LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: XXX vs. 180w UFO

Re: LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: Hydro Grow LED 205w vs. 180w UFO

how do the leds buds feel to you? are they solid dense? is their mostly smaller buds?

Well the LED buds are honestly pretty dense, its just the size. But the plants I grew under these LED's were topped 2 times so they had energy goin all over to lots of bud sites so nugs were never gonna all that huge. They feel quite solid, not as dense as the spinner nugs, but I have never had nugs that dense off a 400w hps, a 1k hps yeah. Yeah, though, its just tons of nugglets, There are a few nicer tops on the HGL side though...
Re: LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: Hydro Grow LED 205w vs. 180w UFO

Well the LED buds are honestly pretty dense, its just the size. But the plants I grew under these LED's were topped 2 times so they had energy goin all over to lots of bud sites so nugs were never gonna all that huge. They feel quite solid, not as dense as the spinner nugs, but I have never had nugs that dense off a 400w hps, a 1k hps yeah. Yeah, though, its just tons of nugglets, There are a few nicer tops on the HGL side though...

ya thats true i always kinda wondered how fat my buds would have been if i didn't LST them and put that energy all over? but i do also like having lots of buds sites up to getting good light.

it will be cool to see the dry weight from ur spinner
Re: LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: Hydro Grow LED 205w vs. 180w UFO

Damn wize its a shame your LED lights did not do what the MFG claims they should be able to do. I for one absolutely hate HGL lights. Well the lights are not bad but that person is horrible! lol Jesus are you really surprised you did not even yield close to a 400w HPS with that 205w LED?! Sorry wize, I am not giving you hard time. I just really hope people do not have any faith in that company! Nothing but lies and a false hope IMO.

At any rate, that spinner is awesome! You can take that $700 it cost for that POS led and invest in another spinner. Thanks for you hard work man and showing the real public what these lights really are made out of.

People are better off investing in T5s if they want a low wattage, cool running solution to closet or cab growing. Not some $400-700 dream.....just my two cents
Re: LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: Hydro Grow LED 205w vs. 180w UFO

Wize, I know you probably gave the answer to this question somewhere earlier in this thread but how many plants did you have total in the spinner?

What is the average weight loss from wet to dry for a plant, isn't it around 2/3 or 3/4 of the total? Even if you were to loss 3/4 of the weight you would still end up with over a pound which isn't bad at all. If you can end up with 3 or more spinners in your collection and get them all going a couple of weeks apart you should end up with a good amount of smoke to do with as you please, a nice steady supply. :bravo:

Glad to see it worked out so well for you, can't hardly wait for the next grow. Do you plan on making another journal with the next one? :nicethread: Was going to give a +rep but apparently I need to spread some around before this is possible.
Re: LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: Hydro Grow LED 205w vs. 180w UFO

Damn wize its a shame your LED lights did not do what the MFG claims they should be able to do. I for one absolutely hate HGL lights. Well the lights are not bad but that person is horrible! lol Jesus are you really surprised you did not even yield close to a 400w HPS with that 205w LED?! Sorry wize, I am not giving you hard time. I just really hope people do not have any faith in that company! Nothing but lies and a false hope IMO.

At any rate, that spinner is awesome! You can take that $700 it cost for that POS led and invest in another spinner. Thanks for you hard work man and showing the real public what these lights really are made out of.

People are better off investing in T5s if they want a low wattage, cool running solution to closet or cab growing. Not some $400-700 dream.....just my two cents

Just an observation brother but you sound like you work for a spinner company.
Re: LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: Hydro Grow LED 205w vs. 180w UFO

Easy, easy tiger. jk, nothing has hit the scales yet. And I was very impressed with the growth of these lights the entire time. I was certainly not going to produce gaint buds with plants that were topped twice and 4 plants under each lil'light. It was all about tons of bud sites and maximizing light to them.

If in a few days I have 200g between the two lights then I'll jump on with ya in your arguement, but I honestly see quite a bit more herb than that. We'll see though in prob just another day or two.

