Landrace Genetics 101

I grew one Nanan Bouclou and it might be getting into the top position or close. Clear, clean and soaring. So clear it seems you are not high until 'something' happens. You lose track of time or your place in the world for a bit. It seems out of place since you do not feel very high. No comedown tired feeling at all which is so nice. Like a trippy cup or cups of coffee.

Combined some Acapulco Gold with Panama Red, that was nice. I think I like them separate though.
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F1 of two landrace strains.
Grown in San Francisco outdoor by a terrific Sativa grower, e.T. Finishing early Nov And fragrance described as Grape bubblegum.

Thank you Yesum,
Coming along nicely. These are the pride and joy of my seed collection.

Looking terrific already!
I love the tight clustered smaller trichs of Sativa
It's been mentioned on this thread before how the curing process in some places resulted in brown 'fermented' bud. The sativas I used to get when I started smoking were brown, not green. As was pretty much all the bud I got in places like Thailand and India. I never saw the harvest/curing process firsthand but I'm assuming it mostly wasn't always from any special process so much as hot and humid conditions.

Has anyone on 420 tried curing bud this way, or have any ideas or knowledge of how I could do it without ending up with a pile of mold?

There is a great thread, not on 420 but out there somewhere, on curing Malawi Gold bud the traditional way by wrapping it in banana leaf and burying it.
Actually there is a thread on that in 420 too but it's incomplete and not as good.
I live in a cold wet place. Everything goes moldy here given half a chance. Maybe it's the lack of air inside a banana leaf wrap that makes this work? :hmmmm:




This Thai Stick plant is a discontinued landrace strain I got from Ace Seeds. The seeds of this strain were originally gathered in Nong Khai province (northeast Thailand) by some dude who calls himself Gypsy Nirvana. It was promoted to him by whoever he met there, as being the same basic strain that was used to make the Thai sticks in the old days. Ace got the strain from him and sold it for a while.
My conclusion after wrestling with this long flowering strain for the last year and a half is that it's just a regular sort of average Thai ditch weed. Small buds that take 16-18 weeks to mature. 'Regular Thai ditch weed' still a good thing and a nice clear smoke, but I've let go of the idea that it's going to recreate some sort of magical Thai Stick experience for me.
It goes without saying that it's going to be a much reduced plant when grown in a pot under a lightbulb and not in its natural habitat under the sun.
Anyway... I got some seeds from it which I'll save, but am going to discontinue growing the strain. I'll save the seeds in case somebody wants some someday.
If I have time and figure something out I will try to make brown bud with it. But how?
It's been mentioned on this thread before how the curing process in some places resulted in brown 'fermented' bud. The sativas I used to get when I started smoking were brown, not green. As was pretty much all the bud I got in places like Thailand and India. I never saw the harvest/curing process firsthand but I'm assuming it mostly wasn't always from any special process so much as hot and humid conditions.

Has anyone on 420 tried curing bud this way, or have any ideas or knowledge of how I could do it without ending up with a pile of mold?

There is a great thread, not on 420 but out there somewhere, on curing Malawi Gold bud the traditional way by wrapping it in banana leaf and burying it.
Actually there is a thread on that in 420 too but it's incomplete and not as good.
I live in a cold wet place. Everything goes moldy here given half a chance. Maybe it's the lack of air inside a banana leaf wrap that makes this work? :hmmmm:




This Thai Stick plant is a discontinued landrace strain I got from Ace Seeds. The seeds of this strain were originally gathered in Nong Khai province (northeast Thailand) by some dude who calls himself Gypsy Nirvana. It was promoted to him by whoever he met there, as being the same basic strain that was used to make the Thai sticks in the old days. Ace got the strain from him and sold it for a while.
My conclusion after wrestling with this long flowering strain for the last year and a half is that it's just a regular sort of average Thai ditch weed. Small buds that take 16-18 weeks to mature. 'Regular Thai ditch weed' still a good thing and a nice clear smoke, but I've let go of the idea that it's going to recreate some sort of magical Thai Stick experience for me.
It goes without saying that it's going to be a much reduced plant when grown in a pot under a lightbulb and not in its natural habitat under the sun.
Anyway... I got some seeds from it which I'll save, but am going to discontinue growing the strain. I'll save the seeds in case somebody wants some someday.
If I have time and figure something out I will try to make brown bud with it. But how?
It's been mentioned on this thread before how the curing process in some places resulted in brown 'fermented' bud. The sativas I used to get when I started smoking were brown, not green. As was pretty much all the bud I got in places like Thailand and India. I never saw the harvest/curing process firsthand but I'm assuming it mostly wasn't always from any special process so much as hot and humid conditions.

