Magical Mystery Clone Tour

All this talk of sex toys reminds me that I need to make another run of them for the distributor. A mad silicone scientist's work is never done.

edit: I harvested the Thaibodian Skunk today. By hand! Still haven't gotten the monkeys trained well enough to trust them. Tons of small tasty looking buds. I'm looking forward to this fall when I run them exclusively in the system to see what I can coax out of them.
No we know why you have the silicone degassing chamber..... is that another one of your legit enterprises? What colors do they come in? Asking for a friend.... name starts with a t... ends with unkers....
wow, feel the love........toy.......
Easy to spot a Rider's the one will all the sexual innuendos....
edit: because previous runs have been unsuccessful
They've always taken backseat to the other plants so I know they can do better.

No we know why you have the silicone degassing chamber..... is that another one of your legit enterprises? What colors do they come in? Asking for a friend.... name starts with a t... ends with unkers....
Well, they could be used to kill snakes or large mammals so, yeah.

Scary, being you do everything in a BIG way.
Uh uh... I'm going to just let that one hang there.

Easy to spot a Rider's the one will all the sexual innuendos....
I didn't start it this time! LOL
I'm going to pull them down very soon. Time for a break and a vacation!

You should just get every thing rolling then leave as usual. They will not know you are thousands of miles away laying on the beach.
Have fun in Hawaii! Hard to imagine you wearing a vest over your flower shirt. Or an umbrella in your drink.... do you ride out to sturgis? Probably dumb question but I know lots who haul their rides then cruise around for the week
Have fun in Hawaii! Hard to imagine you wearing a vest over your flower shirt. Or an umbrella in your drink.... do you ride out to sturgis? Probably dumb question but I know lots who haul their rides then cruise around for the week
Riding to Sturgis! Although I'll be staying in a shwanky hotel in Rapid City because I enjoy a soft bed and hot shower too much. My days of sleeping in a bag beside the bike under a makeshift lean-to are over.
I don’t fucking blame you, despite the many times you tell yourself it was fun, sleeping on the ground is always a bad time after 30
OG, I couldn't agree more. At my age I like to think I've paid my dues and have earned a soft bed and hot shower. Damn... how the hell did I get so "I was sad when the dinosaurs died"? Hey! At least I'm not dead yet!
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