Magical Mystery Clone Tour

Rider my man, I want to add some of that strip lighting in a square frame around the outer perimeter of the tents. Could you give me a low down of what i need to buy and how to put it together before you bugger off to hula with the islanders.
After a lot of reading and research and drinking and pulling out my hair I came to the conclusion on two of these, HLG-240H-C1750B to power 12
each driver will power 6 strips in a rectangle configuration along the inner perimeter of the tents. The drivers are dimmable and from what I gather I'll be outputting 156 lumen/watt at around 148 watts t 75% power. Hopefully this will make my outer reaches happy and dense like the inner circle.
Shitty pic of a cola spear. There are a LOT of these but I didn't feel like doing any more trimming. I've lost my spark. By fall I'll be back in the game but now I'm just ready to hit the locker room. It's the bane of an ADD mind. Go go go go go, BORED!

Shitty pic of a cola spear. There are a LOT of these but I didn't feel like doing any more trimming. I've lost my spark. By fall I'll be back in the game but now I'm just ready to hit the locker room. It's the bane of an ADD mind. Go go go go go, BORED!

Looks yum nonetheless. Glad you updated mate.
Rider my man, I want to add some of that strip lighting in a square frame around the outer perimeter of the tents. Could you give me a low down of what i need to buy and how to put it together before you bugger off to hula with the islanders.

No. LOL. I'm burned out on growing.
This grow is almost in the bag, or glass jar or whatever. I've got several colas that are 2L bottle size so I'm thinking I may have harvested too early last time. Smells good, looks good, not looking forward to trimming it all up. I'm done for a while. I'll pick it back up in the fall with a Thaibodian Skunk grow.

Will miss you @Rider509 hope you have a good summer....and see you back in the fall.
Say Hi to Hawaii for me... I'll make it there one day. Aloha brada...
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