Legal & Laid-Back in Colorado - Indoor Soil Grow With CFLs

re: Legal & Laid-Back in Colorado - Indoor Soil Grow With CFLs

Your plant was well rooted, that prevents most of the stretch & if you remember this you can use it to your advantage...I'm stoked you're still going strong....
re: Legal & Laid-Back in Colorado - Indoor Soil Grow With CFLs

Hello again! Doing fine here. The buds continue to grow and mature. I think I'm seeing a tiny bit of amber on the most mature buds, but Mr. Legal (who has better eyesight I admit) says they are still cloudy and not golden. But we're getting there, however slowly.

The soil gnats grew really terrible once I added some molasses to the fertilizer. I got some diatomaceous earth as recommended by KingJohnC, and have been laying it down on top of the soil, and mixing it into the upper quarter-inch or so. Can't tell yet if it's had much effect. I've stopped the extra nutrients for the time and I'm letting the soil run a bit dry.

So far I've harvested five, maybe six small buds. They seem to grow stronger each time :), so I guess we're on the right path.

Anyway, here are some pics. Not a huge change, as you will see.

First, the overall view!


I used the Safer brand earth, which is what the organic sites I usually visit had for sale.

Here's right side.


And in the middle. I am really happy with how these small buds have grown. You might recall that these were all on the lower levels until that last round of LST.


And the oldest buds, on the left.


This is 62 days at 12/12, and 47 days since Three was confirmed female. I'm sure we'll be doing much of the harvesting within a week.

All the little seedlings I was juggling with the plants early on have been out in the garden all summer, and we are getting baskets of tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants at least twice a week. Mr. Legal just baked up a big pan of tomatoes with garlic and rosemary that we're going to spread on bread and broil with mozzarella for dinner.

It's been a good gardening year around here.
re: Legal & Laid-Back in Colorado - Indoor Soil Grow With CFLs

We've harvested a few of the larger buds and some small ones, as they show some amber. The big buds are coming in at 4-5 grams each, trimmed, damp weight. The small ones are 2-3 g. each. I suspect they'll dry to about half of that. With the number of buds on the plant I estimate we'll get about an ounce, ounce and a half dry weight. The buds are very pretty.

I'll take a few pics as we slowly trim down. I intend to start two new seeds once this plant is done.
re: Legal & Laid-Back in Colorado - Indoor Soil Grow With CFLs

Hey folks! I wanted to give you the final run-down. I've been harvesting over the last three weeks and did a final chop today. The LST was incredibly successful. In fact the plant was still pushing out new buds all along the trunk and stem sites right up to the end. We harvested as soon as a bud showed amber, but some of the buds were still all clear when I clipped them today. The plant itself was starting to deteriorate though, with the stems and fan leaves turning yellow, so it was at the end of its useful life and I couldn't bring myself to keep torturing the thing.

Here are a few pictures from 8/31, about 75 days at 12/12, 60 days from when Plant Three was confirmed female.


At the time I took these I'd harvested about 50 grams of bud (damp weight, trimmed) over the past week or ten days.

And there were still plenty of buds on the plant as you can see.



The first buds had been a week in a paper bag for drying, and then into a vacuum-sealed container for curing. We've been having a few bowls at night and it is so nice.


Yes, it's a cookie jar :) We use bigger ones in the kitchen for flour and nuts, etc. They seal very tight and so I have to open up for a time every day for air, but they keep out every kind of bug and such. Since my office is downstairs and mostly dark, I don't worry about keeping stuff in the clear plastic.


The jar has more in it now, although most of the harvest is still at the bag-drying stage.

Total harvest was more than I expected: 140 grams of bud (trimmed, damp weight) and another 10 grams or so of bud leaves and fragments that I trimmed off into my little kif box. And a big sack of fan leaves of course. Maybe I'll dig those into my garden boxes outdoors as a nitrogen and good vibes source :circle-of-love: I am beyond happy with this amount of harvest. It's more than I expected from a single plant.

Let's see, what else to report. The fungus gnats remained a problem up to the end, although much reduced. In addition to the diatomaceous earth I put a half-inch layer of sharp sand all across the soil top. Even that didn't get rid of them entirely. I'm going to pull all the pots outside and let everything dry out completely before I start the next grow.

Since I'm going to continue with these seeds and techniques I was thinking to record the next grow in this same topic, rather than start a new one. Do you think that would be okay with the mods?

Anyway, much love to you all for the help and encouragement. I couldn't have done half as well without your kind sharing of all you know.
re: Legal & Laid-Back in Colorado - Indoor Soil Grow With CFLs

Turn those fan leaves & stems into great massage oil or high cbd extract...don't toss it...The massage oil & extract would be great topical pain med & the extract can be used as a supplement....Nice harvest, thank you Cannabis!!!
re: Legal & Laid-Back in Colorado - Indoor Soil Grow With CFLs

Thanks for the journal, if you let the mods know they'll move this to finished ones...Hope to see another journal from ya, I'll be taking a break from growing for a bit to ride some freshies on the mountain this winter!!!
re: Legal & Laid-Back in Colorado - Indoor Soil Grow With CFLs

Hey folks, I wanted to check in and let you know that all is well here. Though much of Colorado is still dealing with the after-effects of the flooding, and they will be for some time.

I haven't started a second grow yet because even though I don't have a grow at the moment, the fungus gnats are still horrific. I have a few very dry house plants in here, succulents and cacti, but the gnats are a big problem still. I'm thinking of using some systemic insecticide on the houseplants, which I try to avoid but do sometimes use on ornamentals (never on anything we eat or smoke of course).

So I still want to start another grow soon while these seeds I have are fresh. But I have to deal with this first.

In the meantime, we're still enjoying the harvest.


Hope you all are doing well.
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