I topped it at week 3 then 2 more weeks veg. If you look closely you can see two separate main stalks. As soon as I put it on 12/12 it just took off and would not stop. Before it went out the door it was on 10/14. This was a total organic grow, no nutes were used. Homemade soil that was cooking for two months. I can only imagine what it would have become if I hadn't topped it. Truthfully never thought I could grow something that big indoors, took me by surprise. Spring is coming, weather is fixing to break. I have a boatload CG72 seeds from breeding when I first got them. Been using 1 gal pots since then and they still can get pretty big but managable. Next month I gonna start one indoors in a 5gal pot with coco but make sure to get it outside before it takes on a life of it's own. lol I really want to see how big one of these can get.