In The Lab

I'm amazed it went as far as it did in a 5 gallon pot. I'd like a 25 gallon pot for a plant that size.

I've had my ass handed to me by a Colombian Sativa that looked a lot like that. It won. No mas.

May I suggest an 8-10 week strain next time?

Suggestion noted and taken! Going to run a clone of the new Dinafem Strawberry Cough they put on the market recently. Should be 10 weeks or less. They claim it's based on Kushman's original genetics, so I'm curious to see how HB affects the expression. My buddy will be running the same cut in typical supersoil, raised beds indoors.

The breeder weighed in on the haze, says to feed water until she fades out a bit more, probably a week or so. Already seeing some of the salt burn fade out, big fans are dropping a bit more rapidly now. Thanks for the help!
doc bob, new here, been reading up a lot on your true high brix kit, can you pm info about it? what's included with it, price, etc. not sure if I should purchase a kit from you or make my own...I will have about 45 plants outdoors this summer.
At Doc's request here is how to "tune" your soil.

I vote you share your whole process here and on my In the Lab thread. Please????

No problem...I'll do my best to make sense of it :) more bong rip :bigtoke:...there we go..

Now that I'm good and baked and coughed myself into remembering I have broken ribs...I can explain this I think.

Lets start with explaining what I do. I add my "scrap" any plant matter I am not going to use as medicine gets recycled into my soil (aside from thick woody stems). It can be fresh or dry, I try to get it in there fresh. But it honestly doesn't matter. I add a handful of Root zone cover it with soil and water it. We will call this TUNING THE SOIL. This puts the soil energy "in tune" for our crop. Its just green mulching people have been doing it for hundreds of years. It's nothing new. I didn't reinvent the wheel. I just went back to find what they did back in the day to grow food properly before chemicals. With all this being said...

Your first round should cook per instructions with 20-30lbs of worm castings for at least 30 days. If you are able to tune this first run soil feel free to do so. If not save your trim.

You can just let the 2nd run rip if you wish. I did it was fantastic. However, if you tune'll be 100% better.

After the second run. This is where things get good. I tune it and add 20lbs worm castings and a small bag of pro-mix + the 2nd amendment. Cook it for 30 days.

Third run tune it, cook it 30 days.

Fourth run tune it, cook it for 30 days.

Fifth run tune it, cook for 30 days.

To be continued at my discretion ;)

Just a footnote. There are a few variables in this methodology. Pots are the biggest variable imo. I use smarties they allow for thin roots and loads of soil to recycle. I will not guarantee it will work with anything else. Remember this is just what has worked for me.

Also I usually only have about half of my soil in use at a time as well. So I constantly have some cooking.
Your first round should cook per instructions with 20-30lbs of worm castings for at least 30 days. If you are able to tune this first run soil feel free to do so. If not save your trim.

You can just let the 2nd run rip if you wish. I did it was fantastic. However, if you tune'll be 100% better.

After the second run. This is where things get good. I tune it and add 20lbs worm castings and a small bag of pro-mix + the 2nd amendment. Cook it for 30 days.

Third run tune it, cook it 30 days.

Thank you curso for taking the time to educate us all! Just to clarify, let me know if I got this right - the first time we recycle the soil, treat it like new (tune if possible) and use the regular first run kit amendment + castings. Then after second run, we add more promix and use a different (3rd round) amendment mix + castings. And finally, for any subsequent runs, no more amendment is required and we can just tune it with our trim.

Want to make sure I got this on lock as I got a load of used kit soil...

Thanks again curso!
After the 2nd run add the 2nd amendment (doc sells it) and tune it. I added small bag of pro-mix hp and some castings. You could add some castings with each tune if you wanted to. Its totally unnecessary though. I haven't added anything but plant matter and Root zone since the 2nd amendment.

Hmmm - so there really is a use for that 4 year old bag of fan leaves after all...

Hi Curso, Hi Doc, and Hi to all. Been doing a lot of reading and catching up. Thanks so much for all the info and help you so generously share. I've always favored compost and soil preparation over fertilizer as a basic mindset, so it's cool to discover all these recent developments. Maybe the one benefit of prohibition is that it has brought such intensive development of methods which will apply to growing better food as well.

Anyway, Doc, I'd like to get a couple of kits, if you would PM me. Also, I think you mentioned you might arrange for getting our regular garden soil tested and ammendment prescribed by your lab - I've got several yds of compost/used potting soil. The county agricultural extension refused to test it - said it was too good, and self-correcting...

Great site, great people, great thread!
Hmmm - so there really is a use for that 4 year old bag of fan leaves after all...

Hi Curso, Hi Doc, and Hi to all. Been doing a lot of reading and catching up. Thanks so much for all the info and help you so generously share. I've always favored compost and soil preparation over fertilizer as a basic mindset, so it's cool to discover all these recent developments. Maybe the one benefit of prohibition is that it has brought such intensive development of methods which will apply to growing better food as well.

Anyway, Doc, I'd like to get a couple of kits, if you would PM me. Also, I think you mentioned you might arrange for getting our regular garden soil tested and ammendment prescribed by your lab - I've got several yds of compost/used potting soil. The county agricultural extension refused to test it - said it was too good, and self-correcting...

Great site, great people, great thread!

