Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Hey my friends :) Crawdaddy I believe 32 major sites all a foot over in hieght. Then there may be a second layer as a carpet after the main colas. :)
Alex hope you had the best of evening's, after the best of days!
Jamthe3 your a diamond my friend. Many thanks indeed. :) hope all is good and green With you?! :)

Tomoz I'll be on for about 8hrs so should get caught up o everyone's journals :) I bloody hope so lol.
Have you counted the tops on that beast? impressive!

i tried, using the 11th pic from the bottom. kept losing track between 33 and 35!! had all these qualifying factors too, like... well do i count that one, it's looks like it may only be 5 or 6 inches long instead of 8 or 9.

That plant is just not normal! that picture from the side (tenth from the bottom)..., they are all the exact same height!

if you can make the plant dance like that LA, you'll always have a place in MJ cultivation, even if production becomes mainstream agriculture. Imagine an acreage full of plants that look like that and then picture some John Deere harvesting combine driving through, reaping them easier than cotton or wheat. once cultivation becomes legal, just send Monsanto or Archer Daniels Midland an e-mail with that pic and two words: Call me.

the fun of it all is in the doing, you clearly don't need any of us to tell you that. some of us do get off on the score keeping: final plant dimensions, dry weight, yield vs wattage, thc content, etc. but that's just for wonks. for the growers, it's about the journey that makes up a grow. best of luck on finishing this out. as a wannabe wonk, i am dying to know the weight when all is said and done but i truly appreciate the artistry that has gone into this plant and this journal.
as others pointed out, almost no one ever was the first at doing something. what most people do when they invent something is create a modification of what came before. more power to those who adapt, improve, transmogrify. so Shakespeare wrote some poetry stuff that people liked a bit, does that mean that George R. R. Martin should just move on and become a bee keeper or something? you should still come to America. you wouldn't even have to grow. you could easily adopt the most hallowed of professions: consultancy!
WOW many thanks indeed for your comments onavelzy, your very kind! :) I have to admit I'm very happy with this girl at the moment.
Also I am now quite sure that the feeding or energy loop I was trying to create has actually worked.:) She is eating my nutes like she is gonna explode! We are well over the double dose mark and she seems to need more still! :) I'm gonna still be cautious for a while yet on banging her doses up to much. just in case :)
Didn't see all the exact details on the 'true history of fluxing'. But my 2c (or 2p for the empire types): History is full of examples of co-discoveries and re-discoveries, Newton and Leibniz, Aristarchus/Copernicus/Galileo. Great ideas are a synthesis of man, nature, and a social context. Light Addict's fluxing technique is well-documented, well-supported, and easy to learn and adapt and well-liked.

Long live the flux! :Namaste:
Didn't see all the exact details on the 'true history of fluxing'. But my 2c (or 2p for the empire types): History is full of examples of co-discoveries and re-discoveries, Newton and Leibniz, Aristarchus/Copernicus/Galileo. Great ideas are a synthesis of man, nature, and a social context. Light Addict's fluxing technique is well-documented, well-supported, and easy to learn and adapt and well-liked.

Long live the flux! :Namaste:

To further this point, consider the difference between the one that makes the discovery vs. the one(s) that perfect it? If not mainlining or whatever term is purported to apply to YOUR technique, apparently these individuals weren't as impressed with the [discovery] as you are with your flux, otherwise I would already be reading about it on this and other forums. I'd also like to point out that just because this will be my first successful grow, I have been studying many of these techniques for a very long time and was a member of a forum back in 2002 called that has since shut down. In my studies, I haven't seen anything like your Gitt.

The key point I want to make is that you LA, are the one that is perfecting this technique and will be the one to teach it to the rest of us. I mean, do you think for a New York minute that my mentor The Capn invented growing top feed in rock wool? Yet the term Capn Style is well defined on this site and for many growers.

So for me personally, I will forever remember your techniques being called Fluxing.
To further this point, consider the difference between the one that makes the discovery vs. the one(s) that perfect it? If not mainlining or whatever term is purported to apply to YOUR technique, apparently these individuals weren't as impressed with the [discovery] as you are with your flux, otherwise I would already be reading about it on this and other forums. I'd also like to point out that just because this will be my first successful grow, I have been studying many of these techniques for a very long time and was a member of a forum back in 2002 called that has since shut down. In my studies, I haven't seen anything like your Gitt.

The key point I want to make is that you LA, are the one that is perfecting this technique and will be the one to teach it to the rest of us. I mean, do you think for a New York minute that my mentor The Capn invented growing top feed in rock wool? Yet the term Capn Style is well defined on this site and for many growers.

So for me personally, I will forever remember your techniques being called Fluxing.

Funny, yours and the other guy's posts made me think of Henry Ford. He didn't invent the assembly line or, hell, the automobile either; yet he's linked in historical thought to both as the main archetect...btw, the bloke went broke his first time out before the fame and fortune, lmfao!
OK as its my pals Birthday (hey Alex) :), I thought stuff it, lets organize my next grow after the big tent run. So I'm gonna go sort through my beans for one to pop. I might add this time, this girl is getting my total lets go nuts treatment. She is going to be the biggest plant I've ever done, at least 4 times the size of Gitt. She will get potted up incrementally as she grows. She will be vegged for maybe 4 months or more and I have something bigger and better than my Fluxed girl to come :). The pot size will also be the biggest I've ever gone. When ready she will go in my 6x6 tent and fill it easily :).
I can most definitely guarantee this plant will be a first of its kind ever! :)

OK the strain chosen is gonna be a WW x Skunk never grown one before but heard good things :) Bean is soaking in a shot glass as we speak!!!!

Dude, you're gonna have to build a scaffolding under the pot!
I just got caught up & was glad the to read it was a temporary lapse of sanity, you are by far one of the most influential chaps I've had the pleasure of reading on growing techniques. Who cares if someone else came up with it before you, you did not copy it you pulled it from your mind (creative people think alike most of the time) & in doing so inspired a shit load of other growers.
MOVIE GEEK COMING OUT......Fluxing was termed for the Flux Capacitor from Back to the Future(1985)for the "Y" but did you know that the same "Y" configuration was seen in a film 1 year before Back to the Future(1985) came out? It was in The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai (1984) & it was called the Oscillation Overthuster (well the display anyway...) BUT my point is even though it was done before most people remember the best & that sir I can quite confidently say is you.
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