Lem's 2014 Outdoor Grow Journal

Cannibas Connoisseur - Thanks for the kind words.Im thinkin that the part of the Pine Tree that I didnt cut down is probably sucking up all the water trying to stay alive . Its the only thing I can think of. Conradino - Im so glad and Impressed with what you accomplished in such a short period of time starting so late in the season. Good Fuckin Job Dude. Now I can hardly wait for you to smoke the AU your in for quite a suprize. Im realy proud of that shit. It should be a quality addition to your garden. Its so great that those genetics are going to work out for you. Later my friends. TOAST
The Super Frost in planter #1 is done. The resin is completely cloudy and starting to turn amber. The crazy Super Lemon Haze is turning also. I started flushing them Friday.I took a little sample of the SLH.And here she is.:
I tried to get the best shots I could,with this cheap ass camera.Later People TOAST
I tried to get the best shots I could,with this cheap ass camera.Later People TOAST

It might be a c-a-c, Lem, but that is a class A zoom.
Lem, I guess u'd like to know how this AU turned out. Well, like that :)


There are also more pics in my journal.
Conradino, she's not very big, but she sure is Beautiful. What you will find with the AU is, at about 60 degrees Fairenhight she starts turning Pink:
and at about 35 degrees Fairenhight she's Black:
at the right Temps she can be a bunch of real beautiful colors. Thats one of the many good things about my strain. Keep up the good work, Your making me proud. All the time when people come over, Im allways going,"Wait til you see what my friend in Italy's done." They along with my self,are amazed at what you accomplished in such a short grow period. Were all impressed. Keep doing it Bro. TOAST
Lem, thx :)
And this totally purple AU looks wicked :Hookah:
That superfrost and SLH look great Lem! :) and those AU pics... :yummy: sorry I'm still mostly lurking in your journal, I'm about 2/3rds caught up by now haha, I'll knock out the rest soon :passitleft: hope you, your mom, your gf, and your plants are all well! And hope that punk kid has been scared off for good :laughtwo:
Got a bug in my Butt,got up 3:30 am ish, and pulled those four Sour Diesle's that were having Issues.:
after I got them hung I got four Sour Diesle's out of the cage and Replanted.:
The wind is blowing MADDOGG. I hate it when theres a nice breeze,and then you hear what sounds like a train comming, then all of a sudden your plants are Side Ways. What a Bitch. Its not nice to fool Mother Nature. TOAST
Hola Lem, I hope the wind doesnt get too bad for you. I know the feeling of 75 mph Santa Anas, they are NOT fun.

On top of that, it is gonna be hotter and drier than hell. I hope your plants won't be too effected by it.

Much love to you and yours! Hope all is well brother :Namaste:
Hello Friends, I took the Debris - Clippings - Trimmings what ever you want to call um, from the plants I most recently pulled and added it to what I've collected sence the last time I made Meds and got this.:
Left - 14 grams of Simpson Oil and Right - 7 grams of BHO . Oh yeah I got a new WAX BONG.
Now I want you alls to have a mighty fine Weekend, ya hear. TOAST
On Thursday my old lady went to the Doctor to get some Anal Bleaching, and I'll be Damed if she didn't come home with Pink Eye. When I went on the Hill for some general maintainents.( dead leave removal ). First have a look at this Pure Kush.:
this one realy started putting on the weight. Then I checked out the Jack Herer plant and this is what I found.:
The stalk is huge and Inch and a half across.:
When I started to pull it, I wanted to check it out ,so I dismantaled it slowly. I took the dirt out of the front of the plant and set it aside,:
Then I stuck this Hydrometer in the dirt and it registered Dry.:
It wasn't until I pushed it as far in the ground in the Hole, as I could get it, before it registered Wet. So my theory of the Pine Tree sucking up all the water was wrong.So again I havent got a clue as to whats going on.I brought the plant down , into the back yard and hung it. Heres the Root Ball.:
Heres the stalk, look how the Branch starts in the middle of the stalk.:
I chopped the intire plant into Debris.:
Heres the Left over Stalk and Branches.:
Well thats it for now . Piece Fellow Babies. TOAST
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