I know that HGL's owner has had a bad rap, and I greatly believe that its undeserving. Now I know that she can be very very brash but I feel that she's givin such a hard time cuz she's a woman and a lesbian. I can remember when everyone here was jumpin on board with her. And she did after all end up beating the jumbo with her 126w light in gpw.

I know that LED's definately have a place in growing and they will certainly continue to improve. I think for small scale closet grows you cant beat them, even a t5 heats up more than my led's so I'd prefer to run LED's in a closet type set up.

And hell yes, I'm orderin another spinner asap!
Re: LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: Hydro Grow LED 205w vs. 180w UFO

Just an observation brother but you sound like you work for a spinner company.

Whatever sod, lol I just have two eyes! Did you not look at the results of that single 400w in the spinner?! I dont beat around the bush, I say it how it is. I work for my self if I think about it...lol

For two LED lights worth well over $1000.00 to produce 200-215 grams is a damn shame. Yes granted that is still $2,100+ of medicine but I am just stating the obvious. The 400w hps spanked the 385W worth of LEDs. Now you cant tell me there is a power advantage either unless you consider the 15w difference a huge deal.

LEDs are awesome hence my name! haha but if they can only match HID watt for watt then someone please tell me where the advantage is? Dont tell me bulbs because the price difference between HID and LED is large enough where you could buy countless bulbs. Let alone a sunpulse bulb rated at 20000hrs with a 10% loss of light threw out the lifetime of the bulb.

I like your theory wize on using the led for the first few weeks of flower. I can assure you it works! I've done it with mine in the past and am now doing it again. It stacks the nodes then the HPS fills those nodes!!! Steller job though, I aint trying to cause no problems. Simply speaking my mind!!


Regarding the 180 vs. the 126 Irish did. The results were inconclusive because he lost an entire plant on the 180 side. Would you get into a fight if you only had one arm? No it wouldnt be fair now would it?? But the owner had to skeww the results, get all knit pickey and claimed that she won when all she did in reality was chew up Irishs reputation, deleted countless facts and information concerning her lights and present only biased facts. I call that a snake in the grass! Once again, that is completely honest, you can even ask Irish. I watched it all happen with my own two eyes along with countless bans for asking simple question about her under powered lights. the 205 only pulls like 180w or something like that. Why the hell isnt it called the 180w penetrator then?!?! Maybe to take more money out of your pockets??!! No HGL would never do that!!!!! LOL okay I am done!

Nice job bro, I aint trying to give you or anyone a hard time.
Re: LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: Hydro Grow LED 205w vs. 180w UFO

I know that HGL's owner has had a bad rap, and I greatly believe that its undeserving.

She is the one that lied to the med users. You know the ones that purchased her first gen 126w that she said was equal to a 400w HPS, when in fact the actual results are real close to a 250w HPS. Now if this was you she lied to, I honestly don't think you would make the above statement..

Irish and a few members here can tell you first hand on the fact that she said her first gen 126w would equal a 400w HPS and if you said otherwise she banned you. IDK I'm just saying the facts here bro...

I got banned from that site for saying on Irish's tread (126w against the 180 pro source) that it takes at a min 275w of led's to match a 400w HPS.. Now I know you've seen hazy's 205w comparison grow and her 205w missed the mark by aprox 25%. So add aprox 70w to her 205w unit and bamm you got a real close match IMO....

I'm a strong believer in karma my friend.. It's probably not a good business decision
to lie and steal from med users.. I don't know call me naive:smokin:

P.S. Nice spinner results by the way..... Those F'n things look like they rock
Re: LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: Hydro Grow LED 205w vs. 180w UFO

I know that HGL's owner has had a bad rap, and I greatly believe that its undeserving. Now I know that she can be very very brash but I feel that she's givin such a hard time cuz she's a woman and a lesbian. I can remember when everyone here was jumpin on board with her. And she did after all end up beating the jumbo with her 126w light in gpw.

not trying to start things on ur thread and if you have a broblem with this post i will delete it.

