Life’s A Journey: King Tut And?

Hey NH, looking fine! Hydro's that much faster than soil huh? Hourly wow!

it is significantly faster, in my limited experience, but requires twice the attention/ nutes
i did a comparison with 2 blue dream beans from the same pack. i thought the soil plant tasted better to be sure . But the yield and speed of the hydro plant was significantly faster/ larger . affect was the same .

my guess is not scientifically based , just my experience
it is significantly faster, in my limited experience, but requires twice the attention/ nutes
i did a comparison with 2 blue dream beans from the same pack. i thought the soil plant tasted better to be sure . But the yield and speed of the hydro plant was significantly faster/ larger . affect was the same .

my guess is not scientifically based , just my experience
My soil grows plod along at my speed I think. Maybe that's why I do it. Hehe
Hey. Ya so I’m just saying this hydro plant has just been tucked but doubled and twitching.. I just love em!
Transplant day for Barney’s cheese

I’m going to guess this 2 node plant just got her last feed . She was a bean October 23 , ‘flipped’ Jan 6 with a 56-65 day guesstimate . I’ve decided her color is a natural fade .
If only I hadn’t accidentally broken her. I think a well trained plant would be a heavy yield .

the babies are chugging ( Barney’s triple cheese) beans Jan 17

the DWC auto dwarf is starting to bloom . she was a bean Dec. 28
Took 2 litres of ph’d water .
Life is good


Nice Northern! When are you gonna harvest that big girl?

Those Cheese girls are looking might fine, looks like they have taken well to their new shoes!
Hi N420! That big one still has weeks to go , I’m going to guess at least 3 ? Smells a little funny ..never grown this strain before ..the two big tops you can see there were literally the bottom two branches ..if I grow the other 3 beans I will be sure to treat it with more respect ..and likely a scrog

the babies do seem happy ! ..not as big as yours but I’m confident they are right on track :)
stay warm neighbor ! colder than a witches tit out there and more snow to come they say :(
Sunday Funday!
d3nali is not too long out .
The moon says optimal harvest day this month is the next full moon the 27th and I’m going to guess thats when I take her .

bean oct 23
Flipped lights Jan. 6
56-65 guessed flowering estimate
Namaste .. spend the day with something you love !




Wow, she's making pistols like crazy! Nice!
Thanks! I can only imagine how amazing she would have been if I hadn’t mistreated her . I hope the last 2 beans I have of this strain turn out better :)
Sunday Funday !
cheese was topped @N420 - still trying to catch up with you :ganjamon:

d3nali is 6 days from harvest
cutting off those two bottom branches definitely bulked up that top bud but , I’m not convinced it’s going to result in a bigger yield in a stem to stem comparison. Next Saturday we will know!

stay safe everyone . Interesting times


Sunday Funday !
cheese was topped @N420 - still trying to catch up with you :ganjamon:

d3nali is 6 days from harvest
cutting off those two bottom branches definitely bulked up that top bud but , I’m not convinced it’s going to result in a bigger yield in a stem to stem comparison. Next Saturday we will know!

stay safe everyone . Interesting times


They are looking happy Northern! You aren’t too far behind me, I actually think yours look happier then mine!

Congrats on your upcoming harvest, looks like she has packed on some weight over the last little while! I think you will do just fine in the yield department I’m guessing around 4 ounces!
They are looking happy Northern! You aren’t too far behind me, I actually think yours look happier then mine!

Congrats on your upcoming harvest, looks like she has packed on some weight over the last little while! I think you will do just fine in the yield department I’m guessing around 4 ounces!
Yeah I haven’t really found a minute to check out anyone journals sorry but I’m still here ! I’ll check yours out now to be sure

i’m going to try 36 hours of darkness with that D3nali mostly because I need to get the hydro bucket in the larger tent .
Next anticipated update will be Wed.

Sad sad day in the hood. My inspiration and dear neighbor has weeks. The cancer has spread to his abdomen and that explains the lack of appetite.
garden update
D3nali went into the 4x2 for 36 hours darkness . She will be taken Saturday with the full moon
The babies went into the 4x4

live , every , day peeps
Tomorrow is a gift
Stay safe, play safe, be kind.






Sorry to hear this
Sad sad day in the hood. My inspiration and dear neighbor has weeks. The cancer has spread to his abdomen and that explains the lack of appetite.
Keep your head high as they will need you more now the ever.
For what it’s worth we r all here for ya :love:

Garden looks great and as always play safe and enjoy
Sad sad day in the hood. My inspiration and dear neighbor has weeks. The cancer has spread to his abdomen and that explains the lack of appetite.
garden update
D3nali went into the 4x2 for 36 hours darkness . She will be taken Saturday with the full moon
The babies went into the 4x4

live , every , day peeps
Tomorrow is a gift
Stay safe, play safe, be kind.






I'm so sorry to hear that, I'm trying to find the right words, I hope he's not in too much pain.

Sorry to hear this

Keep your head high as they will need you more now the ever.
For what it’s worth we r all here for ya :love:

Garden looks great and as always play safe and enjoy

KC as always has nailed it with the right words:green_heart:
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