Let's Attempt A 1lb Grow!

Another thing I was wondering. Why do people go thru so many size pots as the plant gets bigger? Wouldn't it be less stress on the plant to just start in a small jiffy pod or cocco hair pot and then transplant that, pot and all into the final large container once the seedling starts to show roots thru the side?
I'll try and help you and reply to this later really busy at work only enough time to use bathroom
Only way it affects me is I get to look in on them an hour earlier.
If you want to give them an extra hour of darkness that's okay too.
Another thing I was wondering. Why do people go thru so many size pots as the plant gets bigger? Wouldn't it be less stress on the plant to just start in a small jiffy pod or cocco hair pot and then transplant that, pot and all into the final large container once the seedling starts to show roots thru the side?
It's all about preventing folks from over watering. If you go from a jiffy to a 5 gallon pot you need to make sure you water it like it's in a solo cup, then a 1 gallon, then a 3 gallon, and finally like the 5 it's in.

If you water the full 5 gallon pot with a sprout in it it will be very over watered.
only enough time to use bathroom
I certainly hope so!
If you want to give them an extra hour of darkness that's okay too.

It's all about preventing folks from over watering. If you go from a jiffy to a 5 gallon pot you need to make sure you water it like it's in a solo cup, then a 1 gallon, then a 3 gallon, and finally like the 5 it's in.

If you water the full 5 gallon pot with a sprout in it it will be very over watered.

I certainly hope so!
Hell no give them an extra hour of darkness means that's an extra hour of growth they won't have!
I might be OCD but I ain't that bad. Lmao they'll be fine just the way they are they're still getting their 1212 it's all that matters. Hope you doing good brother Shed off work heading home. .
You know figuring the intake is like really close to my air conditioner I'm thinking at night before I go to sleep I'm going to have it to where I can hook it to where the cooler air blowing out of the ac where it could suck it in and then when I go to work take it off from the air conditioner and put it on the floor and let it get normal air. That way when the lights on it's getting actual AC air going into the tent. And that way if I leave the AC on all night when I'm asleep straight air conditioned air is blowing into the tent and getting sucked upwards
I think this would be the last time I will grow a plant in a 5 gallon plastic bucket!
For one the buckets Way too tall than a fabric 5 gallon for two it's not getting air anywhere except what goes in through the dirt! I mean even though my plan looks healthy I don't recommend 5 gallon plastic buckets!
Big trim and last trim for Krissi tomorrow since I'm off the next day I can go in there and sit down on a crate and clip away. Shit like this has got to go! Alot a small buds becoming of nothing and being a waste from the waist down. But should I keep all the fans even though it's all lower shit? The whole mother fucking plants like that bushes fuck down at the bottom I'll see about a better picture tonight

Welcome to my 440w garden!! LMAO a lot! Both lights are exactly 16 from each plant full blast 220 w each! The one light above Krissi has 660nr and UV as well.

All seems well and pretty happy temperatures been staying at about well when I open the tent it was 78° with one light at 220 and the other one at half.

Spectacular results with all the super cropping they seem to love it.

Enjoy! I know I sure am....









I'm going to take broken ass out of the tent tomorrow and I'm going to set my ass inside and spend two hours trimming that big ass girl probably take at least an hour for real for real my God I like to keep all the fans on as many as I can. Lower fans that is touching nothing on top.
Now that I have both plants getting even height in light when I go into work tomorrow before I leave I will look and see what the temperature and shit is cuz it will be have been sealed up for at least 6 hours and I can see a proper temperature and if above 85° with everything on full blast I will take that fan and put it on the air conditioner as I said for why the light is on during the night that way it will bring in even cooler air and suck the AC from the air conditioner and before I go to work I will remove it from the air conditioner so it won't be cold on them when they sleep think ahead bro it's going to work out great
Okay so here you go in this picture here we have shed a baby sour g clone who has been super crop once at 4 in and it will get super cropped again at four more inches 3 more times and then go from there.. you watch my work of art when I get done and good part about it since I'm super cropping it no matter what I form it like in this bucket when I transplant it it will stay in that position ain't that awesome!! I really have to say that this is a beautiful clone of broken ass!!

Times like this how much extra nutrients is getting pumped out on this super crop! Blue arrow is under the super crop and yellow is above red is the knot which is pushing more nutrients to buds.. Can't wait to see if I see a notable difference as the bud start to get older.

Okay so here you go in this picture here we have shed a baby sour g clone who has been super crop once at 4 in and it will get super cropped again at four more inches 3 more times and then go from there.. you watch my work of art when I get done and good part about it since I'm super cropping it no matter what I form it like in this bucket when I transplant it it will stay in that position ain't that awesome!! I really have to say that this is a beautiful clone of broken ass!!

Hey that's definitely not 4 in Mark!
New feeding numbers for you to finish out flower, per gallon:

Envy A: 7.8g
Envy B: 6.8g
Tree Trunk: 1.6g
Epsom: .9g

That puts you at 142-39-183
Ca: 103
Mg: 45
S: 55

If they're done with stretch you can move to these next watering.

Thank you so much brother I'd say they're probably done with stretch tomorrow is the beginning of the third week of flower! Ha lmao a lot with this strain.. They was flipped on the 18th of October it's looking like I'm not having any more vertical growth if they're staying pretty much the same just busting out flowers everywhere.

I really appreciate you taking the time to get these numbers man that helps out dramatically thank you so much.
I guess l replied to my own post on there! I just don't realize that I did that until now. Oh well hell was it. I don't know what the hell that hey that's not 4 in shit is about but that is 4 in by the way it's going to have a hell of a knot on you! Those are the two clones they're starting to pray more I took the dome off and the two top leaves was like praying like hell. I say they about ready Dom's going to come off them for at least 8 hours today I'll probably take it off while I sleep and put it back on when I get up in the morning. I've been leaving it off more and more everyday
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