Look Waddee Grew In '22

Well, It looks like the gals survived my 4 days absence!!! They probably actually enjoyed the privacy!!!! :ciao:
Tomorrow they get to go play outside again, weather permitting, get a good drink and I will be able to get back to wood gathering!! Almost 1/2 way done!!!:goof:
Hey danishoes21 - Noticed a bit of PM on the gals this morning but I'm almost hesitant to spray with my Fern elixer since I noticed mold growing on the top!! I sure don't want to introduce another type of mold or is that how it works??
Hey danishoes21 - Noticed a bit of PM on the gals this morning but I'm almost hesitant to spray with my Fern elixer since I noticed mold growing on the top!! I sure don't want to introduce another type of mold or is that how it works??

Hey GreenJ, so I would try to skim that layer of mold even though residual spores will always linger around the jar of solution. That also brings attention to the fact that having mold could be a sign of oxygen getting in, or compromised vacuum in your jar.
I haven’t had mold form on my solutions but I also use them weekly so the liquid doesn’t last long.

Keep always in mind there is mold spores already in the air everywhere, we breath them and probably eat them (unconsciously), so I wouldn’t be too alarmed seen mold in a wet environment.

You will only know the potency of your fern elixir by trying it. Start small dose and up your game if you see positive result.

I also wanna say I not sure what the ultimate result will be and there are standard methods like spraying peroxide, citric acid, bi carb, even milk.

I’m doing experimental spraying (playing with fire here), I don’t want to miss lead, but you should try.

And acidic PH will make it harder for the PM to survive, perhaps measure ph on your fern Elixir and try to find a reasonable dilution ratio so you don’t burn your leafs.
Well, my holiday did not leave me unscathed!!!! A few days after getting home I could feel the tickle and heaviness in my throat and that led to the worst few days of my life. I'm not sure if this could be attributed to Long Covid or what but after experiencing piercing, stabbing pain in my ears that has led to partial deafness. After a week I was perscibed an antibiotic over the phone. After two weeks of this I'm seeing the Dr. tomorrow, so I'm hoping all this is temporary. Actually a little bit seems to have cleared in my right ear but nowhere back to normal. After a week of feeling like an old dying dog that can't find a comfortable spot to lay down I decided to get back to wood gathering and after a pretty slow start I think I am getting back on track. But what a pain in the ass - I depend on hearing my tractor to tell me about choking etc. and listening to my chainsaw to tell how it is running. I take the earmuffs off after cutting and everything still sounds like underwater!!!

Anyway... the girls.... I checked this morning and low and behold some amber!!!! and the pistils are pretty much all brown - that really snuck up on me!! :yahoo: There has been very little PM so I'm guessing that the Fern Elixer is doing it's job because lord knows there is lots of PM around - those Black Eyed Suzies in the foreground where covered - may have to rethink that little garden!!!:hmmmm:
Anyway... here they are out to bask in the sun for a few hours before getting tucked into the greenhouse for the night...


The outdoor B2 still shows mostly white pistils.....

I'm pretty happy with my timing on planting - June first gives me a nice manageable size - they don't look tired or worn out. There are yellowing leaves underneath but seems fewer than other years... now, if I don't do something real stupid over the course of the next couple of weeks.....
Oh Yeah - Smoke Report!!! My feeble little Super Lemon Haze, as pathetic as they were - gets my mind off my aches and pains and it wanders off to strange places!!!! Now, if it could just bring back my hearing!!! TTFN :ciao:
Well home from the Doctor and I'm hoping that the new antibiotics fix me up - infection on the "other" side of the ear drum!!! Last antibiotics did nothing!!! Let's hope my hearing is back soon!!!:nervous-guy:
He enjoyed my joke - I told it as if it was not a joke...
" " " My last prostate examination was weird!!! The guys said "Bend over, try to stay relaxed and don't get an erection, Dave!!!
I said what?? my names Harold!!
He said, Oh Sorry, my names Dave!!! " " " :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Hey and I scammed Canadian Tire into giving me sales price after sale was over yesterday!!! I was so sure the flyer said Oct. 10th!!!! When I got home and checked - turns out they were saying Thanksgiving is Oct. 10th!!!!
Oh well, they screwed me on useless trail cams!!!! Now we are even!!!
Well home from the Doctor and I'm hoping that the new antibiotics fix me up - infection on the "other" side of the ear drum!!! Last antibiotics did nothing!!! Let's hope my hearing is back soon!!!:nervous-guy:
He enjoyed my joke - I told it as if it was not a joke...
" " " My last prostate examination was weird!!! The guys said "Bend over, try to stay relaxed and don't get an erection, Dave!!!
I said what?? my names Harold!!
He said, Oh Sorry, my names Dave!!! " " " :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Hey and I scammed Canadian Tire into giving me sales price after sale was over yesterday!!! I was so sure the flyer said Oct. 10th!!!! When I got home and checked - turns out they were saying Thanksgiving is Oct. 10th!!!!
Oh well, they screwed me on useless trail cams!!!! Now we are even!!!
@InTheShed has got a good recipe for pm.
has got a good recipe for pm.
The Fern Elixer has been working pretty well - in the home stretch now so.....
I also may do an experiment with the outdoor gal - since the grandkids will be buzzing about at Thanksgiving and its getting pretty cold at nite I may pull her up and do a sort of "dunk in a bucket" finish off sort of thing. Save as many roots as I think will fit in a 5 gal bucket and then just feed some of the Weed elixer or whatever I have - see if going
hydoponics for a week or two will work - just to get her to the finish line inside.
@InTheShed has got a good recipe for pm.
Thanks for the tag Captain!

