Well Mr Teddy, I am planning to Fortifie my existing pile of dirt with,worm casings,blood mean,bone meal,epsom salt, dolimite lime, bat guano,and twice the amount of peralite.Then I plan on making the holes bigger and replacing all the soil with new , instead of just mixing new dirt into the existing soil.I figure with the double peralite that should let the water go deeper.The new soil should eleminate the sand problem. So in answer to the question -yes Im going to grow the hill next time. I have those new crosses comming next year, so I will need to utilize the Hill. Yeah , im gona shoot for 500 plants next time.I didnt show you guys, but theres a tree house in the pepper tree that in the past Ive keep 100 clones up there but I didnt get the clones this time.Congartulations on what sounds like a great fishing expedition. Ugly fish are good to eat most of the time. Other than my backs been bleeding alot cause Ive been sleeping funny, you know rolling around alot,and thats been breaking it open. Nothing like the quart lossed the other day though. Ive regained all my strenth back in my arms,and my neck isnt feeling to bad con cidering. Every thing is happy and groovin right along here. I hope you and the Misses are doing well. Thank for the inquire its appreciated. Keep it green. Hey if you guys run short on meds for the misses let me know and I can drop a couple buds in the mail for you no problem. Let me know. Im out TOAST