Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

I've just topped her so here are some pics!
Flux look very well! Is she showing preflowers? Racecar
Very nice LA, and she is showing sex, awesome! I will most likely try this method one day, and I really like the way you chose to do your own thing with the technique, you're truly a remarkable grower.
Racecar is a :circle-of-love: code for LOL: :circle-of-love: code for Circle of Love which = a group of members that show love for one another & so on & so on.

Get it?
LA, one thing I have noticed with my Querkle, I had all kinds of problems with her during veg and shaping which caused me to veg her to long, IMHO. I think she was stunted/root bound going into 12/12, and I don't think she will produce as well as she can.

I would check your flux and see where your roots are and how they are doing. Since you have not started 12/12 yet and if she has maxed out her root space, you could repot and give her another few weeks of veg time then flip. Just a thought!

Peace out,

Cheers Gr865 she has massive space for roots, thanks for your ideas. Its just she has hardly got going to be honest. I have done everything to stunt her lol. She has like treble the soil as to my other big girl. I have been squeezing and rotating the pot to break up structure of soil mass and to get more air in to roots.
She has a month in veg min. Then released!

Sorry, What is her genetics? Can she go earlier?

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