Here's the recipe (scale up as necessary...I mix a gallon at time!):
5g food grade citric acid
500ml distilled water
10 pipette drops dish soap

(For the record, 10 pipette drops of dish soap works out to a little less than 1ml in 1500ml of water, or 0.3ml per 500ml. I have since switched to yucca powder which is around 1/8 tsp/gallon.)

Mix well and spray, and make sure you get the whole plant as PM can hide between the buds and the branch. Also, spray first thing in the morning before the sun is baking the leaves.

You can tell live PM from dead because live PM will wipe off with your finger (wash your hands after!). Dead PM looks similar but won't wipe off.

Just a note, this kills PM but doesn't prevent it so repeat as needed. The only thing that tends to prevent PM are oil sprays which I don't use in flower. In veg I usually just use neem to keep the PM down.
Today I transplanted B2 into a rolling Tub!!! The Grandkids will be running around here tomorrow and it's getting pretty cold at night so I figured she was better off in the greenhouse. It will be interesting to see if this kind of "shock" does anything to the triches etc. The root ball I moved was better than a foot in diameter and just as deep. I figured that at this point it can't hurt much - we'll see!!! :nervous-guy: :nervous-guy: :nervous-guy: :hmmmm:
Looks like the transplant of B2 was successful - she has not shown any signs of wilting at all and I think she will finish off much better in the warmth.
But Hey I have finished one harvest!!!!! Must have had bigger loads - only 49!!!
In a way @Brewsterman helped me get this harvest in!!! He knows how!! :ciao:
Now I can fully concentrate on bringing the gals to harvest!!! From here on in weather is not a concern!!! :yahoo:

A little pep in the step goes a long way. Nice wood pile, I have only 2 cords to burn. How much you got in there?
The little tractor gives me memories of my uncle's tractor, with the 4-foot circular saw blade
Hey Brewman - I used it to alleviate the pain in my legs!!! I figure it is about 10 bush cords (not good at math) but I fill an area 12' x 20' x about 7' high - I have two areas, in the shed and then the lean to and I alternate - fresh cut and seasoned.
Fred is a 1939 Ford 9N - he coughed and farted and sputtered in with that last load, I have a lot of rust in my gas tank and it clogs the filters.

But back to the gals - DAMN!!! I found aphids this morning - not bad and not everywhere but DAMN!!!!
But back to the gals - DAMN!!! I found aphids this morning - not bad and not everywhere but DAMN!!!!
Give them little buggers a blast with the water hose & then blow dry or shake them dry don't want to be using chemicals on them now
Can't tell by the pic but here are the 5 gals all cuddling in the greenhouse - you can't tell them apart.
The PM seems to be a minimum but I did notice one spot of bud rot. I was really hoping to not see that this year.
I have also started a staggered harvest. I think I will take about 6 colas every so often then possible try a smoke report on which stage suits me best - it also spreads out the work.

I also should mention that the B2 that I had trained espalier style, which I then dug up and transplanted into a laundry tub now has the two biggest colas of the bunch. She didn't seem to have any ill effects from the move. I think she enjoyed the warmth at night. I may do more next year in the espalier style.
In a way @Brewsterman helped me get this harvest in!!! He knows how!! :ciao:
Now I can fully concentrate on bringing the gals to harvest!!! From here on in weather is not a concern!!! :yahoo:
I’m happy for you my friend, hope everything goes smoothly. CL🍀
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