Has anyone on 420 tried curing bud this way, or have any ideas or knowledge of how I could do it without ending up with a pile of mold?

There is a great thread, not on 420 but out there somewhere, on curing Malawi Gold bud the traditional way by wrapping it in banana leaf and burying it.
Actually there is a thread on that in 420 too but it's incomplete and not as good.
I live in a cold wet place. Everything goes moldy here given half a chance. Maybe it's the lack of air inside a banana leaf wrap that makes this work? :hmmmm:




This Thai Stick plant is a discontinued landrace strain I got from Ace Seeds. The seeds of this strain were originally gathered in Nong Khai province (northeast Thailand) by some dude who calls himself Gypsy Nirvana. It was promoted to him by whoever he met there, as being the same basic strain that was used to make the Thai sticks in the old days. Ace got the strain from him and sold it for a while.
My conclusion after wrestling with this long flowering strain for the last year and a half is that it's just a regular sort of average Thai ditch weed. Small buds that take 16-18 weeks to mature. 'Regular Thai ditch weed' still a good thing and a nice clear smoke, but I've let go of the idea that it's going to recreate some sort of magical Thai Stick experience for me.
It goes without saying that it's going to be a much reduced plant when grown in a pot under a lightbulb and not in its natural habitat under the sun.
Anyway... I got some seeds from it which I'll save, but am going to discontinue growing the strain. I'll save the seeds in case somebody wants some someday.
If I have time and figure something out I will try to make brown bud with it. But how?
Are you shure you had given her enough tries, cause i heard also a very good Review where one said it actually was like the old Thai-stick stuff? I think this genetics can sometimes just light up in some phenos, and go trough(the Roof). Also with These Genes you also should let it cure veeeery Long, lik 6 months or so, and it MIGHT improve soo much in therms of Hallucinogenity. Sometimes also Opposite if you smoke them very earl they are veery trancey, aswell if you cut them way too early, they are soo much more visual. Just an Idea.. probably im wrong and they are really too normal.
Are you shure you had given her enough tries, cause i heard also a very good Review where one said it actually was like the old Thai-stick stuff? I think this genetics can sometimes just light up in some phenos, and go trough(the Roof). Also with These Genes you also should let it cure veeeery Long, lik 6 months or so, and it MIGHT improve soo much in therms of Hallucinogenity. Sometimes also Opposite if you smoke them very earl they are veery trancey, aswell if you cut them way too early, they are soo much more visual. Just an Idea.. probably im wrong and they are really too normal.

Hey romano. I’ve grown a couple crosses of this strain since then- two Golden Tiger x Thai Stick crosses. They turned out ok. A little too busy to reply properly right now but I’ll try to post a proper reply soon. Also interesting that you quoted my question about how to make the brown weed- that one has been solved. :thumb:
Hey romano. I’ve grown a couple crosses of this strain since then- two Golden Tiger x Thai Stick crosses. They turned out ok. A little too busy to reply properly right now but I’ll try to post a proper reply soon. Also interesting that you quoted my question about how to make the brown weed- that one has been solved. :thumb:
Sorry, this was first post in this place, i see now..
i think as you crossed it to golden tiger wich is of Thai and Malawi genes it might have helped, cause summing up very close genes: Thai and thai. that is actually what i also would have tried too. Cause a tiny Little Outcrossing in the last cross can make a very vigorous plant. And i mean only a Little one. Per example crossing it to the Neigbourh-country or even more close, in this case Thai to Thai. I just heart the cross of Vietnam nord and Vietnam sud was creating the powerfull Vietnam-Black Strain. Aswell as crossing Vietnam to Thai i heard of the same insane hallucinogenic Qualities. And also the Strong mythical Landrace Gems may have gone to a last step of Outcrossing to some extent. That might be a part of why some Thais are just average, and the others are insane. I think to strong Hybridisation on the one Hand and Incrossing of say Familymembers, or Neighbors even Cannabis-Valleys is said short ; not perfekt reciep for a Full power mythical Experience, it is rather a breeding-path that might even look like tree-structure. And might have acured in old times when ganja was legal,and therefore was freely traded...
And nowdays, as it is ilegal this trade/Exchange often stagnates. Thats why i think slight outcrossing heals the todays assumable leftovers we got wich i think are often going to much into inbreeding because of this Stagnation.
If i would have your Ace Thaistick-seeds i would cross it to a willie Nelson(Vietnam) or a Hoa -Bac(Vietnam), or other Thais. Eventually mamathai....
so i think you were on the right trail crossing of the nearest, but not same genes: Thai x Thai. (only that golden tiger has a relatively weak Thai inside) . This is just my opinion. Probably it helps, cause i think there is quiet something hidden inside this Genes you have....
Looking great there Ganja!
starting to get some meat on her.
What is she smelling like?
Right now she seems to reek of grapefruit and pulverized pine needles. Very exciting.
Are you shure you had given her enough tries, cause i heard also a very good Review where one said it actually was like the old Thai-stick stuff? I think this genetics can sometimes just light up in some phenos, and go trough(the Roof). Also with These Genes you also should let it cure veeeery Long, lik 6 months or so, and it MIGHT improve soo much in therms of Hallucinogenity. Sometimes also Opposite if you smoke them very earl they are veery trancey, aswell if you cut them way too early, they are soo much more visual. Just an Idea.. probably im wrong and they are really too normal.

