Let's Attempt A 1lb Grow!

I hope everyone's having a good night.. Spot on I should say. Big ass yield coming up!!







By the way everything is maxed out right now for the hell of it but I think I might end up dimming it down to half each until about the last 4 weeks of flower or so. Unless this intake does what I want it to do. I definitely don't want to jeopardize their life or the yield
Good morning everyone what a beautiful morning


Good morning Amigo. :passitleft:
Garden looks wonderful today. :yahoo:
Have a great one.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Might be time to transplant shed into a half a gallon. Or I will top off what he's in with more dirt keep him in there for a couple more weeks he's going straight in that tent as soon as I hang up and dry and yank out and clean out
Nice looking plants! I was wondering, if you put more soil higher up around a weed plant will the stem put new roots out from the covered stem into the new soil? Adventitious roots i believe they are called.
Don't really know about that one but I'd say it wouldn't hurt it long as there's not bark on a stem cuz it will cause moisture and rot you would have to do it when they're early and Young
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