Let's Attempt A 1lb Grow!

Damn, something is wrong bro. You haven't posted within 3 hours..lol

Dont let them work your dick in the dirt bro. Hourly or Salary, unless its your decision or course. Respect for putting it in though
I get off at 2:30 every day unless I decide to stay longer. I'm not posting because I'm in the mood to because I got shitty looking plants not doing too good this go around I'm not. Can't figure out what my problem is maybe it is dimitrients who knows. I know some of them has clawed leaves..... Who knows
I get off at 2:30 every day unless I decide to stay longer. I'm not posting because I'm in the mood to because I got shitty looking plants not doing too good this go around I'm not. Can't figure out what my problem is maybe it is dimitrients who knows. I know some of them has clawed leaves..... Who knows
Sorry brother, I was just trying to make you laugh :Namaste:

Ummm..:hmmmm: shitty plants?? Nooo. I understand we are our biggest critics, but lets dont go overboard. Plants look really good bro, be proud of that.
Cheers bud
I couldn't ignore them bro I know they needed water and my guests exactly every one of them needed water hopefully they all dry out at the same time. But if not it's no big deal I fed them their new nutrients I think it's close to flip in about a week I say they'll be good in those buckets I'm about to top them off I got some dirt coming Saturday Fox farm ocean Forest same thing they're in I'm going to top them off. I put up a bug trap been having some lone fruit flies in there. Not too many of them I don't think they're doing anything to them though. They're just regular household fruit fly. But anyways hope everyone's doing good. Here lately I've been thinking they're just clones but now that I see that they're actually gotten a lot bigger I've given them more water I think they might have been talking to me.










Looks real nice!
43-47% RH and 73-78 are the temps and rh I run at and I believe it’s just about optimal for flowering!!
Thanks bro see I do have some calcium magnesium deficiency but like shed said I think it was because I had a 300% increase on light for the first almost week! With that dialed down I think I'm good on that. Just can't figure out why some of the leaves are clawing inward like and some of the tips are looking all funny on the new growth. At least to me it looks like that maybe it's supposed to look like that when it's Young new growth and I just ain't never really paid attention to it. I guess we'll see

Sour G gonna Sour G! Pluck that now when it's easy to get to. :)
Good morning marinam I was thinking about saving that and taking that clone off while in flower just the pussy foot around! Lmao so tiny and so beautiful and hell yeah sargi will be always sour g! I guess my plants really don't look too bad I just can't figure out what's wrong with some of the leaves like I said. Since I watered last night be at least 2 days before I look in on them I will decide then if I flip or not. Next time I look in I will be topping off with dirt so I should be good all the way through flower if I go ahead and flip.
You can see those damn funky ass looking leaves damn I hate being OCD that drives me freaking nuts!! All I want to do is a pluck pluck and a pluck pluck just plucked my plants! Sorry y'all feel pretty good this morning just on some funny bullshit going to be a hell of a day at work I'm going to fuck with everybody! Even customers I knew this one lady who keeps coming in drive-thru and I was teasing her with her drink I was going to hand it to her and then when she reached and grabbed it I pulled it back! Lmao my customers love me man
And I will tell you what Bill's growth is uncanny I can't believe how much like Krissi he is resembling. Same growth pattern and everything same vigorous growth I got a tie some of his tops down hell I got 6-in tops that really need to be tied down otherwise you're going to be too much! Lmao have a good day everyone I got to head towards the other bus stop I don't want to miss it
Still though she looks a lot more healthier than the least clothes I don't know what's going on with the tips of them I guess we'll see in a couple days how things look see how the new growth looks once it gets a little bigger. Right now the things are long and skinny and small tips are looking yellow maybe that's why cuz it's young growth
Man these jars are burping down slow as fuck! The dry went slow as hell. I guess it's a good thing since I'm still burping them I think I might lay them out for a little bit tonight I ain't done that in about a week. Yesterday all jars was still reading 66%
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