Ok I have a little more time to answer this.
Basically my opinion of that Thai Stick strain hasn’t changed since I posted about it. It just seems like a low grade Thai ditchweed. Ace dropped the strain and I’m sure they wouldn’t have done that if they hadn’t come to the same conclusion.

As I’m sure I’ve blathered about before on this thread I spent a few years in Thailand and a lot of the weed there was weak. Occasionally you’d get some that was a mile above the rest. But to me Thai weed seemed like a pretty homogenous strain. There wasn’t all the variety you see in our lives now. It was all Thai and the same basic type of high. Just some was stronger than the rest. It’s still my favourite type of high.

I think whoever in Thailand originally sold the ‘Thai Stick’ seeds as ‘the stuff we used to make the sticks from’ - wasn’t lying. It’s reasonably typical Thai weed. They just must not have put any effort into selecting the best stuff.

Here are pics of a couple Thai Stick x G. Tiger crosses I harvested fairly recently.

I grew out three of these crosses in total and they were all interesting plants. Hard to control the height though and they took about 18 weeks to finish. The Thai Stick genetics really watered down the strength of the GT. Smoked up the first one. Busy curing the last two. (I almost forgot about that first GTx till now. I guess because I smoked it all, lol)

GTx2. The most Thai, or Thai Stick leaning pheno. Long pointy skinny buds.

GTx3. More of the GT in this one. Very sticky with smaller rounder buds. Looks like bit of a mess because she wanted to be twelve feet tall and I kept mangling her to keep her around six.

Re the brown bud thing I’ll seize the chance to mention that. Not that you asked :) ha ha but I saw it in your quote and can’t resist updating.
Someone figured out that you can ferment the bud by vacuum sealing it moist and keeping it warm. There’s a thread here that SweetSue started.

Tangwena's Malawi-Style Cob Cure: Fermented Cannabis

Basically everything you need to know is in the first post of the thread. Even that’s probably more info than you need. Just vac seal it when it’s still moist, stick it somewhere warm for a while, and it will give a nice fermented cure.

Sorry, this was first post in this place, i see now..
i think as you crossed it to golden tiger wich is of Thai and Malawi genes it might have helped, cause summing up very close genes: Thai and thai. that is actually what i also would have tried too. Cause a tiny Little Outcrossing in the last cross can make a very vigorous plant. And i mean only a Little one. Per example crossing it to the Neigbourh-country or even more close, in this case Thai to Thai. I just heart the cross of Vietnam nord and Vietnam sud was creating the powerfull Vietnam-Black Strain. Aswell as crossing Vietnam to Thai i heard of the same insane hallucinogenic Qualities. And also the Strong mythical Landrace Gems may have gone to a last step of Outcrossing to some extent. That might be a part of why some Thais are just average, and the others are insane. I think to strong Hybridisation on the one Hand and Incrossing of say Familymembers, or Neighbors even Cannabis-Valleys is said short ; not perfekt reciep for a Full power mythical Experience, it is rather a breeding-path that might even look like tree-structure. And might have acured in old times when ganja was legal,and therefore was freely traded...
And nowdays, as it is ilegal this trade/Exchange often stagnates. Thats why i think slight outcrossing heals the todays assumable leftovers we got wich i think are often going to much into inbreeding because of this Stagnation.
If i would have your Ace Thaistick-seeds i would cross it to a willie Nelson(Vietnam) or a Hoa -Bac(Vietnam), or other Thais. Eventually mamathai....
so i think you were on the right trail crossing of the nearest, but not same genes: Thai x Thai. (only that golden tiger has a relatively weak Thai inside) . This is just my opinion. Probably it helps, cause i think there is quiet something hidden inside this Genes you have....

