Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Just for clarification purposes.......LA's avatar is actually Ron Jeremy :)

Sorry mate, slipped out lol :).......STEVO..., tis I, the fat little OZZIE ex boy scout :)
Cheers BAR! :) Many thanks indeed. Ill keep going till I have my 12 little nugg jars lol. I reckon the POTM is my only shot llol. Not much chance at Nugg/Member :)
Don't kid yourself LA. With all that Flux Luv you're spreading I wouldn't be surprised to see you snatch up another MOTM & as far as NOTM goes, POTM only puts you a harvest away. Wouldn't that be something for you to be strutting your stuff wearing all three title belts? offence but I was just sick in my mouth........had a mental image of Ron Jeremy "strutting his stuff" lmao :) You're probably too young (you puppy lol) to remember "old skool" Cheech n Chong. "gonna go down town, gonna sing my song, gonna see my girl, gonna show her my......DING.....DONG" lol
Buddy I love the jar idea :) Could do with a few meds .......seeing as mine were all liberated by the gestapo.
Cheers Stevo...hope all is green n great buddy? How's the good lady faring? Mines spent the day vomiting like a whale.....that's the price she pays for waking up next to me lol :)
Cheers Stevo...hope all is green n great buddy? How's the good lady faring? Mines spent the day vomiting like a whale.....that's the price she pays for waking up next to me lol :)
Shes doing great! The doc knew what he was doing apparently cuz shes not even in any pain any more and the new oooobies look fantastic!! :)
My other lady is great too. Shes about 10 days from the chop.
Sorry about your loss bro. I wont go into how i feel about what happened to you...Id have a few ideas to deal with who dropped the dime on you. offence but I was just sick in my mouth........had a mental image of Ron Jeremy "strutting his stuff" lmao :) You're probably too young (you puppy lol) to remember "old skool" Cheech n Chong. "gonna go down town, gonna sing my song, gonna see my girl, gonna show her my......DING.....DONG" lol
Buddy I love the jar idea :) Could do with a few meds .......seeing as mine were all liberated by the gestapo.
Oz, I might be older than you. When I said strutting his stuff I meant it in the way they use to say Hector Macho Camacho would strut his stuff around the ring with all of his title belts on. Do remember Cheech & Chong Shoot, Do you remember Fast Times At Ridgemount High?
:Namaste: mate, I'm OVER THE MOON your good lady is well AND the girls look fantastic :) So, how are YOU enjoy your ladys surgery? lol. Emmas been there too...... HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY :)
Hector Camacho was one HARD Mexican :high-five: lol......Dusty Rhodes, Sam Euston in WWE at the time lol. Can't say I remember Fast Times though mate........I'm 52 next month Reg :)
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