Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Trichs, that picture is a Picasso. You know I;m not one to take any advice from, but REG I have read allot here and I think it looks like you're yanking on that one girl rather than splaying her apart. Snitches in ditches man!
Will do tomorrow after I pick up the gardening wire from Clone Depot.

LOL. nothing better guys. great back to back chuckle makers!!
LA where can I read about this double cross flux I see, that pic of that poor plant is the low & level, grid, I still think you use a square we have not seen yet, I don't think Fluxy has more than 3 right angles, your new doublecrosser, has more than I can count. I gotta go back some pages.
You're lost b/c you're still the Dynamic Duo. The twos of you will be re-united in due time my friend.

LA. BAR was right on here! I want to know if you helped plan, the perfect timing of the special guest who crashed the Reps r Right Sunday? No way that was a coincidence, or was it?
Hey oz,how touts (police snitches) are dealt with over here is they are taken by men in masks from their homes,driven away,taken down alleyways,an beat so hard with hammers,baseball bats ect,shot in both legs,an left like a stray dog,in a very bad way.there can be no forgiveness 4 these kinds of shtyes,punishment must be meeded out.2 spend many hours growing these plants,plus the cost an the love,no way should some shtye just destroy it all by sitting in a cop shop singing his fuckin head off,a tiff punishment has 2 be dealt :thumb:
Greatest of green afternoons to you all :) 420 Girl has very kindly re-opened my original account so.......HEEEEEEEERE'S OZZY (Best Jack Nic there) lol :)
Trichster, love the DF style matey......definitely worth the effort. You Fluxy Lady is looking FANBLOODYTASTIC buddy :)
So that march 2014 join date really bugged you!

That AND the reps my friend lol :) .......No, 420 Girl very kindly asked if I'd like it reinstating and of course I said yes :)
Good morning all.

I can stop double taking every time I see your user name now, thank's OZ

Hope everyone has a...ok its Friday overthere...

Hope everyone has a gentle Friday slidiing into a terrific weekend
I found the gardening wire at the 99 cent store when I went on lunch Professor Flux. When I get home I'll strap Fluxy Momma down

Well I ended up going to the Garden to see the Knicks lose a close game from the nose bleed seats. a friend of mines scored tickets. I never got a chance to work on the flux as it was lights out by the time I got home.
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