Lem's 2014 Outdoor Grow Journal

Heres a couple pics of the Groomed SLH.
Its getting to be pretty funny , how this camera takes awsum pictures one time and shity ones the next. Peace fellow babies. TOAST
Hi Lem. So sounds like you're not too happy with the results after you put all that work in on the hill, what with the Pepper Tree and wilting plants and a screwy kid with no morals. Are you going to use it again next year? After all, you've done all that terracing and soil improvement. I'd be interested to know what you're thinking.

PS Good night's boat fishing a couple of days ago. Flat water and full moon and dolphins. Nice lot of sea bream, together with a load of ugly tiddlers that they love to fry up here. I reckon that if a fish is ugly, it's not going to be good eating. Hope everything is copacetic with you.
Well Mr Teddy, I am planning to Fortifie my existing pile of dirt with,worm casings,blood mean,bone meal,epsom salt, dolimite lime, bat guano,and twice the amount of peralite.Then I plan on making the holes bigger and replacing all the soil with new , instead of just mixing new dirt into the existing soil.I figure with the double peralite that should let the water go deeper.The new soil should eleminate the sand problem. So in answer to the question -yes Im going to grow the hill next time. I have those new crosses comming next year, so I will need to utilize the Hill. Yeah , im gona shoot for 500 plants next time.I didnt show you guys, but theres a tree house in the pepper tree that in the past Ive keep 100 clones up there but I didnt get the clones this time.Congartulations on what sounds like a great fishing expedition. Ugly fish are good to eat most of the time. Other than my backs been bleeding alot cause Ive been sleeping funny, you know rolling around alot,and thats been breaking it open. Nothing like the quart lossed the other day though. Ive regained all my strenth back in my arms,and my neck isnt feeling to bad con cidering. Every thing is happy and groovin right along here. I hope you and the Misses are doing well. Thank for the inquire its appreciated. Keep it green. Hey if you guys run short on meds for the misses let me know and I can drop a couple buds in the mail for you no problem. Let me know. Im out TOAST
Thank you Radogast, this was not a normal Hill grow, I swear,you can look at my old pictures,LOL and my normally full prof clone bagging went nuts.( and I was realy proud that ).In the past if I took 100 clones, I would loose maybe 2. This time well over 100 got that wierd gray fuzzy shit.Heres something I dont get,I can get a giant piece of rockwool and grow a plant inside just by pouring the right nutreants on it , but out side I have to change the soil every 3 grows. I dont get it . But apparently thats the deal, so over the winter I will be replacing all the dirt for next time. Why in the world I take out the Spidermite factories that have been in Planter 2 for 40 years, then plant some clones late, and whop-bama-lula I get the biggest plants Ive ever grown, What a trip. So as we start to wined this season down I guess I can now say " I havent got a clue what Im doing "LOL So lester I was very disapointed in Planter #1, it didnt come out like in my head at all. But just wait until next time.Between what you and Conradino taught me about LSTing, Three plants in that planter should work out bitchen. Can you see 2ft tall Colas at every Bud site. OUUUCH all right you guys keep it green til next time . TOAST
Oh, I all so wanted to point out that when all is said and done, its going to be suprizing, how much Bud I accually get compaired to how much Bud I should have gotten in my head .LOL Now thats going to be way off. LOL But you know what I mean, when we started out it looked Like I was going to chrush-um and then SHIT HAPPENDS LOL TOO FUNNY. LATE
Lem, u should start putting more organic matter there like compost, worm castings, and maybe some good quality black dirt. I think it will solve your water retention problems. I'm really happy that I could be of help with my LST techniques to a grower like you by the way, that makes me proud :) With all these budz I think that u can finally focus on making more oil, and that's what's important!
Hey did yous guys hear, Its ok for ORTHODOX JEWS to watch PORN as long as they do so through a Hole in a Sheet. BA_DA_BING

Society is bullshit, real community is grassroots. Religion is bad for you if you can't take it with a sense of humour :) A real life comes from daily experience, which is something that can't be framed and put on the wall... just smoked some charas from my Nanda Devi, and this stuff is mystical. Why didn't I try a pure sativa in my whole life, I dunno :Hookah:
So I got up at 1:00 pm and put the indoor plants outside. A little after 3:00 pm I was going up on the Hill, when I see there a lot of Fan Leaves that the edges are all white, some leaves are dryed out and curlly,others are just brown.
so Im going, "What the Fuck" so I start looking and the Buds dont look right. I went in and got my Loop and checked real close and all the Hairs are Red and the Tricombs are all cloudy and about half of them are amber. I had it it my head that they were going to take longer because of when I planted them. The plants in the ground and in the Bags are the same age, it didnt matter what date I transplanted them into PLanter #2. Basicly (ding) I am saying there done so as soon as I hit the POST Reply box Im going out and start taking the fan leaves off. Then I shoot ya-all those pics. Be sure and BOMB your Sunday. TOAST
"DIE YOUNG MOTHERFUCKERS" this gettin old shit SUCKS. This is what I got done, when I could no longer hold my arms above my head. Youll see, I couldnt even finish the top of the one plant. What a bunch of shit.
Im taking this pile of leaves and adding them to my pile of dirt(via Conradino's sugestion).
Well have a great the rest of it. LOVE YA TOAST
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