Managed to miss this post till now. Good thoughts, thanks. I wonder if there might be some good hidden landracey qualities in the T Stick. There might well be. But at this point I’m inclined to go looking elsewhere. Really if I had the money for a vacation I’d love to go back to that one town in Thailand where I smoked the best stuff I ever found. I hope someday I get the chance to do it. Not likely I’ll find the same stuff again, but you never know. Not that big a place and the same genetics must be floating around there somewhere.
Managed to miss this post till now. Good thoughts, thanks. I wonder if there might be some good hidden landracey qualities in the T Stick. There might well be. But at this point I’m inclined to go looking elsewhere. Really if I had the money for a vacation I’d love to go back to that one town in Thailand where I smoked the best stuff I ever found. I hope someday I get the chance to do it. Not likely I’ll find the same stuff again, but you never know. Not that big a place and the same genetics must be floating around there somewhere.
to weaslkracker:
I think this Insane strains are really dying , at least it is a possiblety, but i dont believe in their death forever. Just the possible free trade would recreate them. We just would actually have to Isolate our modern crosses from the natural Dynamics wich create the base of our Gems we want itself. Wild Cannabis, wich might be weak(most often). And then do the right crossings (ancient) People once did. Im quit shure it all emerged trough trail and error, not like komplex breeding tec. Bassicly all our Food was createt out of (weak) ground material, and has become 10 times as vigorous. So why this modern Strains could also not degenerate once they are at maximum. In fact EVERY Meal is made out of Outcrosses in the last step. It is bassicly a rule, to get Maximum, we NEVER ever inbreed as last Step in Foodbuisness, and they should know what they do to some big extent. Ok they also do outcrossing cause of Uniformity, but also cause of vigorousity. Every Penny Counts there. The main difference is they cross out too hard very often. I actually believe, we can only create things that our nature also could, but are veeery unlikely, close to historical/godlike. BUT we cant breed to untrue like our (modern Sativa/Indica Hybrids) without getting Paranoia/Sideeffects or Unhealtiness/unresistence in Foodplants.
that still doesent mean that something Special does accure if you just little-outcross your plant for shure, but i believe, the potential is unequal bigger than crossing of to far away genetics like everyone does to gain Power. Your Thaistick might be imbreed, so the question remains, if there is one or two Outcrossings that might help it . Since it hypotetically has a breeding-pattern/history like a tree, but the tree Needs another branch to be fully grown. Or acording the other Thesis has some blurry inbreeding in some of the biggest (branches) of that tree, wich might indicate two things 1: we lost our Genetics to some extinct , or 2": we set a base-branch/very little branch/blurry branch at a very big branch, meaning therefore we could probably hide that trough putting another Big Branch to the already existing Big Branch and acording to it the missplaced base-branch/Little branch is no more so prominent in our growing history. Or itfits better.
Ist all very theoretical, but i just layed out mi thoughts while writing now, since im thinking very often on this and all sorts of thematics. Probaly it helps someone. It is just very intresting Thema. Cause it also lets us know if Landrace-Juwels are dying, or on the other said if we can hold on to them in future. Or probably evering changes, and one day we have such a equal mix-mash that plants will do something kompletely different. I also dont know if we let nature do ist natural Thing, meaning if we would implant our mixed genetics into nature, would it become natural Base-matreal again. I actually could imagine that we even could doo this Base-Material ourselve trough inbreeding. So if say we have northern, western, southern, but no more eastern thai-genes we actually could inbreed northern and southern material (the material around eastern) to recreate the eastern base-material/little-branch material.
Again this are just thoughts, i just wanted to share them. And for shure it wouldnt be intelligent trying all this theories out for to Long if you only have 3, 4 different South-asian Strains ahold. So if it doesnt work (wouldnt improove) with 3 to 4 Trial and Errors, then you probably wouldnt be on the right way, ad i would rather go to Thailand and get new matireal, and the base-matireal creation taht i spoke in lower section here would need much more steps in crossing until i can imagine a good result. In this case i would eventually rather gather more Thai-seeds from Thailand. But if something improves dramatically, or you see Progress (in the section of Base-Materieal/inbreeding creation pheno-forming), you might be on the right way , it might be more of a Feeling Thing, rather than the normal breeding lectures are. Anyway, i will try to do some ofthis things i speak eventually myself. If i only had some of your thai-beans.... but im new here
Aloah everyone
Just a Picture (not mine) double-Thai from ace: Thai x Thai:


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