yooper rex
Well-Known Member
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo
Damn these pages add up fast and you haven`t even set the system up yet, much less got any little green goddesses to peruse. At this point I ain`t got no patience either. Grow in dirt my self, under LED`s. Main reason is I can leave for 2 or 3 days and they will be fine when I get back. Don`t know any thing about water farming though and not much about doin` it in the dirt. Anyho I`m gonna find a set by OMM and mr. cronic. we goona vape a few bowls and BS amongst the old farts. Peace.
Damn these pages add up fast and you haven`t even set the system up yet, much less got any little green goddesses to peruse. At this point I ain`t got no patience either. Grow in dirt my self, under LED`s. Main reason is I can leave for 2 or 3 days and they will be fine when I get back. Don`t know any thing about water farming though and not much about doin` it in the dirt. Anyho I`m gonna find a set by OMM and mr. cronic. we goona vape a few bowls and BS amongst the old farts. Peace.