Mad Scientist 7D2

Not sure name if it now . OK short term memory. Hmmm. Got to work on that.


No clue then! Regular plant pics don't seem to win anymore so that makes it harder to pick.

I like the second double headed one with the purple though.
Yeah I feel yeah. But I'm old school. Maybe need old shool contest.
I like the second double headed one with the purple though.
Twin towers. Lmao. Yeah I like it too. Got 25 more days till it's done.. and what 9 days left . Lmao.
15th coming quick
Humm which one I like the best.






Nice jungle you've got goin there buddy!! Those purple nuggets are beautiful!! I've always loved seeing the (autumn) fade colors @ the end of the cycle on certain plants. Happy Friday!! 😎✌️🎶
She a good one. 3 now smart as a tack border colley Doberman mix. Very very smart dogs. But will bite your heals little boy dog will anyway. Girl want. She got alot of Doberman brain. Very proper girl.
Everyone says they are most human dogs they ever met.
I had a couple Border Colley's, and they are smart with a large vocabulary. They are a herding dog and that is why they nip at the heals, with pure breads it a hard habit to stop if you ever can. 🍋
Yes they are. Got two of them mouthy things
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