Light Addicts Bigger Brighter Bad Ass Bonanza of Budmaster Raw GOD Power & More!

I trust you'll furnish us with snaps from spannabis?

Like, funky stalls, frosty bud shots, maybe a video of someone getting arrested.

Just sayin, cos like, some of us can't get there... You know the way you said you and your chick ain't had so much as a weekend away in years? Last time I got away was Holland, 1999. Yeah lol
Well hellooo :)
OK just some pics of the girls and the veg spot I'm using, (the reason for slow growth)
Also re potted a couple and started a bit of training etc.

Best of buds one and all :)

Lol :)

OK welll I said I'd go into my soil mix etc.
Its a bit of a bugger to explain really, as I have no set system as it were.
My soil first start out as just some Westland potting soil, with added john innes. Its basically a generic everyday soil.
Then the fun starts:) I cut it with perlite and some coco fibre. Then its used and then bagged up once the run is done! Then I add microbes and leave it be!
Then within a few weeks the stuff gets reused once more. My soil at present is I think about 8 runs old :)

So it starts off with being store bought crap really but now I know my soil is a living thing. All I do is top it up with coco and perlite once in a while. Then if soil is needed it comes from a fresh batch after its first run :)

For this run ill be having to add some new soil which will stop me running nutes for the first few weeks, so ill add this to my girls when potting up a few weeks before hitting flower! :)

As said not the best or most clear cut way lol. Yet it works for me! (Even if having bin liners full of used soil in kitchen cupboards is odd l lol)
This is the funny part lol :)
I simply add some of the D&S growology part 1, I got it way back from my first competition win on here.
As for inoculating the soil!!!..... never do anything to it lol. My soil sits in the cupboard in bin liners for only a few weeks, so I've never had any mould or other issues.
Also as I now run hydrotopps microbes, my soil is charged full or the good bacteria at the end of the grow!, this probably lets me get away with things like it just sitting without much air etc.
Either way though I just reuse and never look back or give it much care or consideration.

To be fair this is my whole approach to growing. We over think far to much. Give em dirt water and light lol :)
To me the basics are just that, basic.
To me its the plant and nothing else really lol, I like to try and understand each one on its own level. Each will talk to you if we only just take the time to listen!
Many of my friends think I'm mad as they run just for turnover etc. They miss the joy and wonder of this hobby (or passion, for me!!)
I don't claim to know it all, just that I've found a simple resonance with my plants! I simply get them is all, just from time spent with my head sunk in foliage! This little plant and its hidden little secrets is now my lifes passion and seemingly the path my life is taking evermore as I blunder forward :)
Thanks for the detailed explanation L.A.... by inoculation of your soil I was just asking what microbes you added, but you ended up answering the question. You seem to have a great understanding of the way plants react to the basics, which appears to be an art in itself. Plants, like animals, will only benefit so much from nutrients and beyond these basics, I also see way too much over-thinking of some situations. Your passion for this plant is very evident, a real joy to read about and will surely take you far in your blunderings... I for one, as I'm sure do many others here, wish you well on your chosen path :)
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