Hey Light, those pics are definitely 'clawing' downwards! Thanks for the clarification!
Now since I know you must have your nutrient feed dialed in, I can relate this to environmental effects. But just to be sure, check the foliage that gets the least exposure to heat and light. If it is a a case of high nutrient feed, then all leaves throughout the plant should show signs of curling.
Now if you rule that out, I most commonly see this problem in my leaves when temperature and lack of moisture coincide. When there is a lack of moisture in the air, combined with a constant fan blowing in their direction will lead to leaves drying out faster than it can absorb moisture, causing an upward curl, like a kayak!
When it is just too hot, the leaf will attempt to conserve moisture by curling down and inwards (like a claw), preventing the whole leave from respirating excess moisture into the air. Do you notice at different times of the day (early morning, late night) the leaves appear to be flattening out, but then other times of the day (mid-day) they seem to be getting worse? If so then your roots are not providing the leaves with enough moisture to overcome what the leaf is losing to the heat.
So when lights go off, when lights go on, or when you have just watered, are the times when your plants have the most moisture to utilise. Observe over the next few days and let me know what you find.
As I believe it is an environmental stress, there is no need for concern as of yet. I had my Bubb go through multiple dry spells till this day. Matter of fact, I will get a picture up of how similar our leaves may look