Check your PM's. Also, ditch the compost. 99.9% of the time it wrecks everything.
Thank you curso for taking the time to educate us all! Just to clarify, let me know if I got this right - the first time we recycle the soil, treat it like new (tune if possible) and use the regular first run kit amendment + castings. Then after second run, we add more promix and use a different (3rd round) amendment mix + castings. And finally, for any subsequent runs, no more amendment is required and we can just tune it with our trim.Just about got it, but...Not 100% clear yet...sorry Curso! I'm about to finish up with first run soil. I want to do what ever i have to to get it ready to re-use as "second " run. You say to just "tune this first run with some scraps and more ewc. if we wish...and let it rip,is this correct? So the "second " run amendment is not really for the second run is it? Your saying to only use this AFTER the second run is completed and are getting it ready for the actual 3rd run correct? Let me tell you what i was planning. I'm going to use my left over (unused) first run soil for my next go round,re-cooking (if necessary) the used first run for another 30 days with whatever you guys say to put in it,or not. Have i explained this good enough Curso? Sorry for asking again for clarity on this.I just want to understand it. Cheers.
Thank you curso for taking the time to educate us all! Just to clarify, let me know if I got this right - the first time we recycle the soil, treat it like new (tune if possible) and use the regular first run kit amendment + castings. Then after second run, we add more promix and use a different (3rd round) amendment mix + castings. And finally, for any subsequent runs, no more amendment is required and we can just tune it with our trim.Just about got it, but...Not 100% clear yet...sorry Curso! I'm about to finish up with first run soil. I want to do what ever i have to to get it ready to re-use as "second " run. You say to just "tune this first run with some scraps and more ewc. if we wish...and let it rip,is this correct? So the "second " run amendment is not really for the second run is it? Your saying to only use this AFTER the second run is completed and are getting it ready for the actual 3rd run correct? Let me tell you what i was planning. I'm going to use my left over (unused) first run soil for my next go round,re-cooking (if necessary) the used first run for another 30 days with whatever you guys say to put in it,or not. Have i explained this good enough Curso? Sorry for asking again for clarity on this.I just want to understand it. Cheers.

Yep you got it. Each run is a set up for the next. After each run tune your soil. After the 2nd run is complete add the amendment and recook it with ewc. I added the small bag of pro-mix hp to bulk it up and stretch it soil a little further.

When I first started doing this I was figuring that I should have to add amendment every 2 rounds. I was wrong. I might have to add something after the 5th. We'll see its flowing now :)
Had I continued down the path I was on, I never would have left the house bro. I have to do what I have to do sometimes to continue moving in a forward direction ;)
Well, all i care about is that youre OK. Started thinking the worse there for a minute. Glad i was wrong :)
I posted this in my thread as well... I'll stop the thread hijack after this.

I was asked the other day how I use the drenches and such. I wrote this down for my nephew in case he has to take care of my grow. I have these instructions hanging for him.

Recipes~ (are for six (6) plants)
Transplant~ 1oz + 1ml tea + 1gl of water- Divided between all plants
Energy~ 1oz +1ml tea +1gl water- Divided between all plants
Cat Drench~ 1oz +1ml tea + 1gl water- Divided between all plants
Brix ~ 1oz:1qt water spray weekly after 4 sets of leaves.
De-stress ~ 1oz:1qt water as needed
De-stress Clones~ 0.5 oz :1qt water spray daily.

When you start your cook add the trim from your past grow. It doesn't matter if its dry and crusty, save and add that shit right off the bat. Success depends on it. DO NOT USE PLASTIC POTS. The success of your soil recycle depends on it.

Each round should rest for at least 3 weeks. Add trim, roots, stems ect..and some root zone to each rest. And be ready to thank me later.

I always have something in my clone tray...Back-up plan's whatever you wanna call them they can chill in the cloning tray for a really long time, Just don't allow the roots to get long. Trim them. A couple times. Let that plug get full of roots. Once they hit dirt...LOL look out.

Once those super rooted clones hit dirt. I deep root soak them 4 days after they get transplanted with roots and transplant water. This gets them settled in there. I do the same every 7-10 days and add 1 pt of energy drench 2 days after the soak. No more than 30 days in the small pots. 10 days before the flip (giving you 40 days total) transplant them into their final home with transplant. Deep Soak 4 days after and energy 2 days after the soak.

Continue to use energy until week 2 of flower.

Week 3 ~ Cat Drench followed by water x 2
Week 4 ~ Cat Drench followed by water x 2
Week 5 ~ Transplant followed by water x 2
Week 6 ~ Energy followed by water x 2
Week 7 ~ Cat Drench followed by water x 2
Week 8 ~ Energy followed by water until its finished...

This is how I had my best success with the kit.
Check your PM's. Also, ditch the compost. 99.9% of the time it wrecks everything.

Thanks Doc,

I wasn't clear - I meant amending garden soil/compost for growing flowers and vegetables - fixing it up as far as possible. I know you've said compost is usually too high in K

With your kit - I understood even the first version of the instructions, and would follow them to a T.

Such cool stuff - I'll find the PM.
Thanks Doc,

I wasn't clear - I meant amending garden soil/compost for growing flowers and vegetables - fixing it up as far as possible. I know you've said compost is usually too high in K

With your kit - I understood even the first version of the instructions, and would follow them to a T.

Such cool stuff - I'll find the PM.

Your veggies will be much better in every way if you don't use the compost. Food is even more important than our favorite plants!
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