Look Noobie Ash is Freezing Bubbling 2L Hempy's at the Blue Planet

Nothing better to do with the time off, but upload new pics.:cheesygrinsmiley:

Compared to the other 2 "larger" plants this one is sub par but looks good. I don't know if it's genetics or me being a noobie or a combo of both. If I run out of room this strain will be the first to go. I do still want to run a couple clones just to see.


The four tester clones. They are doing ok, way behind where they need to be, for the goal. I started off with weak plants and it seems like I lost 5-10 days for them to get their feet under them. 18 days in, thats huge.:thedoubletake: I have a couple of experiments going to improve the strength of the cuttings so they can hit the perilite running.:cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley:

This gal has a nice fruity/pineapple smell. At 91 days from seedling pop, 32 days in flower she's no High Brix plant but I'm a happy newbie.:cheesygrinsmiley:



I love overweight women.:cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley: Here is my biggest gal.


:bravo:I'm A Chubby Chaser:)
dont matter I like chubby girls and skinny girls and ..... any kind that like Me:)
Lol I didn't catch what you meant the first time you mentioned phat girls(something about dresses). Now what you said makes all the sense in the world. Don't tell anyone but I'm a little slow on the uptake.:biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:
Yup, now comes the hard part, waiting.

Boy your not lying about the hard part. I had to ban myself from the basement yesterday. I have to go back to work just so they have some peace. Leave Them Alone!!!!:cheesygrinsmiley:

Showed the finance dept. two of the ladies this AM at 5wks. Suddenly she saw the possibilities and her stance on the matter has softened considerably. :tokin::cheesygrinsmiley::party::tommy:
good morning and a great weed Ash:)
I was sittin her wondering why the freezer girls are not living up to expectations. :hmmmm:. Blaming it on genetic's is a cop out. They other 2 are doing great under my buddies 300w LED. My little 120 is suspect even though they claim "core coverage" should cover it.:idea: I added 9600 lumens of CFL in there is see if it will help in the final stages. The cash is starting to build back up, going to get another extreme flower for the freezer so I'm running 240w LED that should be more than enough to be sure.:wood:
Boy your not lying about the hard part. I had to ban myself from the basement yesterday. I have to go back to work just so they have some peace. Leave Them Alone!!!!:cheesygrinsmiley:

Showed the finance dept. two of the ladies this AM at 5wks. Suddenly she saw the possibilities and her stance on the matter has softened considerably. :tokin::cheesygrinsmiley::party::tommy:

Wait till she smokes some of it, she'll be asking what you're going to grow next time. :thumb:
Subscribed. Big girls need love too! Room for one more? ;)
Always have room for one more:Namaste: I like your 12/12 from seed grow. I'm one looking for fast turns to!:thumb:

Thanks buddy :party:

I'll be sure to stay tuned!

5 miles from where you could be legal? Says it all really. This world is Kafkaesque.
I dare say I'll be here to get a look at the Mystery Widow then, Ash

Maybe it was fertilized by one of these... :morenutes:

"Feed me...!" :whoa:
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