Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Id top in the pot she's in :) as for stem width it will soon fatten up once topped. Also your gonna bury most of it anyhow! :)
I also rub the stem between finger and thumb to aid in it shedding its skin onfe in a while whilst it young in age. :)

Will do, should I start training the new stems down in the current pot she's in or should I wait until I transplant, and at what point do I want to do that?

Thanks for all you help so far

Ok, lol I dont know who's been saying these funny topping numbers :)
I always go at the 3rd node, just about where you are right now! :) I count up like this. First node is the single blade leaf that will wither and die on its own in time. Then you have the more normal full leaf set. Then again one up you have the second set of norm leaves. This is third node and where I top.
I go at this node as in my opinion its the first one developed enough to carry good flow and cope with the extreme training ! :)

That's when I top also if I top (no matter what style of grow,) usually it will be either a second 3-fingered leaf set or the first 5-fingered set. I may or may not subsequently take clones eventually from the two branches that eventually grow out of the single leaf set at which point I pretty much cut that node off regardless of whether I actually take clones from there.
Will do, should I start training the new stems down in the current pot she's in or should I wait until I transplant, and at what point do I want to do that?

Thanks for all you help so far

No problem :) when you pot up to a larger size/final home is totally up to you :) Ive gone straight to my big pots before. Other times like at present Im building root mass in stages.
Yes you can begin to gently train in the home she's in now, I wait till Ive got about an inch of growth from the topping point before I bend and gently restrain.
No problem :) when you pot up to a larger size/final home is totally up to you :) Ive gone straight to my big pots before. Other times like at present Im building root mass in stages.
Yes you can begin to gently train in the home she's in now, I wait till Ive got about an inch of growth from the topping point before I bend and gently restrain.

Great, I might look at topping two of my plants tomorrow then and letting them stay in their current pots until I achieve that inch of growth and then transplant and start gently training :)
Ok, lol I dont know who's been saying these funny topping numbers :)
I always go at the 3rd node, just about where you are right now! :) I count up like this. First node is the single blade leaf that will wither and die on its own in time. Then you have the more normal full leaf set. Then again one up you have the second set of norm leaves. This is third node and where I top.
I go at this node as in my opinion its the first one developed enough to carry good flow and cope with the extreme training ! :)

I think I'm going to try topping tonight at the 3rd node, should I also remove all other growth under this or should I leave that for a bit or until I transplant?
you leave it or else the plant will only be those top two shoots, unless you're fluxing or something.
Hey Fasttanoy, I normally tell first time fluxers to leave lower stuff on for a while. This is just incase the topping goes awry. As once you have topped and stripped the rest, your stuck with them two new points of growth only. It sets you back a fair bit if you snap one side of flux off whilst young :)
If your confident at topping and being able to not over stress or snap the flux then strip away. :)
All it really means is a spread of energy throughout the plant. Then once stripped the 2 new points for the flux arms leap forward in growth (being its only path to grow)
Hey Fasttanoy, I normally tell first time fluxers to leave lower stuff on for a while. This is just incase the topping goes awry. As once you have topped and stripped the rest, your stuck with them two new points of growth only. It sets you back a fair bit if you snap one side of flux off whilst young :)
If your confident at topping and being able to not over stress or snap the flux then strip away. :)
All it really means is a spread of energy throughout the plant. Then once stripped the 2 new points for the flux arms leap forward in growth (being its only path to grow)

Cheers LA, when I top I'll try and get some in focus picture to share.
Okie Dokie...I took photos of each using a few views. Front, top and side. I think I may have missed one angle. So far I am happy the plants look healthy and I hope they continue down this path. I hate to mess with my Lemon Kush plants with the one broken central node, but I may xplant them this weekend if the roots seem to hold together. I can use the method of burying the pot to make the exact size in the big container for the plant to slip right in. We'll see. Photo spread time:















Any questions or suggestions, please blast them out.

They look amazing... :circle-of-love:



Any questions or suggestions, please blast them out.

LA, What's causing the split in the node? Pulling to hard when training? Topping too close to the node? This is the second journal that I've seen that had this problem. I don't want my first time giving me any unwanted issues.
Renegade, this was my fault. When I was wiring it down I snapped it. It healed over and is okay for now. When I transplant it I'm going to bury the stem almost to the node, maybe an inch or so above and hopefully it will send some roots into the soil.
Ok people :) Radogast post some pics up and ill see where your at. There's a few techniques you can utilize! :) pics and we can get you where you want! :)

Renegade, its all about when you top. If you go early like I do you dont have this issue. Also removing the fan leaves that sit directly under the flux point, after a week of topping means when you bend the flux arms down, they can sit perfectly flat.

Im really busy today so ill actually post up some pics showing all this tomoz :)
nice! looks like class is in session! LA, should I be spreading the tops open?

I hate leggy, I don't want to see any pop2 or stem on my colas, just bud, I'm hoping for a circle of 2 to 3 foot COLAS!

or is it KOLAS? :thanks:


When do report cards come out? :circle-of-love:
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