LED FREAK/DOG everything you guys said is 100% correct. she deleted all the important info that was being said at that place to sugar coat her lights. its all about lies and greed
she did after all end up beating the jumbo with her 126w light in gpw.
the bottom line is even though her light won if you look at it that way, ur still comparing 2 lights that dont perform well and are way over priced. its like comparing a Geo metro against a Pinto! who care witch ones faster? their both slow and cant hang with a Porsche

I will say that both together are less than the spinner for sure, lol. The spinner is drying between 2 racks and the LED's are split between 1 so I'm a lil'scared in all honesty, lol, especially after the big pull off the spinner, the led's look so miniscule.
but i know wizewizo is a smart guy and is not going to trade in his HID anytime soon for leds, he is on the right track veg with some free led lights he got then flower with HID. put ur focuses into that spinner. screw the 400w and throw ur 600w hps in their and make some crazy fat buds, then invite me over to smoke some.lol. in fact i need to sale all my thousand of dollars worth of leds and get me a toy like that. i am in no way trying to start anything just saying my thoughts. and i will be more then happy to delete this if you want. i dont blame you for doing this test, and i know why you did. nothing wrong with that. but for god sake keep at that spinner, i truly think next time you will knock it out of the park.

if you do do another journal, i vote screw the led test that we have seen so many times ans show us some teck allot of us haven't seen. That spinner. i would love to see a detailed grow from start to finish in that thing
Re: LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: Hydro Grow LED 205w vs. 180w UFO

To each their own. This is how we survive as people within this world...in a way...

Re: LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: Hydro Grow LED 205w vs. 180w UFO

So thats it, that was my first round in the spinner. I will probably post a separate journal with more pics of the entire grow, if I find some spare time. Either way its been fun and am really lookin forward to my next run hopin that I can get all the plants to weigh in at 317g+, but 19-20oz for my first run with a 400w is rockin in my mind! This being my first run I feel pretty damn good and wouldnt hesitate to recommend the system to anyone. hint hint, if you do wanna purchase one I could get ya a great deal as I have gotten in pretty good with the guys over there.

Sorry for slackin ya'll!

Cant wait to hear back from ya....

Nice haul, especially from a 400w.

Can you run a 600w or 1000w?

How much does one cost and where are they available?

Great thread.

Re: LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: Hydro Grow LED 205w vs. 180w UFO

Nice haul, especially from a 400w.

Can you run a 600w or 1000w?

How much does one cost and where are they available?

Great thread.


Thanks mate, yeah, it was a blast runnin the spinner and the LED's together. Was a cool comparison for myself if no one else, lol.

I actually have a 600w dimmable lumatek ballast that was used for the spinner, I ran it at 400w to see if the manufacturers claims were valid. They stated on their site that you could yield as much with a 400w as you would normally with a 1000w bulb. I am proud to say they didnt lie or pump that up at all, if anything they were very pessimistic. Cuz I can say for sure that I pulled as much as I used to pull with my 1kw hps and I had tons of room inside the spinner for essentially double the plant size on at least half of the plants in there. Shit, sorry, got side tracked; yes, you can run a 600w hps in there easily as long as you hook up a bigger exhaust fan.

Pretty pricey, but I can say now for certain after my first grow with it that it was WELL worth it! Hit me up in a pm if you are really interested as I got in pretty good with the guys over there and might be able to hook some people up, since you'd be helping them out as well.
Re: LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: Hydro Grow LED 205w vs. 180w UFO

So everything is all dry from the LED's harvested last Friday.

Hydro Grow LED 205w (operating @ 185w) yielded 144g.

Jumbo 180w (operating @ 165w) yielded 117g.

Pictures are in my gallery, but for some reason there's no url to link here or what not. I'm sure they are workin on sumthan and I'll edit them here once its fixed.

