Ok as with my above set of pics, you can see I didn't strip any secondary or side branching off the individual limbs.
Its all about using these secondary points to build your colas from low down
I defol every single secondary site, also I use the part crushing of internals just under the top growing tip!
Now when you do this, is also important. Its a strange one really as I just go by instinct nowadays and don't really think about stuff lol.
So again ill speak of the symbiosis of your actions against the plant. With fluxing when in vert stage, you rule with an iron fist before you flip your girls. Defol the secondary shoots hard. Keep them short and close into that limbs heart. So its preparation above all else in veg
The symbiosis comes from understanding WHERE to act on the plant and combining it with WHEN to act to get the maximum effect from small adjustments!
Whilst in stretch period you don't want to defol as a rule! Yet to just bruise and damage some inner tissue of the secondary shoots does not stunt the overall limbs growth!
Just as defol of a certain node will correlate directly to that part of the plants reactions! As said lol its about acting ahead of the curve in a way. Pre plan and work a few steps ahead as you go!
Again remember you are trying to promote a plant into becoming 20-30 smaller almost individual ones. So you break the plant down just as said then think of the flow of each site. Prepare and plan your work around the flow of each site, timing things with your mind 2 steps ahead understanding your past actions and then try to bring all this together with as little stress in flower as you can manage!