Limited Space & Resources - Zombie Ninja's PC Grow Box Experiment Journal!

LOL yeah, my grow is quite laughable in comparison to yours... that's why I'm stoked to have you along for the ride. It's amazing to see people's grows evolve as they gain knowledge and confidence, that's why this journal stuff is invaluable...

I feel as if I'm contributing, if for no other reason than to show other rookies what NOT to do... I've learned that even though an idea seems like a brilliant one on the surface, it may or may not be what's best for your plants. I've learned alot of shit here. Lmao, I almost wanna rename my journal, 'How to not grow marijuana, and still grow marijuana' my plants wouldn't be 4 weeks old and green today without this forum.

hah, dont even sweat it bro. i was feeling like you less than two years ago, never really grew a thing in my life before that :rofl:

im sure it wont be long till your floating on a little cloud posed like budda, dispensing ganja and advice like mana from the heavens :rofl:

This is the exact reason I'm here. I see, I help, I watch fruits grow. Great is the need for my advice, graciously it is given.

:rofl:<climbs down off of high horse>:rofl:

Really, I wouldn't be half where I am right now if it weren't for this forum. When I started growing again, I knew NOTHING about growing in hydro. Okay, I read extensively on the subject, and it's pain points, but didn't have any practical knowledge in hydro for cannabis at all. Luckily those with the knowledge gave it with good heart, and helped me greatly. It's the reason I'm so loyal to this forum.
Really, I wouldn't be half where I am right now if it weren't for this forum. When I started growing again, I knew NOTHING about growing in hydro. Okay, I read extensively on the subject, and it's pain points, but didn't have any practical knowledge in hydro for cannabis at all. Luckily those with the knowledge gave it with good heart, and helped me greatly. It's the reason I'm so loyal to this forum.

amenadellic my sentiments exactly, 420 mag and its awesome members are the reason im where i am today and if i didnt find here someone here knew where to direct me, truely the best community i have ever found on the www!:thumb:
I hope everyone has a Happy Holidays, it's been busy around here lol, hopefully I'll be able to post an update with pictures and all tomorrow :) Merry Christmas everyone and I hope Santa was good to you all!!!! :xmas:
What's up everyone, hope the holidays are treating you well, I've enjoyed the hell out of it ;)

Plant #1: The plant that was having pH troubles turned back completely green, but the leaves on it now are very skinny and curled under and the thing looks like a miniature palm tree. I gave it to my buddy because he has a little more room than I do at the moment.I may end up getting it back from him if it survives. I didn't get any pics before I gave it to him, I wish I had though. Sorry guys. lol...

Plant #2: This is the plant I tried 'femming' on, I guess the leaves had already formed more than I thought they had or I did't cut the top off short enough or something, but it just resulted in some disfigured leaves and slowed growth to me... I'll try again after the plant has recovered and grown. Alot. The bottom leaves are yellowing, but the new growth is nice and green so I think this plant will be alright.
Plant #3: The big plant in the solo cup hasn't slowed down one bit. It's the only plant I have that is really showing me any secondary growth so far, and I've had to tie it down twice. I will probably tie it down again after catching up on some journal reading. But this thing looks nice. I feel like it won't be very long before I know for sure what this plant is.

Plant #4: This plant is green as hell, short, and bushy. Still isn't really growing upward. But it is growing. So that's good.

With 3 plants left, I'm anxious to be able to determine which girl gets the pc box to herself. The weather around here has been really crappy lately, (cold, wet, nasty rain), so it's slowed me down on getting my big box finished. But I have everything I need for it. Except a decent days' weather.

My White Widow beans came today, Merry Christmas to me!! I don't intend to plant them until I feel confident that I can clone a plant successfully, as I want to be able to keep the genes around. But soooon. :ganjamon:

My buddy got an early Christmas present from his father about 2 weeks ago, a bunch of purp seeds! he now has 12 purp plant growing, along with the 4 I have now gave him. I will be getting a couple of those purps as soon as I get my box finished. Visions of crossing ww and purps has definitely already entered my mind.

I've tried to refrain from naming my plants yet, or even go as far as referring to them as 'girls', lol, because I'm scared I'll jinx myself haha... kinda like my dogs... I usually allow them to gain some personality before I name them ;)

Anyways, here's the pics I just took of the three remaining plants. They are 37 days old today, it's kinda hard to believe that they were all started at the same time, and even harder to believe that I haven't killed them yet. :peace:

Plant #2:



Plant #3:



Plant #4:


Yeah I think ours are close to the same age... and efff some bugs dude... I just got my girl a venus flytrap for Christmas... thing is pretty cool... out of curiosity, who would win the battle of fungus gnats vs flytrap? lol
No bro, that was to zombie dude. The grow store sold me some stinkin nematodes, I used em, expecting results, and lost a crop cuz I culled em all and started over. I kill their asses now with worry free. You will see one flyin around now and then ( which means there's not too many larvae in the soil ) and i squish it or I'll spray if I see a couple of em, They are under control.
yeah im not too fond of them right now, lol. gonna look into a companion plant, hopefully a perennial, that scares them off.

im trying to design a grow method based on my hydroganics where you just have a square of land (indoors btw) with running water beneath it (waterfall recirculation?). and an all year round mixed crop of plants, these plants will be anything cool that aids MJ plants in some way. then i want the soil to be big enough and rich enough to have a perminant colony of worms and myccoriza thingy (sorry just got weed like half hour ago and its hitting me hard =D im a little 'fk spelling' atm).

then i just dig out places to plant my mj plants and all that lovely life will give those new roots a great big hug and welcome them home.

im currently testing (needed to try and boost my life support during this gnat plague) my water section with only seaweed in it...still no other nutes of any kind..i did PH it to 6.3 from its native 7.4, but this is just a temporary thing untill the gnats are under control.

the reason i chose 6.3 is nothing more than i made up a large batch of liquid and used it to water my soil plants at the same time, who are all also on no nutes as of yet.
No bro, that was to zombie dude. The grow store sold me some stinkin nematodes, I used em, expecting results, and lost a crop cuz I culled em all and started over. I kill their asses now with worry free. You will see one flyin around now and then ( which means there's not too many larvae in the soil ) and i squish it or I'll spray if I see a couple of em, They are under control.
I don't have any pest problems yet, (knock on wood) lol, I was simply wondering since he brought the gnats up if a flytrap could feasibly take care of them ;)
Must be the year for these critters. I noticed a few a couple of weeks ago. I threw in a mosquito dunk and started using
Dutch master zone. Don't know if the zone did anything for the nats. I also ground up part of a dunk and sprinkled it
on the hydroton. Then watered it down. Seems to have done the job so far.
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