Ljb Another Go Peyote Cookies & Others

I do think the AC ones in the same range look sexy er? ;)
But i saved a few pound and looked after a sponsor.
I think in winter uk style your prob get away with it most days. (1 fan out take)
But soon as the weather changes i would say your need that intake fan.
Guess if you set them up right and heat and r/h are not to much of an issue.
They prob wouldnt be on much tbh unless you set them that way.
Which ever way you go AC or mars.
Also i pull from outside and some days the air coming in is so humid.
Im better with it of or the r/h can become a drama.
Hey Ljb. Too little too late here if you’ve made your decision. Your new tent will have a volume of 56 cubic feet.
IDK about the Mars fan but my off brand 4” fan moves 256 cubic feet per minute.
That will replace the entire volume of air in a tent that size five times a minute. You only really need to spec your fan to replace the air volume once every two minutes.
Hope that helps.
I'm have to have a look at the Mars ones bit more se the specs properly thankyiu very much for info back to drawing board lol
Yeah il be back on in May 100% solicitors reckon all be done by then

Hi moony I can't go bigger just yet enless I go back in loft but missis is worried I had a 2.4m x 1.2 but cut top of before a old freind killed the crop so I'm going 3x3 so can hide it away but should be moving this year so il make a proper room with fire extinguishers everywhere and go big then and it's now sold 6 inch it is then lol
Happy to hear bud!
I do think the AC ones in the same range look sexy er? ;)
But i saved a few pound and looked after a sponsor.
I think in winter uk style your prob get away with it most days. (1 fan out take)
But soon as the weather changes i would say your need that intake fan.
Guess if you set them up right and heat and r/h are not to much of an issue.
They prob wouldnt be on much tbh unless you set them that way.
Which ever way you go AC or mars.
Also i pull from outside and some days the air coming in is so humid.
Im better with it of or the r/h can become a drama.
That's the one thing I struggle with everytime is low rh struggle to get it to 50 lights of what do you suggest that's bin with air in and out by fan never not used 2 getting some new gear ready for May lol
If i had a low r/h issue.
I would spend that extra fan money on a humidifier.
I have one in my small seedling tent.keeps it at a stable 70 r/h
That's the one thing I struggle with everytime is low rh struggle to get it to 50 lights of what do you suggest that's bin with air in and out by fan never not used 2 getting some new gear ready for May lol
Also if you feed to run of leave it in the tent.
Tends to up my r/h
If i had a low r/h issue.
I would spend that extra fan money on a humidifier.
I have one in my small seedling tent.keeps it at a stable 70 r/h

Also if you feed to run of leave it in the tent.
Tends to up my r/h
OK makes sense do you think a 13l would last 24hr I will be doing it in different place of house this time that could make a difference as use to get air from my landing into tent in loft then push out into loft but this time intake got to come from outside but I think il buy one to be ready and I've always got one then thanks again mate
Yeah il be back on in May 100% solicitors reckon all be done by then

