Let's Attempt A 1lb Grow!

This is on next order

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Looks like a nice collection of solid nugs! :welldone:
Good evening brother and thank you she turned out nice. All my plants is actually been turning out nice since you been helping and I really appreciate it.
And oh yeah let me tell you she is solid feels like pushing on a rock! She is dripping with resin and I mean that literally. But she is not holding a candle to the resin on that sour g of Krissi and broken ass is now surprising me on how trichomy she was
All right look so I have a replica of broken ass! You have done seen pics and see that. Now check this out I have an exact replica of Krissi!

I will be taking two clones for the next go around! Already planning ahead yeah I know it will be scrog. Two 7 gallon buckets!

Here in these two pictures one of Shed who is broken asses replica

And the other is Bill a replica of Krissi!

One clone off each as I said before done two different ways one will be in a Solo cup with Fox farm soil ocean Forest with plastic cup for dome!

The other will be rooted in perlite!

By this time I will have that Mars light that I have been wanting one bar I can leave it from 0 to hundun! Lmao


All of my plants now have good tops I got all their asses going up! I'm so proud of doing it that way and saying it like that because that's how I get them all to go and get all good tops! Long chunky aerosol can tops! Lmao

And yes I will bring this question up again how long will they live in this 2 gallon bucket? I will be topping those buckets off with dirt
Nice cutting choice, and to answer the 2 gallon question: not long!

3-4 weeks maybe before they'd need an upcan.
Thanks bro so even if I flip now I won't have enough room to finish is what you say?
From what I've seen, roots grow a lot slower in flower than veg (from folks who have upcanned and flipped on the same day), so it's hard to say.

From a 1 gallon to a 2 gallon isn't much of a move. From a solo cup it is, but I've seen my plants be ready to come out of 1 gallon pots in 4 weeks.
mine were solos. trans 2 week ago. will flip less than a week. then it is what it is
What a day! I hope you enjoy the pics good night everyone! Let me know if you see anything that's worth mention!! 🤔 I will be watering them two more times with this new nutrient regimen. First water they will still be in veg by the time the next watering comes around it will be stretch!










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