Wify just got me a set of bags she prefers hash over buds. If she had her way that is all my plants would be.
I plan on a 50/50 split buds /hash
if I were to water cure the hash portion of the harvest I could be bubblin 10 days after harvest.
Did you know that after making hash and all trics removed, you can cook the trash in milk.
The prosess converts a cbd (can"t remember witch form) into THC-9, easyer for body to absorb.
Great when using males and veg trim, amazing if flower trim and buds are used.
have you ever frozen your budder for longer shelf life? I must be doing something wrong cause if I leave in frig it stays fine but if frozen it loses effectiveness, same with milk (attempted ice cream) did not get to eat for 3 days very minimal buzz, before frezing it was very strong.
I will make a video of my prossess after harvest comes in
here are some picks of my first batch ,