Lion n' Witch Garden

im sorry to confuse, im rather new to all the terms online..

so after looking a little bit, i will look into this more tomorrow.

from what i understand is Fluxing is just taking the top of the plant off and letting it grow in its Y shape.

only thing i do different, is keep toping those mains. so after its grown out i top those two mains on the Y then ill top those. and can keep going.

reason i call it hubbing is because your creating a Hub for the nutes to be delivered equally or close to equally to each branch.

i will touch on this more tomorrow, its the end of my shop day and going to garden now.

needing to study up on Fluxing, ive always read up on the old term for that word that we dare not mention.


No need to be sorry. All of this in relation to growing is new to me and some days my mind just reels with all of the new info. I in no way meant to challenge you about the term, I'm just trying to get it straight in my head.

I have partaken for 30+ years, but have never grown. I have been reading as much as possible on this wonderful site every day for the last couple of months in preparation for my own first grow. :reading420magazine: There has been so much terrific info here that I have started a few Word documents and have been pasting bits and pieces of things that I want to remember and/or check into further. As age lengthens, memory shortens!

Enjoy your time in the garden tonight as I'm sure you do everyday. I look forward to the time that I too can gaze upon beauties like yours. :blushsmile:
the garden time is my favorite time.

ok so after looking at Light addicts quick guide to fluxing ive came to the conclusion that they are the same concept.

main differences
"Fluxing" looks like he topped the main branch and trained the bottom two nodes just as i, however he stretched each branch out and defoliated every branch making a "perfect circle" canopy.

with this method it wont go through nearly as much stress as i put my plant through "hubbing" leaving you with more time in veg for growth instead of recovery. now why i say its the same concept is because we are both going for "same" or close to equal sized colas with minor to no C or even B nugs (the smaller nugs the size of your thumb and smaller). With "fluxing" you do the same amount of training given for time they stay in veg. looks like you get a very nice yield too.

"Hubbing" is creating a "hub" for nutes to gather and split into two main paths (branches)
i topped the plant, trained the bottom nodes and defoliated those up about 18" then i topped those two main branches leaving the 2 node points on each branch in tack creating a total of 3 hub points. with those i then pulled and trained them along the tomato cage. [[i did leave one small branch off the bottom of the main branch since it was a thick healthy branch. (it may be taken for a clone down the road) but this is not what i normally would do.]] i have toped those points creating 7 hub points. i will be topping them at least one more time maybe two. but the next time i top it will create 15 hub points. out of those 15 hub points i will have 30 colas.

Picture belongs to @Light Addict and his Fluxing style.

So this is Fluxing. you can see how the top of the christmas tree style grow has been topped and the bottom nodes have became the main stocks now. he defoliates the inside allowing for air circulation as well as light penetration and getting rid of any smaller nugs that will take the nutes from his main colas.


Now im extremly sorry for this picture, i couldnt find a good detailed picture that can show what i do with my plants as this cell only has pics of this most recent grow..
so the red lines are what i cut off, the green lines are the main branches. the blue dots represent the hub points that will form. you keep doing this till you have as many tops as you wish.

i hope this helps.


now that ive got more room in my tent i can do the training i like. its to late to have my picture perfect hubbing to show off here but i have 16 seeds that will be germinating soon and im planning to hub them and will be spending alot of time with them.
You might want to have a look at a way I have trained cannabis plants also. You can see an example of the techniques such as Topping and Low Stress Training that I use to produce large plants with mostly equal length branches that I never gave a specific name to that pre dates Light Addicts style in my KingJohnC's 400 Watt LA Confidential Seed Cabinet Soil Indoor Grow Journal or my KingJohnC's Brainstorm Haze Soil Indoor Grow Journal. Mainlining is a completely different style of training.

KingJohnC's 400 Watt LA Confidential Seed Cabinet Soil Indoor Grow Journal

KingJohnC's Brainstorm Haze Soil Indoor Grow Journal
what exactly is mainlining? i first heard of it on google mainlining and its a few links down and seemed like that was the birthplace of that phrase.

i was under the impression that it is just creating a center for nutes to be split up evenly. would love to know the true meaning.

i will look into your journals later tonight, im waiting for the volunteer to show up and then im heading to the grow shop for the first time in 4 months.. it sucks when your local grow shop closes the only day off out of the week you have off.


Edit : my intentions of using the term hubbing was to get people away from mainling as i felt i was doing the same concept but have not kept up on the training like i wanted to be able to so the bottom half of my plant is hubbed the top is just filling a canopy up as the plant grows to it now.
Mainlining is the technique where all growth is striped from the plants in vegetative growth except the top of the branches. Mainlining produces plants where the growth is directed to the branches that become colas.
Thank you to Gfcollective, Light Addict and KingJohnC for all of the further clarification. I'm coming to the conclusion that there are a basic handful or so of training techniques that get tweaked by personal preference, which in turn makes that basic # into an exponential # of techniques. Which is how it should be. Human ingenuity is amazing.
sorry guys, due to fires surrounding our home, shop and gardens i have been rather busy. we just got our internet back up today so i will try and respond to all the links in my mail later tonight. Gardens are still doing great btw, they are far from being touched by the fire.

hope everyone else is doing ok. best of luck to you all

Just playing with the new microscope i got. flower room is taking longer then expected so still waiting for her to whisper to me shes ready.


