significantly less with no marketing plan to shore it up.

Anyway, my break from cleaning up stalks of weed and hanging them to dry is now over. Gotta get back to the grindstone.

Be well, my friend.

Re: Magnus' Summer Outdoor - Soil 15 AK47, Crit Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin Expr

Hey All,

So, who is curious to find out the final tally in weight I've got from my grow? Anybody???

Okay, so here's the breakdown.

I grew in my garden a mixture of Big Bud, Pineapple Express, AK-47 and Critical Mass.

I grew 1748 grams of weed.

That is 61.66 ounces of legal weed.

And finally, what everyone wants to know... How many pounds did you get? In final tally, it works out to 3.86 pounds of legal, therapeutic, medical, legal weed.

I've also got a shitload of sugar leaves, without a single fan leaf mixed in, so they should be pretty strong enough. Actually, I know they're good quality because I used them to make an alcohol tincture about 2 weeks ago.

So I bought some butter and I'm going to head on over to the cooking class (i know it's not a cooking class, but the room where they share their edibles recipes; can't remember where but I found it one day on 420mag). I'm really curious about learning how to dose my medication through food. I made some killer canna brownies earlier this week by infusing the oil for the recipe with weed. Ohmigawd they were good and chocklity. Duncan Hines Milk Chocolate Chunk. Mmmmm-mmmmm good. And I made a weed omelette one day and it was okay. But I remember there being some great recipes in that room I found. Oh, and I also found a recipe for rhubarb cheesecake that I"m going to turn into a rhubarb canna cheesecake for myself. Cant wait for THAT one, eh? Don't know how that one will taste, though. I've noticed that anything with chocolate goes well with weed, surprisingly.

Anyway, so I wanted to get those numbers out and see what people thought about the grow.

Re: Magnus' Summer Outdoor - Soil 15 AK47, Crit Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin Expr

Thanks for the update, Magnus. I was thinking about posting here asking you what your final haul was. :blushsmile:

Be careful with those brownies. When I made Sue's brownies, I found it hard to stop with just one brownie. :laughtwo:
Re: Magnus' Summer Outdoor - Soil 15 AK47, Crit Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin Expr

Nice job chef Magnus8! I wrenched my neck hanging buds to dry last week and that was far less than you tackled. Farming=ton of hard work...and :love: I always send some CBD home with patients edibles and tell them it will help counter if over- indulging those delicious edibles! It happens all the time, usually to those new to this. I call CBD their antidote to THC. They underestimate a tiny brownies' potential and my wifes' methods of making butter!! Yum followed by ohhh nooo! :thumb: Picture a big retired policeman with a sweet tooth eating brownies for first time,(just to see what his wife is taking), we warned him!!:cheesygrinsmiley: He is ok now , and after 1 month his wife is off pain meds and doing much better on butter and oil.:cco: Nice journal Bud.
Re: Magnus' Summer Outdoor - Soil 15 AK47, Crit Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin Expr

For those of you wondering how much 3.9 pounds of weed actually looks like, well... I've got these 3 gallon pails, quite large enough, and they are some of them about halfway full, but for the most part, each is about 3/4 full.

I've got ten of them.

That is what 3.9 pounds of weed looks like. HA! What a wonderful joke on me, eh? And I figured out that the amount of weed I grew is actually the amount that I am alllowed to have with my prescription for one full year. Whoopie! I don't think I'll run out now...

Re: Magnus' Summer Outdoor - Soil 15 AK47, Crit Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin Expr

Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

You can use the Report Post feature found at the bottom left of every post and we'll move it for you right away.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Boy I'm slow, just saw your post in the lotion thread and already at page 9 way to go. I'm following you on this one also, keep up the good work.:reading420magazine:
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