Well I was hoping to do a bit better than this but there is certainly room for improvement on my end. I believe that I topped the plants one to many times and had energy goin all over and I should have lollipopped them up a bit more as I had shit that was essentially gettin hardly any light. And not to mention that I believe that my temps got a lil warm from trying to achieve PS's desire to have temps at 88 degrees and gave me a lil'root rot towards the end. But all and all I am blown away by these lil 1w LED's that were able to produce, what looks like some killer smoke (havent smoked any yet, I'll prob wait a week after their in the jars for awhile) I think both manufacturers have a nice product, but it certainly appears HGL is further along.

So yeah, guess that about raps it up. Thanks for all that followed along the way, and thanks to the manufacturers of both LED's.

I have started my next round with the LED's in case anyone cares, lol. It's a hybrid type grow, I will be vegging with LED's and then flowering with them as well for the first 4 weeks and then I will be switching over to a 600w hps to finish them off with. One thing I love most about these LED's is their amazing ability to stack internodes. I love it.

Til next time, I'm outtie

thanks again to all

Re: LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: Hydro Grow LED 205w vs. 180w UFO

Hey Irish,

Yeah roughly round there depending on what numbers you use whether actual watts or actual led's.

Pretty darn close in terms of gpw. I wonder if PS changed any of their spectral outputs after your grow. I know he said that they changed sumthan and they would run more efficiently, but I dunno not like can tell from the naked eye, lol.

Should have dry weight on the spinner grow tomorrow, stems are already snappin' but I'm blazed, tired and kinda lazy atm and just wanna veg in my veg room...
Re: LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: Hydro Grow LED 205w vs. 180w UFO

Hey Irish,

Yeah roughly round there depending on what numbers you use whether actual watts or actual led's.

Pretty darn close in terms of gpw. I wonder if PS changed any of their spectral outputs after your grow. I know he said that they changed sumthan and they would run more efficiently, but I dunno not like can tell from the naked eye, lol.

Should have dry weight on the spinner grow tomorrow, stems are already snappin' but I'm blazed, tired and kinda lazy atm and just wanna veg in my veg room...

i was just adding them up the same as i did my last grow since i didnt know the true power drawl, ya know? either way i dont care for gpw just checking it out to my last grow seeing if we came close on the PS light. i count weight per plant instead of gpw. so a little over an oz per plant using under 200w. not to bad.

who knows what they changed? both company's change their lights since then. but i would buy the HGL because its cheaper and dose better.

cant wait to see the spinner..
Re: LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: Hydro Grow LED 205w vs. 180w UFO

I just got caught up with your journal Wizewizo and I'm very impressed! The LEDs are interesting but the spinner is amazing! I have never even heard of one until seeing your journal and I'm blown away! + reps for you all day Brother.
I'm about to start searching the web for more info on them but there is no better source than an actual grower using one for cannabis cultivation.
Do you think a grower could build one from scratch or are some of the parts in the machine just too difficult to duplicate in a diy set up?

Re: LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: Hydro Grow LED 205w vs. 180w UFO

I just got caught up with your journal Wizewizo and I'm very impressed! The LEDs are interesting but the spinner is amazing! I have never even heard of one until seeing your journal and I'm blown away! + reps for you all day Brother.
I'm about to start searching the web for more info on them but there is no better source than an actual grower using one for cannabis cultivation.
Do you think a grower could build one from scratch or are some of the parts in the machine just too difficult to duplicate in a diy set up?


Hey OB,

Thanks for comin by and sayin some kind words.

The LED's did pretty darn good, considering its a straight up horizontal grow.

Now as for the Spinner, well, pffttt, that thing is just plain sick!

When it comes to building one from scratch, I dunno. It looks very very basic... motor, gears, magnet, netcups, and twirl away. The parts and know how to get it up and going I imagine would be rather inexpensive, however the mold for the growing tray, top of the spinner, and a few other things would be very expensive to reproduce. If one was doing a soil grow that was hand watered then I could point you in a rather inexpensive direction that would accomplish something very similar at around 700 bucks or so. But when you compare the spinner to other hydroponic systems out there you see that its very reasonable and will flat out shatter any other hydro system for the same price imo.
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