Kushtie - Multiple Strains - 600W HPS & NFT

If your outdoor plant has a thin stem and you think it may collapse then best to remedy that problem sooner rather than later. If it snaps then you could end up with no plant at all. At least if you get some support on it you'll be able to get some sort of harvest at the end of it. Am sure you can find a stick out there to hold it uprightm
Subscribed Kushtie, great journal. Looking forward to you upgrading your attic space.

Welcome aboard chief:thumb:

Barely a day goes by without me thinking about the new grow room.....want to stay around the 600W of lights on at one time so the things going through my head are do I build one room round one 600W, 2 rooms and run a 600 12/12 in both, switch from using one 600W at a time to two LCE 315 lights or go LED.

Then there's the whole Co2 and sealed or not.....pretty sure I want sealed and to add Co2 but then I'll probably need aircon to cool the room so I'll probably go with unsealed initially.

Just soaking 4 cubes for next run in the current room :)

If your outdoor plant has a thin stem and you think it may collapse then best to remedy that problem sooner rather than later. If it snaps then you could end up with no plant at all. At least if you get some support on it you'll be able to get some sort of harvest at the end of it. Am sure you can find a stick out there to hold it uprightm

I know bud.....if it wasn't a haze strain I'd be worried lol. Lifting it back up might damage it more though.

Hoping to get back out to drop off another auto ASAP since it should do better outside than under my 125W. The flies and midges are brutal though......that's the main reason I haven't been hanging around there fiddling with my plants and taking lots of nice pictures.
Another little experiment to see if I can germinate seeds in my wee hydro tank:

Just tap water with pH down to 5.5 in the tank.

4 Violator Kush seeds in the rockwool, to be grown in NFT under my 600W as soon as my flowering girls are done. The soil pots are White Widow Autos.....the felt pot I need to get out and the one in the plastic pot I'll probably stick under my 600W if I can find room for it.
more babies :)

Just 4 this time....I'm trying to cut down ;)

How to arrange them though.....I've got 3 NFT tanks but then that's all the floor space used up and will leave the autos stuck in the corners on top of the tanks and mean I might have to run the light higher up than I would want to for the photo girls. Or use 2 tanks, let the soil autos have a good spot under the 600 on 18/6 for a few weeks before going back to 12/12.

The soil auto I've got flowering at the moment will hopefully be done by the time the light goes back to 12/12 again and just leave me 1 WW auto which is supposed to work OK on 12/12.

Current plan is to wait until the hydro harvest in a week or two and see how the flowering soil auto looks as it might be about ready to harvest aswell. Would make life easier if that was out of the way as I don't want to be compromising my next grow for a fluffy half ounce.

Aim for 20oz and run 3 tanks?
Been out to drop off one of the WW autos and took a bunch more pics. I'll post this update over a few posts as it might be quite long once I've reposted old pics alongside new for comparison.

First off the fecking flies.....

....they follow you when you move and cover you when you stop. Mostly just house flies that probably want to "lick" sweat off me but plenty wee midges that want to suck my blood and the occasional horse fly to add a dose of terror whilst the others drive you insane. Really not a fun place to hang around and roll a joint or 3!

Super Cali Haze:


1 month ago a slug munched the green outside off the base of the stem and I piled some soil up over the damage and to help support her....

.....she seems to have responded by growing some armour....

Didn't have high expectations for that one at the start but she's starting to grow on me.
ShortStuff Seeds Mix plants next....

Pulled the wee yellow one next to the SCH. It was past having any chance of recovering from the slug that munched round the base of that one.

Purple one is the biggest of the 2 plants left outside:



The one next to it got topped by slugs but has made a bit of a surprise recovery:

Think that one might grow purple nugs too.

Russian Rocket Fuel:

2 days ago...


.....I think they like outside just now :)

Rain seems to do plenty watering for me so I guess the best way to feed the plant additional nutrients is by top dressing the soil with something?
The photo period girls....all Mothers Finest clones from the ones I hope to harvest indoors soon.

This one was the runt of the litter and has been out the longest:

Hopefully that shows how thick and sturdy her stems have got.....seems to be way thicker than I've seen on indoor plants of that size.

Next out was this one....

Some slug damage down low, a couple of broken stems that don't seem to recover like my indoor plants do and some cuckoo spit....

That's these leafhopper guys making the white froth to protect their young....

The one in the ground with a wee drop soil looks like a lost cause though....

I hope she isn't suffering too badly lol ;)

PS. Apologies for the delay between posts. As you know, joints don't roll themselves :)
Indoor pics.....


The wee auto at the back and the only one here not in flush:



Violator Kush.....the breeders info was right about the buds getting so heavy they need supporting but wrong about the 45-55cm indoors as mine is well over twice that height.