black berry kush




Mazar Sharif


LA Chocolate

sorry guys, due to fires surrounding our home, shop and gardens i have been rather busy. we just got our internet back up today so i will try and respond to all the links in my mail later tonight. Gardens are still doing great btw, they are far from being touched by the fire.

hope everyone else is doing ok. best of luck to you all


I hope you're not in the Sand Hill area that has that big fire going on there. I heard it was only about 30% contained so far. Regardless of where you are, fire is not something to take lightly. Be safe.
i believe they are naming this one the carlton complex fire. its the biggest in washington history, not to bad as its blowing in the other direction but is hardly contained. ill be back on here tomorrow with updates and replys. sorry guys

small update:

pictures of my ladys before i start moving them around. This coming wed at the latest.

also a close up for what im waiting for to be ready to harvest to allow me to move everything around.


Platinum GSC close up

Nice update, beautiful trichs, I hope the fire gets under control, be careful! Don't want to be there if it starts blowing your way for sure.. I'm missing your regular updates!

And haha yes its sand 710420, most people that use it put a thin layer of it over the top of their soil to help prevent soil critter problems like fungus gnats because it dries up quickly (needs to be moist for them to lay eggs) and they have a hard time getting through it. She's not just growing in sand hahaha, but doesn't it look like a nice tropical beach area in there? :laughtwo::passitleft:
NICE! Is that sand inside your pots? Sorry for the noob question. Never seen that material in soil before. Keep up the good work brotha!

Hello 710420 (oil spelled backwards and 420 nice)

yes that is sand inside my pot, and like soilgirl stated it is used for many benificial reasons, my main reason.. it looks like a tropical forrest ;)

also helps with spreading the water out equally when you pore on top it will quickly spread and be absorbed where its needed. will allow for your roots to grow to the very bottom of your sand using every inch of your soil, if you use cloth pots like most mine are in your roots will grow out the sides and be air pruned, allowing for every inch of soil to be properly used. stops bugs from entering the soil (it will cut them and suffocate them). do not use regular sand without cooking it first.

to cook soil or sand, i recommend making a fire outside and having a old broken metal wheel barrow. get your fire going good, then let it settle to just coals that are nice and toasty. place your metal wheel barrow on top of this and add your soil. once your soil starts steaming, stir your soil or ( sand you may need to encase the wheelbarrow somehow for the stiffness of stiring sand) and once its all dried out and smoking (30min to a hour) depending on how wet the soil/sand is per 2.5 cubic yards of soil. this will kill any pests that you do not want in the soil. (you can do this with store bought soil if you dont trust it) as i did before making my own soil just this year.

NICE! Is that sand inside your pots? Sorry for the noob question. Never seen that material in soil before. Keep up the good work brotha!

Hello 710420 (oil spelled backwards and 420 nice)

yes that is sand inside my pot, and like soilgirl stated it is used for many beneficial reasons, my main reason.. it looks like a tropical forest ;)

also helps with spreading the water out equally when you pore on top it will quickly spread and be absorbed where its needed. will allow for your roots to grow to the very bottom of your sand using every inch of your soil, if you use cloth pots like most mine are in your roots will grow out the sides and be air pruned, allowing for every inch of soil to be properly used. stops bugs from entering the soil (it will cut them and suffocate them). do not use regular sand without cooking it first.

to cook soil or sand, i recommend making a fire outside and having a old broken metal wheel barrow. get your fire going good, then let it settle to just coals that are nice and toasty. place your metal wheel barrow on top of this and add your soil. once your soil starts steaming, stir your soil or ( sand you may need to encase the wheelbarrow somehow for the stiffness of steering sand) and once its all dried out and smoking (30min to a hour) depending on how wet the soil/sand is per 2.5 cubic yards of soil. this will kill any pests that you do not want in the soil. (you can do this with store bought soil if you dont trust it) as i did before making my own soil just this year.

Thanks a lot soilgirl n gfc. I love learning something new today. Sorry to get off topic for a sec but today I just passed my health n life insurance agent test today! Yes! (I just felt like telling someone, it took a lot of energy and time)

Soilgirl n gfc. I have never seen that in any grows before? Around what time during the life cycle of the plant do you apply? Previous post stated put a thin you water on top of the sand? how many waterings per application of sand? how many times can you apply on the life cycle? sorry so many questions, they just all come out at once in my head and I cant stop typing.

Thanks for the info! the good ones I put in my notebook. this sand tech I will deffenitly be putting into the notebook.
hello again 710420,
you can place sand on top of your soil whenever you like. at the shop i have sand on all my plants but the clones that are going to be going out the door.

yes, i dont just dump the water on the sand (that would make a mess) but this also makes the gardener take their time when watering instead of dumping a gallon or so of water on their lady at once. you still simply pore your water on top, you just be gentle which your roots will thank you for.

i water the same, no difference with or without sand. it just helps spread the water evenly as well as keep light and bugs out.

you can apply sand as much as you want, the cannabis plant is not like most trees to where when you bury their trunk they will get weak and die like pine trees.

dont worry about all the questions, its what were all here for. to teach each other.

fire is in our backyard now, just started about 30 min ago and i got a picture of it in the back of our shop. ill try and keep you guys posted but we are sealing windows at home and grabing are bags to get leaving as the smoke is blowing towards home. picture of it started will be in my (pictures of baby elder) section.

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