LKV 420 Outdoor Grow Journal 2022

Wow my plants are so dense. It’s my second grow and I think it’s time to learn more about trimming off leaves to get bigger buds. Its probably too late now sine we’re a few months from harvest? I just don’t know where to start. I do keep the bottom 30 percent of the thick branches clean an bear since they’ll never see the sun anyway. This plant looks so much different than the plans that I had last year the leaves have three instead of six petals. I just don’t know which ones to keep vs pull!
Today I broke off a few extremely low branches which killed me cause they were flowering. I put them in a vase of water for now.




Wow my plants are so dense. It’s my second grow and I think it’s time to learn more about trimming off leaves to get bigger buds. Its probably too late now sine we’re a few months from harvest? I just don’t know where to start. I do keep the bottom 30 percent of the thick branches clean an bear since they’ll never see the sun anyway. This plant looks so much different than the plans that I had last year the leaves have three instead of six petals. I just don’t know which ones to keep vs pull!
Today I broke off a few extremely low branches which killed me cause they were flowering. I put them in a vase of water for now.




Beautiful garden my friend.
Unless you have rh issues I would stop pulling stuff off your girls.
Know what buds are the smallest?
The ones you pull off!
Let them grow, a good root system should be able to support everything on her.
I LST but do not take any leaves off outside, heck even inside I don't.
Under the skirt yes but don't remove anything else.
Keep up the good work.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Yes! Cut with clean shears
Some members use defoliation but unless you know what to do you can make things worse.
Fan leaves absorb energy for your girls.
The more the better on my ladies.
Check my purple pics thread, I grow massive plants covered in leaves.
Lots of huge hard nugs.
Light, nutrition and environment concentrate on getting those perfect.
By then you will see what they can produce.
Hope your having a great day my friend. :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Some members use defoliation but unless you know what to do you can make things worse.
Fan leaves absorb energy for your girls.
The more the better on my ladies.
Check my purple pics thread, I grow massive plants covered in leaves.
Lots of huge hard nugs.
Light, nutrition and environment concentrate on getting those perfect.
By then you will see what they can produce.
Hope your having a great day my friend. :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks Bill. Your purple Jack Herrera pics were amazing. I think definitely light soil and nutrients are important I don’t really know much about any of that I just been using Foxfarm ocean soil good old sunshine here in California and I use a two-part nutrient system Foxfarm flora nova grow and bloom. Mostly because it’s easy and I don’t really know what I’m doing 🤓 but I would love to learn more about this and the best way to keep them healthy without taking the chance of killing them while doing it! I asked you a question on your post about silica and why you use it and you sent me a link to a very long post and I was going to reply but I couldn’t find my comment with the question I posted in that long thread.
Thanks Bill. Your purple Jack Herrera pics were amazing. I think definitely light soil and nutrients are important I don’t really know much about any of that I just been using Foxfarm ocean soil good old sunshine here in California and I use a two-part nutrient system Foxfarm flora nova grow and bloom. Mostly because it’s easy and I don’t really know what I’m doing 🤓 but I would love to learn more about this and the best way to keep them healthy without taking the chance of killing them while doing it! I asked you a question on your post about silica and why you use it and you sent me a link to a very long post and I was going to reply but I couldn’t find my comment with the question I posted in that long thread.
In my pp thread?
I recommend it to everyone.
Brilliant stuff.
I'm using Diatomaceous Earth in all my pots as well.
Very helpful substance.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
So how and when What do you silicon and why. Is it better for mature plants in flowering or when do you start adding it to your girls is something you had to the soil or the water? I know nothing about silica. Last year I did use a little Diatomaceous Earth on the top soil of my potted plants.
So how and when What do you silicon and why. Is it better for mature plants in flowering or when do you start adding it to your girls is something you had to the soil or the water? I know nothing about silica. Last year I did use a little Diatomaceous Earth on the top soil of my potted plants.
DE. is good as a top dress or mixed into the soil before planting.
Potassium Silicate , when I ran a perpetual grow I used it on all my girls once a week.
I made about 20 clones a month.
As soon as they were rooted they went on it.
So once a week I would ph about 40 - 50 litres of water then add .5ml/l.
That's one ml of PS. for every litre of plain ph'd water.
Let that sit for 1/2 hour minimum.
I would feed as usual.
Then give all 50 girls a good drink of water with just Potassium Silicate.
Never anything else with it!!

In soil similar procedure once a week when giving plain water to your soil girls give Potassium Silicate.
Ph the water add PS. .5ml/l wait half an hour then water to run off as usual.
Outside just add some to a 5 gal pale of water .5ml/l wait and water as usual once a week.
Think that covers it?:cheesygrinsmiley:

Stay safe
Bill 😎
I grow outdoors in soil , would i still benefit from adding Potassium Silicate at this late stage? . Is it risky?
No risk as long as you follow the instructions on the bottle.
You may have a different brand, look at the mix ratio!
Add it to your water once a week until harvest.
There are nothing but benefits. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
better to use both Potassium Silicate with
diamaetous earth or is the DE is enough on its own (it contains silica)
I used the DE in veg because it helps with bugs also, but I didn't want to pay 75 bucks.
DE is deadly to bugs.
This brand is higher in potassium than my old brand.
Once a week won't do any harm though, just enough for a drink.
Not actually a watering.
Like Shed says not too much.
Hope your having a good morning my friend. :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Not a lot of bioavailable silica in DE, but keep in mind that potassium silicate adds potassium to what you're feeding so I'd keep the amount low.

No need to pH your nutes in soil.
you Shed. how much should i use per 10gallon pot? 1/4 cup too much? just blend it dry into to solider mix with water?
Thank you Shed. how much should i use per 10gallon pot? 1/4 cup too much? just blend it dry into to solider mix with water?
How much DE? I didn't see any difference mixing DE in with my nutes other than ending up with a very dusty rootball in the end, and by the time it breaks down into available silica in your soil you'll be harvested. Silica is most important in veg (some is good in flower though), so if you feel the need for it I'd go with the potassium silicate. Go easy on it so you don't end up with a potassium toxicity.
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