LA's Quick Guide To Simple Backbuilding Technique For Buds!

Alright LA not sure if your back from spain yet but i have a question. Im growing big buddah's blue cheese and i know this strain foxtails a lot so would the backbuilding technique stop this ?
Welcome back home LA. Sounds like you had a great time.

My question is probably somewhere in the thread, but I am limited to my reading time. So sorry if you have to take time to answer again.

Have you used this little trim on an auto? Might it stress to hermie or a change In building by stopping? Thanks

Hey WJ :)
Yup Spain was a blast! Unfortunately I'm now stuck in real life again lol.
As for backbuilding autos! Yep its all good, the technique doesn't tax the plant enough to hermie or stall. You just have to adapt the timing to for autos. :)
I did it to all my autos way back when! :)

I went to the Keys for two weeks. On the way home stayed in a cheap motel and I got eaten up. Not one bite on wife. She said I am sweet due to diabetes. I think they smelled the cannabinoids. Any thoughts?

I will try on my next autos. I plan on doing another Auto Red Poison. It was one large cola. My first grow, semi-successful grow. DWC and I tried to kill her but i harvest a little over an oz from her. Only photo I have.


How would I back build this? I am going to do them in Hempy. DWC too difficult for this newbie.


As suggested at around day 40 into flower I did the deed.

Here are the results on 2 of them.


The whole stalk from my hand to the bottom of the picture is all dense bud. :D


I shot this one at an upward angle to show how fat it is and that it goes all the way down the stem to the main stalk.

I can't wait until these are done to see the size of these buds after trimming. They should be awesome. I'm so glad I found this thread and this site. It's helped a lot and increased the size and quality of my buds.
I thought I should drop by in person and say thanks LA. I remember reading your post when you first asked if anyone else had tried this technique. What a great breakthrough. I've been doing this to every bud in sight lately with great results. It especially worked well on my Mama Thai 100% sativa. The foliage is a bit trashed because of a nutrient mishap/mixup, and I put them in 12/12 at 4" so they could have been vegged longer to fill the scrog, but if you ignore all that, lol, the buds did great and probably saved me from a lot of work trying to control the canopy. The backbuilding was a great success

2 plants- the screen is 19"x24"
2clean I would say you're probably not going to get big changes in the bud at this point- but also- you will lose nothing by trying. You really don't have to snip much off the end at all, and I'm sure that you will figure out something or other to do with those trimmings...
Sorry for being such a newfus doophus, but if I don't center on the tip of the bud, will it grow more to one side? Just asking, I don't see very well, so seeing something so small, holding a magnifying glass and scissors and trying to be super-accurate at cutting appears really difficult. But I do want to try this technique in about a month. So in about two months I should have my answer. Knowing beforehand would be nice.

I would like your opinion about centering cut accurately, if you would my friend. Many thanks.

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