Hi moony I can't go bigger just yet enless I go back in loft but missis is worried I had a 2.4m x 1.2 but cut top of before a old freind killed the crop so I'm going 3x3 so can hide it away but should be moving this year so il make a proper room with fire extinguishers everywhere and go big then and it's now sold 6 inch it is then lol
If ya grab a 6 and a 4 you'll be covered if ya do go back to the 2.4 X 1.2 it will be enough on full to cover.
Hey Ljb. Too little too late here if you’ve made your decision. Your new tent will have a volume of 56 cubic feet.
IDK about the Mars fan but my off brand 4” fan moves 256 cubic feet per minute.
That will replace the entire volume of air in a tent that size five times a minute. You only really need to spec your fan to replace the air volume once every two minutes.
Hope that helps.
This is very true. However the fans aren't the quietest on full. Personally I always go above the needed amount then run on a lower setting for nice and quiet. Also LJB mentioned he may go for a bigger tent soonish so for the extra 20 quid id grab the 6 and 4 then your covered for every eventuality. Also I'd never run without a intake again just because Ive seen what it did to my tent. It's definitely pulled and stretched it to its limit.
No more Negative pressure suck in.
With two controlled.
And sounds like a plan ;)
OK makes sense do you think a 13l would last 24hr I will be doing it in different place of house this time that could make a difference as use to get air from my landing into tent in loft then push out into loft but this time intake got to come from outside but I think il buy one to be ready and I've always got one then thanks again mate
LJB your British right? How are you getting the air so dry?! I have a dehumidifier running 24 hours a day in my room and tbh could do with another! Although I do vent into the room unfortunately my only option. But I intake from window.
Yeah I think I'm just going to do that as I already have a 4 and 5 here so il get mars 4 and 6 and should have enough to do another tent maybe if I can squeeze one in and yeah mate I had it up the attic taken air from landing just so it wasn't different air and more fresh but I had my 5 on the filter and my 4 on intake even when I turnt 5 down on controller humidity was still in 30s 40s light out hole way though my grow
Yeah I think I'm just going to do that as I already have a 4 and 5 here so il get mars 4 and 6 and should have enough to do another tent maybe if I can squeeze one in and yeah mate I had it up the attic taken air from landing just so it wasn't different air and more fresh but I had my 5 on the filter and my 4 on intake even when I turnt 5 down on controller humidity was still in 30s 40s light out hole way though my grow
Damn. I end up going into the 70s. I've started leaving my fans on and filter on full. Even with dehumidifier in room on full It's keeping it in the 55 or under range. I empty 2 litres out every 12 hours so 4 litres being removed from the air a day to keep it in the 50s haha. I'm sweet in veg but flower is an issue. If I don't keep ontop of it I could get mold or rot. Luckily I've never had any. My current is looking very frosty so really gotta keep ontop of things but so far so good. I'm at week 4/9-10 so far so good :)
Ye like moony with how many ladies i sqeeze in i have to use a dehumidifier.
And that thing ramps up the temps also.
Just to keep it 55 any lower and the dehumidifier would be always on.
This way kicks in every few hours as long as tents shut.
I would say downstairs you wont have as much of an issue.
Not much moisture in lofts unless somethings going wrong.
Damn. I end up going into the 70s. I've started leaving my fans on and filter on full. Even with dehumidifier in room on full It's keeping it in the 55 or under range. I empty 2 litres out every 12 hours so 4 litres being removed from the air a day to keep it in the 50s haha. I'm sweet in veg but flower is an issue. If I don't keep ontop of it I could get mold or rot. Luckily I've never had any. My current is looking very frosty so really gotta keep ontop of things but so far so good. I'm at week 4/9-10 so far so good :)
Wow I'd have to turn fans of for a hour or so for it to go up to 70s but going in different place so we're se what temps an rh in this spot will be going up after house check wich before May just getting xtra stuff so not to expensive when I'm ready to go again
Ye like moony with how many ladies i sqeeze in i have to use a dehumidifier.
And that thing ramps up the temps also.
Just to keep it 55 any lower and the dehumidifier would be always on.
This way kicks in every few hours as long as tents shut.
I would say downstairs you wont have as much of an issue.
Not much moisture in lofts unless somethings going wrong.
Yeah I will have no more than 4 in there when I started last year I didn't even think rh matters but it really does I'm going to try grow some 10/10 bud this year and that's where its going this time in cupboard in tent but there's some room to extract in the cupboard to but I'm going to get a 4 with thermostat and a 6 with speed control and new pH pen I'm ready to go in May
I everyone sorry for absence had a lot going on family wise but I'm back and I'm about to try some purple bud auto in a plastic green house but after seeing reviews on soil I'm trying one for now as can't grow in house just yet and I need to grow something I delve got seed in paper towel I will upload pics when I go check soon hopefully soil hold up and ain't to bad pics coming soon
I popped one seed in paper towel 6 days still nothing so I put another one in 24hr water then straight into soil it's just all purpose soil and perlite I've added but 2 days after putting in soil we have a Sprougt it's going in greenhouse but today not much sun so got a lamp over it if probably go in green house tomorrow and bring in at night time leave lamp on for it

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