Lewydeville’s DWC Grow With Mephisto Genetics Creme De La Chem Plus Many More

I wish our souvenir shops sold something more interesting than plastic tikis.
I know people buy online because a) there are a few legit named strains around, and b) you sometimes read about those poor sods in the court news.

You wouldn’t believe it, but we have the second highest incarceration rate in the world. And we hate coming second. ;)

Here is a quote from a helpful seed store chap out of a conversation I had up here..
“Yes and New Zealand is the most risky place to ship. It's also on discovery dogs sniffing the postage and stuff.”


So yeah. I reckon if I was either fitter or sicker I’d go for it, but I wouldn’t bring that down on mrs D right now.

After we first decided to throw caution to the wind, take our health in our hands and grow our own meds it took us ... over a year to find seeds that popped. Not having you on.

My health keeps going South we might travel, stick seeds up our bums and swim home if we have to :rofl: <— that guy should be up the other way.
My health keeps going South we might travel, stick seeds up our bums and swim home if we have to :rofl: <— that guy should be up the other way.
Ha you wouldn’t want to bring many varieties home that way! Brings a whole new meaning to straining on the toilet!
Hey 420, I didn’t update yesterday for two reasons, first I had a stinking hangover and second there hadn’t been any movement from the three remaining Chems. I’d sort of given up hope on them now and planned to pop 3 more this morning when to my surprise one has poked it’s head above ground! Even better I’m pretty sure the third sprout is now on the move! I’m so happy as I’d been really looking forward to trying these seeds and it looked like a poor start. I’ve moved her straight into the tote to join the others.

The rest of the gang are all coming along fine if a little leggy. I had to use a cocktail stick to prop the Blueberry Headband upright. I’m not happy using this broken light so I’ll be transferring into the flower tent in the next day or so, until then I’ve dropped it a few more inches. I’ve added 15 ml of calmag to the res and if it wasn’t for the Chem sprout joining the gang I would of probably added 10 ml of grow nutes but I’ll give her a day to find her feet.
Hi 420. It’s been just over a week since the first seeds started to pop. Two of the Chem are still not performing and it looks pretty likely I’m going to have to start two more. I’ve gently removed the seed casing from the one which has sprouted but I’ve got a feeling it’s not going to make it.

The rest of the gang are fine and all have tap roots starting to fish bone into the reservoir.

Not much else to report at the moment but a couple of days and things should get interesting.
Today I’m vaping a nice Critical Hog bud from my recent harvest. Mrs isn’t going to be happy as it’s a stinky one!
Good morning 420. I’ve finally given up the ghost with the two unresponsive Chem seeds and popped two more. This time I scuffed their casings in the hope it makes it easier for them to shed when they split. I also removed the one seed from its rooter cube that hasn’t even split and gave it a squeeze, it was rock hard and I felt I may as well give it a scuff and another 24hrs to soak. You never know? I’ve kept it separated so it doesn’t get confused with the new beans. Tomorrow I’ll be able to spend some time getting everything moved into the flower tent and into their own buckets under some proper lighting. Hope everyone is having a great week.
Girls are looking great. Reaching for that light.
Thanks mate.They had better get their sunglasses ready because tomorrow they’re getting full power! I’ve got the fan set up in the flower tent as well so I can get a gentle breeze on them, start building those stems up.
Happy healthy seedlings Lew! They should like the big lights then they will really take off.
Cheers N. I’m away for four days on Friday and I bet there will be a big difference by the time I get back. Fingers crossed these next two autos are on their way by then.
Hey 420 just a quick update. I’ve transferred the beans into a damp paper towel after 24hrs soaking. None of them had any signs of splitting yet. I’m going to check every couple of hours and try and get them into rooter cubes as soon as possible. Took a few pictures of the little ones and I think they look ready for a feed. I’ve got a busy day but can’t wait to get working in the grow room tonight. Might even get the rosin press going!
Hey Lew. I've finally caught up. It's been a busy few weeks. Glad to hear things are going well with your mother. Not so good to hear about the Chems. In my last attemp at Autos 2 didn't pop and one suffered from damping off. Damn things lol. Good to see the Pineapple Express looking healthy. I'm getting mine ready to be flowered for December now. Good luck with the Autos
I finally had some time to get in the garden and get this grow moving last night. I transferred all seedlings but the smallest Chem over to the flower tent into their own buckets. I’d cleaned the tent and buckets when the last grow finished so it was a pleasure setting everything up. I’ve now set a light schedule of 20/4 as I believe a dark period is better for the plants.
Each 5 gallon bucket had 15 ml of Grow nutes and 10 ml of beneficial bacteria then ph’ed to 5.7. I find if I check the ph around 12 hours later it’s normally risen and needs resetting back to 5.7. After this second check it should then remain stable for a while depending on how much your plant is drinking and feeding. I use big golf ball size air stones and I’ve always got at least 5 spare because they can get blocked and stop working regularly. I’ve gone easy with the nutes as I’m away for 4 nights and at this young age I don’t want them to possibly burn while I’m away. This should keep them happy until I’m back.
Looks great Lew! Thanks for explaining how you set things up and your feeds I find it really interesting. Good tip on checking the ph 12 hrs after you change the res I will definitely have to remember that.
Good afternoon 420. I’ve a little confession to make, my last post I wrote just before going away on Friday. I messed up by not posting at the time because I couldn’t get any internet while I was away. I finally got to post yesterday but don’t want to confuse people with today’s update! Lol confusing!!
Anyway I’m now back after having a great weekend away with the family. I couldn’t wait to check on the girls and the beans I popped a few days ago.
Everything in the main tent is coming along nicely. All the plants are standing without support now and their stems are thickening. I’m going to have to think about topping the first auto soon. I’ve added 15ml of calmag to each bucket and the second Chem has joined the gang as well.
Not so good news with the Chem beans as it looks like only one is growing. At this rate I’ll be lucky if I get four plants for the first round. I’ve one last Chem bean that I’ll start tomorrow, if that doesn’t work I’ll have to fill the space with a different strain.
Hey Lew. I've finally caught up. It's been a busy few weeks. Glad to hear things are going well with your mother. Not so good to hear about the Chems. In my last attemp at Autos 2 didn't pop and one suffered from damping off. Damn things lol. Good to see the Pineapple Express looking healthy. I'm getting mine ready to be flowered for December now. Good luck with the Autos
Thanks mate. Yep my mum seems to have had the best possible outcome and we all feel so lucky. She starts her first chemo tomorrow and I’d like to make some hard candy for her to try. I’ve told her she’s taking a daily dose of cannabis from now on!
I’m really struggling with these Mephisto beans. I’m going to buy another strain from them for the 3rd round in this journal. I’ve heard so many good things about them it would be harsh to make judgment on just one pack. I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong though and this needs to be some killer to make up for the poor strike rate. The Pineapple Express is looking very nice so far. I can’t wait to get to work on her. Hope you and the fam are well mate.
Great photos Lew. It looks so clean in there :cool: DWC is looking like an interesting setup. Have a good week.
Thanks DD. One of the reasons I grow Hydro is the cleanliness you can achieve. It’s a lot of fun as well! Hope you’re well my friend.
Looks great Lew! Thanks for explaining how you set things up and your feeds I find it really interesting. Good tip on checking the ph 12 hrs after you change the res I will definitely have to remember that.
Thank you N. It’s starting to feel like a grow now. There is a fantastic chart floating about explaining ph and what certain fluctuations and readings mean. I’ll try and find it and paste it here. Very useful when first starting out with hydro.
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