Mothers Finest:



Next chance I get I think I'll harvest the Mothers but think I'll leave the VK a few days longer and give the tank another flush with just pH'd water.
All is looking good bud. Even the one you think is a lost cause seems to still be alive and growing. Showing some signs of nute defficiency but other than that it should produce something. Perhpaps if the buds are rubbish then make some oil/concentrates/bubble from it, saves it going to waste. Those flies look a pain though. Roll some doobies before you head out that way you dont need to hang about rolling them and having flies buzzing around your head (that would drive me insane).
My buddy, "Edward Stickyhands" at work trimming Mothers Finest....


....this took him about an hour....


He says he enjoys trimming and finds it therapeutic. Crack on buddy I say....I find it tedious and frustrating. Got the VK to do myself though as he's out of town now.

And my seeds have all sprouted in my wee hydro tank :)



The one front left only has one cotyledon....bit weird, no? The one front right sprouted a day or so ahead of the others and has a tap root out the bottom so I'm going to get some larger rockwool cubes soaking.

When pre-soaking rockwool cubes the last couple of times I've kept an eye on the pH of the water they are soaking in. From starting at 5.5 the pH was over 6 after a few hours, presumably due to the lime washing out the rockwool as the main reason for the pre-soak seems to be to wash that out......3 soaks for about 8 hours in a fresh batch of pH 5.5 water seems to work better for me than 1 24 hour soak. With my last 14 seeds I've had 100% germination after soaking the cubes 3 times where a single soak was giving me as low as 50% with some strains. I've had better results with cloning this way too :)

My thinking behind the wee hydro tank was that by having a relatively large volume of water (~5L) circulating it simulates a much larger and more stable environment for seeds to germinate in than using rockwool cubes in a propagator. Plants exchanging ions with a nutrient solution causes pH to increase and a 1" rockwool cube seems like a pretty small environment with a very limited amount of nutrient solution that I expect could rise rapidly in pH as plants grow and transpire. The tank hopefully counteracts that. Any higher than pH 5.8 and I add a little heavily diluted pH down.

Next time I might try a heat mat under the tank to see if that lights a fire under their ass lol.....or at least not put in cold water at the start. Either way I'll need to find out about optimum tank temps and get a thermometer that goes in water.
I love trimming. I find it therapeutic as well funnily enough. Only downside to trimming is the whole place usually ends up reeking of weed! Shame you didnt stay a bit closer or i'd help you trim your vk. I dont bother using gloves, end up with loads of sticky resin on my fingers and then make some finger hash with it once am done. It like a nice wee bit of soft black and ends up going straight into a joint, no messing about or waiting for it to dry or cure (usually only end up with enough finger hash for a joint or 2 at the most).
I love trimming. I find it therapeutic as well funnily enough. Only downside to trimming is the whole place usually ends up reeking of weed! Shame you didnt stay a bit closer or i'd help you trim your vk. I dont bother using gloves, end up with loads of sticky resin on my fingers and then make some finger hash with it once am done. It like a nice wee bit of soft black and ends up going straight into a joint, no messing about or waiting for it to dry or cure (usually only end up with enough finger hash for a joint or 2 at the most).

Yeah, I like a bit finger hash too. Would love to get some soft black again.....cut my teeth smoking that stuff back in the 90s. What do I need to grow to make that? Some that stinks like pine for an authentic taste?

Vk isn't as bad to trim.....nice little round Kush buds seem easier to trim than big fluffy Haze buds off the MF.

Hope you got some buds that should smoke nice out the bags of MF I couldn't be arsed trimming? Not had a smoke of the stuff I grew yet but it should have a pretty strong and pleasant taste. My mates that like Haze strains love it but I've had a half ounce of it kicking about for months and hardly touch it.
Got a good bit off it. Speed dried a wee nug off it earlier, i like it, better than the rrf. Got around 100g of wet trim off the mf and 72g of dry trim from the rrf (for those reading: rrf = russian rocket fuel; mf = mother's finest). May need to run the dry lot in 2 seperate runs for the bubble hash and shouls be able to the mf in a oner. Will let you know how much dry weight i get off the mf that you didnt want to trim.
Got a good bit off it. Speed dried a wee nug off it earlier, i like it, better than the rrf.

Aye, there's probably a reason Diesel never got that popular here.....it's an acquired taste where the MF is far more pleasant, at least for our palettes. One chills me out and the other wakes me up though. Not that I've ever smoked MF grown any other way than in hydro by folk that refuse to get a pH pen or do weekly flushes but with this strain I don't expect that to make too much difference.

MF is a seriously easy grow......it would probably grow in soup lol. Seen the price of seeds though?
You're right enough my weegie friend....the mf is no bad. Flavour should get better though.

Got all the vk trimmed. ..well mostly lol. need to go to the hydro shop for another fan so will see if they have bubble bags or know where I can go get some to use up the smash and trim.

Week off work, nothing planned and a pile of new weed. Hmmmmm....think I might just put my feet up and get baked oot ma tits :)
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