Lurch Farmer - The Rack - 400W - 4" PVC - Bag Seed

Day 46 :peace:

up is before down is after

Thanks Bid :peace:
now that I have had a run in this thing I see it needs at least 600w but 1000w would enable me to use this as base for a 2 tiered Colosseum :slide::slide:

You should spring for the 1000w im using a 600 watt in almost same size as the grate and it is hard to suplament... had to add alot of lights


a 1000w is wat im moving up tp and if you did the same you would have some crazy good buds when you throw them into flower : )
in many scientific tests 600 are proven to be a better all round way to go they are the most efficent & more lumens per watt, before i got my lights i did a grip of research i decided to go with 2 600s theres quite a bit less heat allowing the lights to get closer thus more light & lumens on the plants, the main thing a 1k has over is a bit more height or penetration but if you have to raise it higher the extra is moot ,with canopy mgmt and vented hoods 600s can be quite close and flood the plants with light, ok thats my 2 cents and honest opinion i suggest anyone thinking on getting new hid's should do research a see for themselves thats what i did and the data was pretty conclusive,but there are also those that will swear by the 1k size:Namaste:
in many scientific tests 600 are proven to be a better all round way to go they are the most efficent & more lumens per watt, before i got my lights i did a grip of research i decided to go with 2 600s theres quite a bit less heat allowing the lights to get closer thus more light & lumens on the plants, the main thing a 1k has over is a bit more height or penetration but if you have to raise it higher the extra is moot ,with canopy mgmt and vented hoods 600s can be quite close and flood the plants with light, ok thats my 2 cents and honest opinion i suggest anyone thinking on getting new hid's should do research a see for themselves thats what i did and the data was pretty conclusive,but there are also those that will swear by the 1k size:Namaste:

I agree and it has alot to do with the space your using and if your trying to fill it to the brim or not lol when you get into filling a 10x10x9 room there is alot of space to fill and you would have to fit your 600w side to side having about 12 in there vs 4-5 1000w for sure...
but it your working in a space just able to fit 2x 600 it would be better most likely
Yea Bid the 600 are great and would work much better with the rack and my version of a RDWC coliseum ( building as we speek)
If I were to purchase the JDL ballist would they work with the socket from the 400w I am using?:peace:
the rack as it sits is 3x5 but if 10 plants are in it it will cover my 8x8 and climb the walls.:)
I got a dilemma!
I am planning my next grow
Just finnished some bubble so mind is in overdrive
idea 1
Baisic rdwc 6 bucket, 2 400w hps, 2 blue dream,2 chemdawg, and 2 trainwreck, . All from humboldt seeds with a 8 - 14 week flower,(good for running on the same system)
Now that I see what it can do
The Rack gets some upgrades ,better Nute delivery,moved from the wall and centered for better use of light, and a power outage emergency manual water delivery/retention system
The question is will 8 of these Humboldt beauties fit in a 4" pvc pipe for 14 week max flower time after 30 days from seed?
May be I should go with 6 Ladies to be safe ?
Maybe I should start a pole ?:thumb:
:party:OK well wife did not hit send on the seed order so it has been modified,:party: 5 each chem dawg,:party: trainwrek,:party: Blue dream :party:and 6 free sour diesel :party:
been rethinking the setup thanks to seeing the time lines most are running here at :420: and the size of these Fine ass ladies

I do believe The rack will be getting the contract for 2 of each :party:

If plans work out the lights will be custom hybrid led/hps allowing a 6x6 center foot print with my scrog training methods the canapy should be 6x9 in the same 6x6 space, depending on how the ladies react to training

How do they re spond to major fan leaf trimming? Bending

I do try to leave as many side branches as possable
I prefer to restain the ladies under the screen rather than tie down, in hopes to allow for all bud sites to produce , even popcorn buds have a use in this operation:party:
Ok here is the way overdue up date
We been fighting some light burn then worm weather went cold again I never turnd off fan at light off so temps hit 42 f.
water 56 f casing deficiency the odd thing is it hit 2 of the 4 real badin the rack the 2 that were given a minor trim.
The counter measures of heat a 3 day water only flush a 24 hour fast (no water in the tubes)
20 gals ph @ 6.1 from filterd tap with nute ph 5.7 ppm at 1300 for 3 weeks
In the 2 days the res is got 5 gallons left and 300 ppm some green is returning.
Due to major stress related malfunctions this lady is being sent to the freezer for bubble hash and the mush leftover will be canna-coconut oil.

:rip: Bagseed 1/1/13- 4/13/13 :rip:

Sucks man at least you know how to use ur leftovers/scraps : /
Day 82
It took me 9 hours to trim and harvest the last 2 Ladies of the rack
WOW is all I can say
After last trim I did not touch them at all until friday(day 5 flush),
I just concentrated on room temps, water temps, and air control.
Advanced Nutrients ( sold buy a few sponsors of 420 ), Sensi bloom 2 part is an amazing product
Pics to follow shortly
Lady 1 wet produced , in my personal opinion, an amazing uniform desity 13 oz of nice nugs:peace:, :party:
Lady 2 a slightly better 14.6 oz, :party:
Guessing about 8 dry ?
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